Join the Suited Animal Movement (SAM)

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by TechFilmer, Oct 6, 2014.


Will You Join?

Yes! 57 vote(s) 57.0%
No. 11 vote(s) 11.0%
Maybe :3 32 vote(s) 32.0%
  1. Ima join cus look at me im a husky in a flippin suit cant get better can it!
  2. Did I do it right? I borrowed krysyy's suit to pose for a photo.

    jacob5089, Olaf_C, deathconn and 4 others like this.
  3. I have to join this, I debated on doing a horse in a suit, or a bear in a suit, but I've always been a bear in a suit, sooo

    Edit: I've noticed that I wasn't the one to grab the bear one :( So I switched to a different bear.
    Mirr0rr likes this.
  4. Okay, we've got a pretty big group now.

    ...Now what?
    Mirr0rr likes this.
  5. anyone got this one?
  6. nope mines is good
  7. Now move.
    Uber_Corq likes this.
  8. Just keep spreading the word!;)
    607 likes this.
  9. You should photoshop that bird in your profile picture into a suit ;)
  10. You should make a giant wallpaper of all the suited animals.
    cadgamer101 likes this.
  11. Doing the banner at the moment :p
    cadgamer101 likes this.
  12. How many pixels should the banner be?
  13. If you look at TechFilmer's sig, kinda like that. I'm not sure how many pixels that is though.
  14. oh okay
  15. deer leather jacket.jpg
    Mirr0rr likes this.
  16. Or actually get him a suit ;)
    TheApostrophe likes this.
  17. Yes. Yes yes yes yes yes yes.
  18. Decided I should join in.
  19. If someone can find me an animal that is both suited and somehow relates to my username, I will join and give that person 10k rupees. Helpful hint: jkrmnj stands for jokermanj
    Mirr0rr likes this.
  20. He has a tie, not really a suit though
    Mirr0rr, 607 and cadgamer101 like this.