A simple DragonCave thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by autumnrain26, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. What is max level?
  2. max lvl is 25
    jacob5089 likes this.
  3. Eight more levels :3
    Also that link doesn't take you to your fort, just editing ours.
  4. Amazing fort. I like how you have 3 cat statues in random places. :p
    EDIT : I'm looking for Nebula dragon eggs, if you have them already hatched, I'm needing purple ones, with no previous lineage. :D
  5. This is the first holiday thingy I'm on dragon cave, and I got three different species of christmas dragons:D I think that I can breed and abandon some next year
  6. Got lots of holiday eggs :3
    When they grow up can you breed me one of the first eggs in your sig and one of the second also? Thanks :D
  7. I'll try! :) I've had problems with sick dragons though, so they aren't going as fast anymore
  8. Remember guys the NEW 2013 Christmas egg will be released 12/25....so make sure you have 2 slots open (only 2 eggs a scroll is allowed)

    Also, not sure if you guys are aware, but the Christmas dragons are gender specific.....so you can't breed "Pure Breeds"...just sayin.

    Good Luck and Happy Holidays!
  9. Hm, I don't have 2 slots open. I guess it doesn't matter though, cause all the previous eggs are new for me too(joined january)so for me it doesn't really matter wether I'll get 2011 or 2013 eggs I guess
  10. Will they be in the AP or caves?
  11. I thought in the abandoned page were only abandoned dragons, right? So then they would only be in the AP when people choose to abandon them
  12. The new releases will be in the Caves 12/25 - 12/28.

    607 - do you have a red dragon? If so, you can incubate your eggs before they are less than 4 days old and maybe get them hatched before 12/28 and still have a chance to get the new egg....just a suggestion. :D
  13. All of my holiday eggs I found in the AP :p
    They all had 7 days which is weird...
    607 likes this.
  14. That's cause they are more special, dragon cave doesn't want the abandoned holiday dragons to die, so that's why they are always at first, even if they have over 4 days left.
    jacob5089 likes this.
  15. Whoever just knocked me down to 190 HP may find it a little hard to do it again,I got an ice wall.
    jacob5089 and Choongjae like this.
  16. Sorry what was that?
    By beating the crap out of your fort I got level 25 so thanks :3