Server Problems? Post Here!

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by JackBiggin, Feb 1, 2014.

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  1. Well I know newer players have only 5 days to log in until he/she goes derelict - if you can get past first (10-15? can't remember the number) days... then your derelict time frame can move to every 30 days... it's short because some people may just log in, get a res, and leave....

    So I was going to initially say 'If you didn't log in within 5 days... it may have become unclaimed by the system'

    I'm not certain if it was the system that did it or if someone did go on your account, but just letting you know that the derelict status on newer players is a lower time-frame.
  2. It was a manual unclaim by the player
    607, Ultimamaxx and eklektoi like this.
  3. I can't even use the "spoiler" on the forums right, sigh. I have read the rules and follows them. I don't think my res derelict due to the fact that I'm a very active new member (getting addicted to this game, it's horrifying).
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  4. You are likely an outlier among the data. The data just shows that there is a very high drop rate for players who were gone for whatever length of time you were gone for. Losing your stuff sucks. :/
  5. What I think:

    Hi, FluffehBear here.

    I'm a new player to the Server server and to the Minecraft game itself. I'm probably a week old on the game and around 4-5 days on your server.

    My resident residence was unclaimed / resetted reset when I logged in today, at around 00:00 midnight. I decided to sleep around 19:00 - 20:00 today, not accurate, but as soon as I logged in on onto the server, <-comma it says "You successfully unclaimed..." so I reacted and did /claim to see if it was a mere bug or glitch/lag. But it was not. So I told the people on the in /chat town and a lot reacted too. Some gave me logs, seeds, and a few flowers (LindenNZ, lmao) and highlancer54 also went on a few minutes later and LindenNZ and I told him what happened.

    I'm posting this to ask if there is something wrong with my account? <-period here The premium account login I'm using is an old account from my cousin which he migrated the account to my email for me to use. I don't think he knows my password (and let's say if he does, I changed them it already). I'm just wondering if events like this happens to the server? <-period here I have no idea, <-period or semicolon here this is my first experience of it.

    That's about it for my ranting. tl;dr? It's okay, have a nice day.
    PS. Some people seems seem to be curious of what my gender is. Well, I'm a guy. I'm on my respectful and polite personality most of the time, but it depends on how people treats treat me and being that way sometimes give people the assumption that I'm a woman... I don't mind, "straight men are not scared when they are mistaken to be a woman or gay. If they are confident that they are straight, the women who felt them will surely tell you the truth." -Fluff

    PSS. Let me know if I wrote something grammatically wrong, <-period or semicolon here I've only been in the UK for 5 years and I'm keen to keep learning proper use of grammar and other things. Don't hesitate to be a grammar nazi, <-period or semicolon here I'm looking for one! woooooo!
    607 and Scorpio528 like this.
  6. Ultima Maxx*
    Scorpio528 and Ultimamaxx like this.
  7. *No spaces in Minecraft account names...
    607, Scorpio528 and Ultimamaxx like this.
  8. Hi FluffehBear, i would asap change your password and check also if the e-mail adres is still correct. just to increase security, and know nobody can login from other system in case the would have the password.

    Never seen my land unclaiming, its strange. did you got it back ?
  9. Thanks for this. :)
    That's what I did as soon as possible. I got it back by /claim but the res reset the land.
    607 likes this.
  10. I can't join EMC after the reset? Weird.
    Mirr0rr likes this.
  11. I can't connect to EMC after the reboot Either...
    Kaizimir and Mirr0rr like this.
  12. Same.
    Mirr0rr likes this.
  13. works for me

    Deadmaster98 likes this.
  14. Same ;-;
  15. I blame bungeecord or whatever it's called :p
  16. I can't connect
  17. Oh im not the only one.
  18. can't connect! and i was just doing so important stuff...
    Scorpio528 likes this.
  19. Has there been any word when the servers will be back up yet?
  20. #EmcProblems

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