Microsoft Buying Mojang?

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by yarbsarb, Sep 9, 2014.

  1. . . . *Roaring* :mad: that sums it up. Whats your thoughts?
  2. its just like MineCraft but uglier textures of stuff
  3. so after reading every comment... *shuts computer* *goes up to room and cries until out of tears in my system*
    but in all seriousness it is quite obvious that Microsoft wants mojang, may it be for minecraft, scrolls or cobalt
    If they do get minecraft just hope they don't do this

    "you must rebuy minecraft due to a total revamp of textures to look like plastic and food to be a windows symbol all mobs are now named after famous hackers and multiplayer will no longer be supported other than realms, enjoy!"
  4. This is the best speculative answer that I can imagine. If microsoft is aiming as increasing it's smart phone market share using minecraft, then they will not want to do anything that might decrease the market for the product until they actually have a foothold. This would take YEARS considering how poor their position currently is, and they don't even have a product to release yet.

    If the phone market is the reason for Microsoft to purchase, they may actually be inclined to HELP the community grow while they are connecting to it. Phones ARE a huge market that Microsoft wants a bigger share of, so it actually makes just as much or more logic than exclusive console rights. Interesting development in an otherwise uncomfortable week.

    Just imagine if Microsoft used their lawyers to buy out problems with the bukkit project. Minecraft would be back on track in a very short time. No matter what, the community will need to be striking a deal with Microsoft for the future of modding while Microsoft has critical plans that depend on growth. This could work.
    tuqueque likes this.
  5. If Microsoft buys mojang, my computer is going out the window.
  6. Lol.
    607, PenguinDJ, boozle628 and 3 others like this.
  7. I've ben readin a few articles about this and Microsoft in general. As I said before, I don't think this is going to be all bad. Microsoft's new CEO actually knows what he's doing and appears to have some sort of idea of where to take Microsoft (apparently he thinks it's almost time to retire/entirely revamp Windows). It'll probably take a few years for this to really show (Tim Cook is only now beginning to change some of the styles and branding at Apple).

    By the looks of it, the purchase of Minecraft would be a way to get into people's wallets and get them moving to windows devices. Preventing people who use Macs and Andoird etc. from playing would be totally counter productive to this. What he needs to do is create a community around Minecraft which he can then drag over to Windows. But if he wants people to start/keep playing Minecraft, he's going to have to fix all the flaws in it, so again, I don't think this is going to be bad at all.
    607, jkrmnj and SkyDragonv8 like this.
  8. Well Microsoft bought Minecraft. So much for Mojang being special because its "Independent Company" now big business owns it like every other good idea. (Oculus Rift)
  9. Thats because from the get go Apple's style was cool, amazing, fun where windows has screamed business man computer for ALONG time. Tim Cook doesn't need new style when his style is on point, Microsoft has now realized that "Apple Style" is what people like so change is coming into effect.
    boozle628 likes this.
  10. What will MicroSoft do to our beloved game of Minecraft? Will they complety change it or do notch stuff with it ?
  11. eeeyyy EA made BF4 didnt they?
  12. Oh pshhht please, I have never read such an incorrect post in my life. If people on Windows wanted Apple simplicity (it is not style, it is lack of complexity), they would just use a new theme.
    PandasEatRamen and slash14459 like this.
  13. Well, look at pros and cons.


    Microsoft isn't stupid enough to shoot down all servers that are independent, sure, they might make a big server hub, but they wouldn't zap all servers not under their control, that would make the 2.5 Billion absolutely worthless.

    Updates coming out quicker.

    Lots of other things, including professionals on the project.


    Err, can't think of anything now that the new CEO is smart.
  14. The Apple style with the iEverything was Steve Jobs. With a new CEO will always come a new vision for the future of the company. It appears most of Tim Cook's changes will be fairly subtle (such as using the name Apple Watch instead of iWatch).

    From the beginning, Windows and Mac both seemed to appeal to different people. Mac is designed to appeal to more trendy people, or those who prefer a simpler, cleaner design. Windows appears to appeal to more high end users and people who aren't so "trendy".

    Microsoft are going "Apple Style", but not quite in terms of looks. Someone on these forums described it quite well recently, Apple advertises itself as more of a lifestyle choice. It's this that I think Microsoft is trying to begin to do. With the purchase of Minecraft, Microsoft will be able to involve themselves in the life of however many millions of people play it. For them, hopefully allowing them to retain and improve marketshare (not quite the word I'm looking for).

    I've heard that one of their goals is to get something like a quarter of Windows users converted to Windows 9 within three months of its initial release. This is something Apple probably manage to do for every one of their releases. If they have a stronger influence on (or have created more awareness of their brand in) peoples lives through Minecraft and other means, then more people will be there to upgrade within three months. Essentially they're trying to create a cult around the Microsoft brand in the same way Apple has.

    As I've said, this purchase (which should be announced within a few hours of this post) isn't about making money for Microsoft through Minecraft, especially since they'll never recoup $2.5 billion solely through selling a $30 game. They're trying to hack into peoples lives the way Apple have so that they can increase their marketshare.
    Sunny_Chicken likes this.
  15. Just because your opinion doesn't match mine, doesn't mean you need to act bitter towards me.
    wisepsn and MrUnknownian like this.
  16. As of 7 minutes ago; Mojang: "Yes, we're being bought by Microsoft" Microsoft: Minecraft to join Microsoft
    Underhatches likes this.
  17. Kephras likes this.
  18. I have two words for you.

    Drama Queen. :p
    607 and jkjkjk182 like this.
  19. I honestly can't see anything good come from this except for maybe the session servers not crashing every other day. :p