That gave me the idea to search joker animals and I saw my new avatar. I will probably keep this until it creeps me out too much
I am throwing a party for all of the success this thread had (And because I will be 1000 days old), I hope to see you there!
The movement is slowly dying, losing speed... many have converted back to their own avatars. Bwa ha ha!
Considering dropping out of the movement myself. I mean, do I really want to be known as a seagull in a suit when seagulls are basically sea pigeons and pigeons are basically flying rats? Yes, I think it's time for Calamochnus to forge his own path, not that of a squawking creature who steals your pretzels...
I stand firm, i will NEVER JOIN. There is something about suited animals that just plainly creeps me out...
Its getting slow because everyone has already joined. And as far as I've seen, only few have converted back.
Yeah, most of the thread was just people joining the movement. This is why I think we need an actual goal of some sort. I'll suggest world domination just to get the ball rolling here.
Well I am hosting a party for the movement....