A simple DragonCave thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by autumnrain26, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. The new Christmas eggs.
  2. Does anyone want an egg that shines like a ribbon? I don't need it anymore. It's the green one
  3. Holly dragons are the only exceptions with genders but people with cb hollies are getting rarer each year.. o3o ..And the new christmas dragons are kinda pretty so far. :eek:
  4. What do you mean by gender specific and that you can't breed "pure breeds" ?
  5. Yay, the Christmas Dragon!! Looks sooo shiny!:cool:

    What I mean 607 is that some Christmas breeds are only 1 gender..for example the Ribbon Dancer's are all Female, so you won't be able to breed a Ribbon Dancer + Ribbon Dancer to get a Ribbon Dancer egg (pure breed).

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone!
  6. Where do I find the new egg?
  7. Just go to the cave, you'll find it. Also, do you want that egg? When you don't I'll abandon it the ribbon
    jacob5089 likes this.
  8. Hehehe.
    jacob5089 likes this.
  9. We must team up.
  10. OH!

    I never knew you could do that!
    And I am being an egg hog.
  11. Does anyone have a Holly they're willing to give to me? I know beggars can't be choosers but preferably one with a nice lineage. Thanks! :)
  12. So they doubled the level cap and added new items.. It doesn't affect the raffle, as anyone who reaches lvl 25 will be in the raffle, but the max lvl is now 50.. :D
    jacob5089, 607 and penfoldex like this.
  13. That's amazing! Lol, mine is kinda messy now:p http://dragcave.net/holidays13_fort/_607_
  14. My poor fort...
    607 likes this.
  15. I just picked up a black dragon and figured I'd share my incubator that hasn't been added to in a long time.
    jacob5089 likes this.
  16. Heh heh heh. I was wondering already at how much HP your fort was>:D Went from level 25 to 50 at once by throwing like 40 icycles at youXD (Well, at once, you know what I mean)
  17. I just threw random icicles to get to 50.
  18. I might have thrown two hundred snowballs worth at your fort and autumns fort.
  19. That explains the damage.
    Anyone for an (imaginary) hot chocolate in my coloured snow tower?
    Wanderton likes this.