Okay, I think it's safe to say that the Empire's servers are multiplying faster in number than the Kardashian family. And that's fast.
Sick Justin! I love how your posts always answer all my questions, before I ask them!!! Looking forwards to this communities growth and being a part of what is going to become, and has no choice but to become, the best server, best community, and in general one of the best places online to hang out!
Love the growth of the Empire! Not sure if I want my new residence on smp8 or smp9...hmmm...decisions, decisions!
Nice to know, the empire has growen up 125% from the time i joined (january the 2nd) Nothing else to say! BTW: If you find (on the original thread) where 'is' it's supposed to be replaced by 'are' you win a prize.
Why don't you make the second half of your comment your signature? Then you would be unlikely to ever be accused of commenting just to promote your store.