A simple DragonCave thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by autumnrain26, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. i completely failed at obtaining christmas dragons this year :( lol
  2. Why?
  3. we were moving at the time of the new dragon drop.. and i completely missed all of it. xD
  4. You can have my 2nd gens then.
  5. I haven't been getting alerts for this thread any more.
    On the other hand, I got a new egg!
    jacob5089 and penfoldex like this.
  6. Valentine Dragon Breeding begins today....

    New Valentine Dragon out Feb 14.


  7. Dang this thread was inactive.
    Not much happened to me.
  8. After long months of failing, I finally summoned this dragon successfully!
  9. Dang, I need to get back into this.

    Just bread up another one of these :)
  10. Click this one >
    And Click this>
    And Click this>
  11. But I got one ages ago.With 1 trio on try 4.
  12. It took me a while to summon one successfully.. o3o
  13. Glitch much?
  14. Nope.. Holiday (Christmas and Valentines) dragons rules have been changed. You can have any number of prior dragons, but are limited to 2 of the new dragon.
    607 likes this.
  15. I just traded for a Cheese dragon!
    607 and Choongjae like this.
  16. The event is very cool :)
  17. My valentines eggs are sickD:
  18. Sorry for the long post that will follow, but is anyone offering pink eggs or hatchies (bsa ones)? Any offer will be considered though. I can breed any striped egg for you, or a Nilia pygmy or misfit pygmy. You will need to wait for my magi dragon to hatch and grow up, which should take about a week.
    607 likes this.
  19. I got an ap magi egg, it should hatch in 2 days. *pokes magi egg*
    607 likes this.
  20. If anyone wants to send me flowers, I'm fine with that :p
    I got a dandelion some time last night... :l