Have an issue? Let's Talk :)

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by IcecreamCow, Feb 23, 2014.

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  1. Hey! Thanks for this Keph and Palm. I am happy to say, there will be a post reflecting a decision about this very issue very soon!
  2. Your lists were definitely seen, used and appreciated. I'm sorry if you felt they were not utilized, but they proved to be quite handy to us! :)
    dresden72, 607, Cchiarell6914 and 5 others like this.
  3. I would like to PM IcC about something
    Cchiarell6914 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  4. Then please, do so. :)
    607, Cchiarell6914 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  5. For being on this server for a while now, I would like to say my issues that regard me.

    One issue is the mini bosses. I was hoping to create some awesome base in the wilderness, but think again! A huge giant named momentus teleports you to him and you can't even stop him, you die, never hoping to get your stuff back. It is really ridiclious. When I am in MC Single Player, I don't have to fear that this stupid overpowered boss is going to kill me. There are some tough mobs already, but making it just impossible to get around is ridiclious. When I was trying to make my base, I ran into TWO MOMENTUSES. I called it quits, and I even got my friends to help me kill he momentus and we ALL had rotten flesh and diamond armour, but we all died.

    My second issue is privacy. Whenever I am private messaging my friends, I don't want to worry that some staff member is snooping through a conversation(/msg and /group), especially if it is PERSONAL. I don't want to be talking about the server in group chat and then worrying that some staff member is going to join in the conversation, because seemingly that's what happened to other players.

    Another issue is the lack of promises and the updates. Dystopia, dtombs. Everyone has been waiting. Instead, you release features that is described as "fun", but that's not what all people on the server want. The closest we have gotten to a promise was the pvp arena, and I would think that we would have that in a LONG time. You have been giving us deadlines after deadlines, but they are not actually deadlines. However, I do appreciate how solar and the rest of the developers are doing, but I think it's time we get focused on some of the important stuff, the features people are leaving about because they are losing interests.
  6. Just got home but this has to be my first response... I'm on page 8 so this could of been said maybe already but I want to say it.

    I do not believe in the concept of NOT promoting some just because others will consider it nepotism.

    If a person fits the job, they deserve the position. Moderators are positions we fill with people we feel have a clean history and keep cool. Activity alone is not a key factor in becoming a mod, but does help get 'recognized'.

    Staff SO's may come into that view even easier BECAUSE we know the significant other better.

    I do not believe in any concept of "Oh its not fair to someone else that you recognized that person faster than someone else, you shouldn't promote them". I want informed logical decisions, and cut the chase on politics and just get the right people on our team.

    Also -- regarding promoting people who have not been on EMC longer before others.... I'd like to point out I was promoted within my 2nd month of being on EMC... and so was Max.

    Max use to be the single most active mod by a scale of 4-6x... No-one can argue that she was a bad promotion.

    Time is not a factor in moderator promotions. The best moderators stand out quickly, and we will act on them, ignoring the politics.
    IcecreamCow, 607, NZScruffy and 5 others like this.
  7. I cant speak for other staff but i know my self i always treat any chat private, until a report has come in about it. That is when i start investigating any chat concerning the report. Now i'm pretty sure that how all staff treat and should treat chat log's.
  8. you were diamond when the issue happened and i didnt wanna make a final decision given our somewhat heated past

    i like to think im pretty friendly most of the time, some folks dont like how friendly i am tho :(
    Cchiarell6914 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  9. Bite..... *sigh*
    607, Cchiarell6914 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  10. Well, Aikar and who ever else develops has to write the codes for the updates and stuff, I am taking Java and C++ coding classes and I also do HTML and I can say its really complicated and takes a while to get the stuff to do right especially in major coding for games and stuff.

    While they work on the harder things such as dtombs ect... they make smaller things to tide people over, maybe they have a team working on the big things and another team working on smaller things.

    I understand why it is taking so long to get these new features into place, just the other day i had to code a program to print out the lyrics to 99 bottles of beer, it took me 1 hour just to type out code and then another 30 mins to fix any errors the program ran into. then when i get the code done it looks so simple but in reality its not. I think we all need to be patient and realize that the developers all have lives out there such as spouses and kids and stuff. And coding takes time. Also im sure they have ran into problems along the way with other stuff.
  11. This doesn't sound like an issue, but a damn good point. Like crazy said, Aikar is doing his hardest and giving his best. Although he is doing this, what are we doing... we are complaining and all that Aikar does is try his best to please us. Yeah he has a family, but EMC is his second family, his second home. Everyone seems to be so friendly and tons of people seem to be like one big happy family. Sure we have our differences and EMC may not be the best, but its what we make of it; if all we do is complain, nothing will get fixed and nothing will get done. I think that we as a community and as a family need to all put in our part and help EMC become the best it possibly can. We need to help Aikar and all the admin, the senior staff and the mods, to make this a better place.
  12. yeah, but i was temp banned by krysyy a while back when i was a regular player. I was just trying to get the point across that i was banned as a regular player and could just as easily get banned as a supporter. I was also trying to show that you guys don't just ban regular players, you ban for good reason and do your research before you do it.
    Equinox_Boss and krysyyjane9191 like this.
  13. Historic Moment in History...

    Equinox does not like all the posts!
  14. Ahhhhhh soooooo tired (just got back from camping) but no excuse... I have done a bad thing I will fix that
    Cchiarell6914 and Choongjae like this.
  15. I also want to respond with some clarity and reasoning in regards to development speed

    1) What happened to Dragon Tombs
    - Dragon Tombs was something I was starting, but sadly, when it was clear Justin was not returning, I had to take over EVERYTHING with EMC Development.... There were A LOT of problems, and I did not know much java so it took me a long time to get things fixed. This was also during 1.3, which brought on so many bugs.

    1.3 took up a good 4-5 months to really polish out and resolve.... so you can see were now a good bit into 2013 there.
    But as 1.3 was done, then came 1.4, and 1.5, each with their own problems.

    But I also knew we had a problem -- Lack of new fun features. So I tried to mix in some things.

    Now... I did this all with very little time. I work a full time job, and have responsibilities to my relationship, as well as this is when I started my big fitness push too.

    This left very little time for EMC, really 1-2 hours a day...

    Any professional developer will tell you, its hard to get solid large chunks of work done in 1 hour. It can take 30 minutes just to warm up....

    So it was a huge battle of keep EMC alive. I never knew DT would take this long to see the life of the days. I was EXPECTING JustinGuy to continue main development and me work on DT. It simply didn't happen.

    I really wish things could of came out differently with Justin, but the man had to do what he had to do :)

    Fast forward a few months to August-Sep area. This is where pressure really started to build on to what is going to happen with EMC's future. Justin was talking with us about the concept of him finally returning.. So we kept up the positive attitude that he was returning and DT was coming, but as you see now, that didn't happen.

    Motivation levels fell off a cliff at the end, as I had so much fear that all of the effort I put in was about to go down the drain. EMC was quickly dying, and it was hard for me to put in the hardcore sacrifice I am doing this year during last year when I had no promise or hope for EMC's future.

    2) Going forward.
    Going forward now, I have a clear sign of EMC's future: Greatness and growth. That gives me drive and motivation. I am now able to make sacrifice to my own personal time because I personally know, there is reward to my effort.

    As you see, things are REALLY rolling now, and I guarantee you that is the new normal. The problems of 2013 are gone, and we are on track better than ever now.

    3) Transparency / Posting of updates
    There is going to be 2 sides here. Some rather not hear about it until its ready to release, others want to hear about it ahead of time.

    I believe there needs to be a mix of both, but one thing I am for sure on: The majority of the community wants to know the direction things are going, so we will continue to be transparent.

    I just posted a road map of things that will continue into 2015. If your the type who doesn't want to know, then please ignore our road map threads.

    Letting players know ahead of time also helps dwindle reposts of ideas I already am planning, and also lets the community give feedback to improve the idea before its even submitted.

    I want players to be excited about things, but I do want to have surprises too. I will try my best to mix those up in the best of ways :)
  16. Next up...

    There's been a few topics/post mentioning the behavior of players themselves to other players, namely the way supporters and well known members may behave and act superior to others.

    Please understand this is something the staff team can not directly resolve.

    Many of these things mentioned are 'minor' but add up to a persons personality, but is not against the rules, and would seem rather oppressive if staff messaged everyone about these issues.

    The only real and the rather proper solution is for the community to work to improve that problem themselves.

    If you see a person behaving in such a fashion, privately and POLITELY message them about it, make them aware of how there behavior is being interpreted, so that they can personally improve.

    This will be the most healthy way for that issue to be resolved, and not through staff force.
    dresden72, IcecreamCow, 607 and 11 others like this.
  17. I support this. As someone who sometimes feels looked at in the way described in Aikar's post, I would like to be PMed about what exactly I am doing that conveys an incorrect (my own fault) image of feeling superior.
    sonicol1 and Equinox_Boss like this.
  18. And yet I feel it would be interesting to see someone as level-headed as yourself go bat-guano crazy. You never know. :cool:
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