The Second New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by ocelot3101, Apr 29, 2014.

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  1. One of the biggest reasons being you could just print money for personal gain (not saying you would do this just saying it's possible) for instance, one person buys a stack of diamonds in town for 50 rupees a piece, they go to the wild and sell them for 100 neore what are they to do now? What if they want to quit your outpost, the neore would then just become worthless and they wasted their money. Using rupees would be WAY less complicated and a lot more easier to work with.
    rock00888, hollyhill105 and mba2012 like this.
  2. Okay.
    I'll use it as some points.
  3. Plus, from a "wild economic" prospective, the outposts around you will accept rupees. Say someone from your outpost goes to Wrem for a some shopping. The shop will aspect rupees. On the flip side, some one from Estona comes the the NR do do shopping. His/Her pockets will be filled with rupees. This eliminates the annoying conversion to Nore time, and drastically increases the willingness to trade with other outposts.
    NZScruffy likes this.
  4. Using the neoroe also failed for the 2st NR because it was ridiculously labor intensive and hard to manage. It's near impossible to get everything you want working just as you want it working. Rupees already exist and are almost impossible to cheat with.
    The neroe never got far for a reason, just stay with the rupee.
  5. NewRepublic123.PNG

    I am proud to announce the Neorepopolis Plan!
  6. I would like to announce ELECTIONS!
    Anyone who is in a Political Party can suggest to their Party Leader they put them forward as First Minister Candidate!
    Current Gov Members CANNOT share with First Minister!
    There is also Local Elections,for you Snowvians and Kitzonians!
    Local Elections ANYONE in the Political Party can put themselves forward!
  7. I do like your plan for local expansion, and that you are very vague with it. It will be interesting to see how that turns out, giving most planing was very strict and organised the the past.
  8. Thing's to do:
    *Add Wellington to GDA Hall
    *Add New Kittland to GDA Hall
  9. Economy Party

    "We believe in Free Trade!"


    kitten3101(Party Leader)
    Westiepest(Party Candidate)


    Free trade obviously,and the right for a free Economy,with shops in the Wild useful.
  10. Westie,here's my idea for your location of Mahogany Town
    (Not the whole thing,of course)
    westiepest likes this.
  11. Central Elections Voting


    Westiepest(Votes 2)


    Each citizen gets ONE VOTE for their favourite candidate
    Elections end 20th May 2014.
    westiepest likes this.
  12. :D
    I vote westiepest
  13. Its gonna be my town XD
  14. Sorry,you can't do that.
  15. You can't vote for yourself?

    In real politics(and the original NR) you can. It's your vote, you choose who you want. That's the meaning of democracy.
    Gap542, SoulPunisher and rock00888 like this.
  16. Not being able to vote for yourself will also lower your turn out. ATM you seem to need every voter you can get...
  17. Okay.
    We're allowing voting for yourself due to popular demand.
  18. When you say "dirtify" the lakes, would that include completely covering it?
  19. Sort of,leaving room for canals.
    smile3 likes this.
  20. It shouldn't be popular demand, it should be democracy...
    jkjkjk182 and smile3 like this.
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