If we are in the waste when the reset occurs, will anything happen to us, such as death, burning to a crisp, suffocatng, etc.
Reset has been postponed as something is not behaving right. SMP1 has a the Wastelands Wild reset but the outpost is deformed.... Going to postpone everything else until we can figure out what is going on.
Note; SMP1 is still not ready to build in, We will reset without further "notice" as soon as the issue is fixed. Consider it as hard deadline met. We will reset SMP1 and all servers as soon as the issue is resolved, without extra notice.
Yea! I was thinking i'd miss the exiting adventure of uncharted wasteland due to work. Now I'll be able to make it (if the issues is not resolved in the next 2 hrs).
Well smp1 has fresh resources atm... So feel free to get stuff from SMP1 atm but I stress again - DO NOT put stuff in a chest!
But it will likely be tomorrow night or monday - got a long day tomorrow so gotta sleep soon, and will be gone all day tomorrow...
You should of seen me running around the house playing with the pets a minute ago.... I felt like I was on a 5 hour but I hadnt had one! Being off stimulants and sleeping normal is doing wonders for energy =P
Why not expand the protection zones a little bit so I don't fall to my death once i step off those white stairs. There were always those unsightly holes all over the place once you step off those stairs.
Or place a bedrock pathway a short distance out? Or both would probably be better. You'll actually have the same issue, just further out if you extend the protected area. That;s the thing about wastelands, kinda at your own risk. They could make a 'rule' that you can't tear up the landscape so many blocks out. Then they'd have to enforce the rule, which they don't have time to do. Then people would complain more. It's just a vicious cycle.
I think they started with SMP1, ran into issues, and stopped. I don't think any other SMP has been reset yet, and SMP1 will also be reset when they finally are.