Server Problems? Post Here!

Discussion in 'Empire Help & Support' started by JackBiggin, Feb 1, 2014.

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  1. ANOTHER CRASH -____________-
  2. I know im gonna get yelled at for this but what is a bump? XD
    607 likes this.

    It's where you post to get your thread back on the recent threads list.
    princebee likes this.
  4. oooooohhhhh that makes sense i only started getting on the forums a little while ago :p
  5. Hmm.... not for me...
  6. I gtg bye peoplez
  7. "Bump" stands for bring up my post.
    Because when they post it, it gets in the recent threads section again.
  8. Yes golddigger it use ram, like all programs. mine is useing around 90-250MB of the 1000MB minecraft can use.
  9. It is not RAM.

    It is a problem that shows up in the client, but I was able to locate the chunk that triggers it.
    I can reproduce it - when I come near that chunk it lags, when I go away, the lag disappears.
    So it is like a "buggy chunk."

    Did anyone have experiences with "buggy chunks"?
    607 likes this.
  10. Nope, certainly did never experience this. What chunk is it, and on which world/smp?
  11. my netherhound despawned in less then 50 seconds???? 40k for that !!!! what happened??????
  12. It is a corrupt chunk. When you go into that or some touching chuncks, it lags. Because EMC is magical, it doesn't crash the server whereas other servers crash.
  13. Did you spawn it in town?
    607 likes this.
  14. I've had disappearing items and crashes once or twice a day since I joined
  15. What do you mean by disappearing items?
  16. Hi, FluffehBear here.

    I'm a new player to the Server and to the Minecraft game itself. I'm probably a week old on the game and around 4-5 days on your server.

    My resident was unclaimed / resetted when I logged in today, around 00:00 midnight. I decided to sleep around 19:00 - 20:00 today, not accurate, but as soon as I logged in on the server it says "You successfully unclaimed..." so I reacted and did /claim to see if it was a mere bug or glitch/lag. But it was not. So I told the people on the /chat town and a lot reacted too. Some gave me logs, seeds, and a few flowers (LindenNZ, lmao.) and highlancer54 also went on a few minutes later and LindenNZ and I told him what happened.

    He checked the logs and said that I unclaimed the res just 23 minutes ago (which was the time I logged in) but I did not, I explained to him that as soon as I connect and logged into the server, the message "You successfully unclaimed..." popped out of nowhere in which I did what I did, I /claim.

    I'm posting this to ask if there is something wrong with my account? The premium account login I'm using is an old account from my cousin which he migrated the account to my email for me to use. I don't think he knows my password (and let's say if he does, I changed them already). I'm just wondering if events like this happens to the server? I have no idea, this is my first experience of it.

    That's about it for my ranting. tl;dr? It's okay, have a nice day.
    PS. Some people seems to be curious of what my gender is. Well, I'm a guy. I'm on my respectful and polite personality most of the time, depends on how people treats me and being that way sometimes give people the assumption that I'm a woman... I don't mind, "straight men are not scared when they are mistaken to be a woman or gay. If they are confident that they are straight, the women who felt them will surely tell you the truth." -Fluff

    PSS. Let me know if I wrote something grammatically wrong, I've only been in the UK for 5 years and I'm keen to keep learning proper use of grammar and other things. Don't hesitate to be a grammar nazi, I'm looking for one! woooooo!
    607 and Bro_im_infinite like this.
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