[Wiki] Have your say!

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by FDNY21, Mar 7, 2014.

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  1. So it will not be implemented?

    I guess the wiki will not include everything I guess.
    607 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  2. Nobody has ever said it would, not everything.

    All we can do is add everything that will be worth adding and will actually have a place in the wiki.
    The dirt is not a special/custom item and thus does not belong in the EMC Wiki :)
    Equinox_Boss and FDNY21 like this.
  3. Not everything has to be implemented - it was a joke and therefore it would be inappropriate to add, sorry for that, but it is just the way it is.

    Rainbow's post above is also helpful if you would like to refer to that. ;)
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  4. Morning bump - more thoughts are welcomed! :)
    Equinox_Boss and mba2012 like this.
  5. Seriously? You refuse to add a promo to the wiki because you consider it a joke?

    I'm not being sarcastic here. This is a serious post.

    - The dirt promo should be included in the wiki.
    - It was a promo. And when i get online in a few hours, I will personally confirm for my own interest whether you can actually rename 16 dirt to be identical to the promo dirt. (I don't think you can).
    - Regardless of whether you think something is a joke or not, it is a part of server history. It IS a promo, it did happen. It should be in the wiki.
    - I would beg to differ with many of you on a wiki content: I don't think it's for any of you to judge whether something is 'important' enough to be in the wiki. The wiki should be a unbiased pure source of information. It's not for any player of staff or anyone to decide whether a something is 'worthy' of being in the wiki. If it relates to a wiki section, it should be there. IMO

    - The dirt promo item absolutely should be part of the wiki, for the exact reason that it WAS a silly joke promo. That is EMC. The staff/Aikar thought they'd affect the server by throwing this crazy fun joke item out there as a promo item. And all future EMC players should be made aware of what this item was, and the part it played in EMC.

    I guess this is a pretty full on post for just one little wiki item. :) But it's more the principal of the thing. This applies to all decisions on future wiki page/info proposals.

    That said. I'll shut up now. :p
    SkyDragonv8 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  6. Precisely what Rainbow and Co are saying :)
    You can
    It played no part and no one needs to know about it, let's not kid ourselves :p
    I agree, however it's not a promo, it was a block, renamed with an anvil, obtainable with /promo for a short time. Due to this, I don't believe it deserves a place. One of the goals of the Wiki Team is to not just make sure information is in there, but to also make sure that it's 1) necessary/not, 3) neat, not spammy and professional and 3) compacted as much as possible, IMO, adding it would go against all of that. We don't want to scare new players away with the Wiki, them either seing a TON of pages that aren't required or seeing a page dedicated to something meant as a quick joke. :)
  7. Carrying on from what Alex said - newer members may think that the item is special and worth something, so they may try to buy some off of someone for a high amount. I respect your view, and we would agree to put it on the Wiki as it was a promo, but the items in custom items are supposed to be just that, 'custom', and they can be made in an anvil by any player anyways, so we do not consider this 'custom'.

    As i said, I understand your views, but there the info is not relevant and there are a few things that could go wrong. Refer to what Alex said also for more information! :)

    Thanks everyone!
    Equinox_Boss and NZScruffy like this.
  8. Ah right, yes you can rename dirt to the exact same thing. Which indeed negates it's value. (I don't know why I thought different, not that I didn't believe you guys, I just always check things for myself. :p )

    I remain disappointed that mention of this promo will not make it to the wiki. Actually, more disappointed that I am alone (or one of few) in my view/opinion of this. But like I said, i said my piece, now I'll shut up.

    Equinox_Boss, AlexChance and FDNY21 like this.
  9. Scruffy is right guys. If it was obtainable through /promo at any time it should be included. You can add in the notes that it was never meant to be valuable but it is part of emc history. You are not alone scruffy. ..
  10. Uh quick question will the item super mega uber rare stone be added to the wiki?
    I think it was dropped by Jeremy, I might have the only one xD
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  11. If it has colored writing, you should pm a wiki staff member with a pic of the lore etc.
    607 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  12. No colored writing, oops.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  13. So thats where that came from! I have to much of that stuff >>
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  14. This may actually be a good way of doing it. If in the description is says something along the lines of...
    'The "Not Special Dirt" was a joke promo in EMC. It was obtainable by /promo and was simply re-named dirt that anyone can make in an anvil. This means it is worth nothing, and is by no means valuable, but it was a joke on EMC and therefore part of its history.

    The /promo for the Dirt gave players 16 pieces "Not Special Dirt".'

    I will work on finding a place for it in the Wiki soon - I have a quick bit of work to do first - and then I will see how I can go about adding it with that description so everything is crystal clear! :)
    NZScruffy and Equinox_Boss like this.
  15. why not not make a EMC history page? with links to important events which have occurred, that way you can incorporate in the 'joke' items along with giving past history to new players, i.e. introduction of Senior staff services, the creation of different servers, the making of wastelands and why, etc.
    Equinox_Boss and FDNY21 like this.
  16. Hmm.. Like this? There are a few things to add, such as the 'Lucky Bow' and the 'Not Special Dirt' on it, but other than that, this has a lot of EMC history included.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  17. ?

    I mean a nice timeline, with a list of what happened and when, with some nice story around it all, so its not just one giant boring list. its a nice flow which can be read through with links out to articles which give more detail on specific items.
    Equinox_Boss likes this.
  18. They could probably add onto http://empireminecraft.com/wiki/timeline/
  19. 607 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  20. I think the best thing you've added to the wiki is the 'Like' button.
    hashhog3000, 607 and FDNY21 like this.
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