[FORUM GAME] GalliaRPG - Revived

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by HanaY, Jun 15, 2014.

  1. "Ah, thank you. Which way should I go though? I totally lost my sense of direction."
  2. (shush)
    we make our way over to the docks.
    "We want a boat." I say.
    "You want to buy a boat." The guy there says.
    "yes. From you."
    "I only have my boat, and I'm not giving it away." he says.
    I pull out a knife. "You want to re-think that answer?"
    "f-f-ffine it's over there" he points.
    I go to the boat.
    *they point* "it's that way. Just keep going."
  3. "Okay, thank you, I suppose I'll go then. :) Wait, could you give me your name or something? Or just a word so I can remember you and recognize you when I'll ever meet you again? My name is Sinne."
  4. I smile "I like your style" I hop onto the boat "Come on Mr Tiger, it's safe, I promise" it hesitates before following me on board "There" I sit on the ship, grateful for a rest. I let go of the fox "Now stop biting me" it bites my jacket once more before curling up on my lap "O-Oh" Sonaria giggles at my stutter. I grumble "Come on, girl, start up the boat and take us to that island
  5. I jump behind the man stuttering and put my knife to the front of his neck.
  6. didnt you just do that
  7. I was in front of him, and my back was towards the noise.
  8. After the miners leave, I look around for interesting or useful items.

    Helmet: Mask
    Chestplate: Tunic
    Leggings: Leggings
    Boots: Shoes


  9. he screams again. you hear footsteps.
    you find a pickaxe.
  10. e.e
    didn't even see that
    brain y u do dis
    We later arrive at the island. The ground is an ash covered rock, and the trees have been burned. "Where are we..."
  11. I glare at Sonaria "Where are we?! You said you knew this island! It looks worse then CresentLight!"
    607 likes this.
  12. Did you see mine? ;)
  13. BRAIN
    /ban brain
    "It's Jeremy."
    "I knew "of" an island."
    "I know that there's more cities here though."
  14. "More...here? Looks empty to me"
  15. "they're that way"
    i point
    just, really far
    (i've got a map of this place, but i only want to reveal once more is discovered. also, FYI, i have another map. alice, look on the map in the bottom left to find out where we are.)
  16. I can't read that :p Oh wait, I'm not alice :3

    Edit: Wow, that quote! I hope you can read it xD
    AliceF3 likes this.
  17. (Will do)
    "Really f-" I groan and pace for a split second "Can we at least camp here for a while? I'm tired, and these animals haven't had a second's rest. Hell, they don't even have names"
  18. You eventually arrive at the city.
    (which city did you choose again? e.e)
    "Alright." I go to get some food.
  19. Eventually? How much time passed?
    Crescent Light.
    Where am I? What can I see and are there any people around?
    Also, I'm very happy that I joined in on this :)