A simple DragonCave thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by autumnrain26, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. I come back and my entire fort is already destroyed. D:
  2. Lvl 19 :p
    I have a Snowball Battle Expert name OokamiSama :p (aka my daughter)

    and I got 1 holy!! yay!
  3. I just made it to level 13 in the Snow Wars.
  4. woah... why couldn't I find this... I guess i need to re watch it.
  5. If someone could explain how snow forts work that'd be great :p
  6. You get snow every hour, amount depends on the level you are in. With that snow you can place snow things at your baseplate. It doesn't matter where you place them, for every snowball it costs you'll get 1 HP. You can also attack people with snow balls. You fill in their names(or let it be random)and choose what you want to throw at them. For everything you throw you'll get XP. With XP you can get at higher levels and unlock more snowballs per hour, more parts to build with and more methods of attack(ie you'll unlock icycles when you're at 15)When someone throws something at you you'll get xp too. Your HP will drop though. You can't lose by getting your HP to zero, it's just that when you don't have any hp left people won't be able to throw at you and thus you won't get more xp, except by throwing yourself. You can repair your fort for one snowball, no matter how many HP it lost. Last thing to keep in mind is that after three hours no activity the amount of snow balls you get per hour will halve.
  7. It wouldn't let me attack anyone for some reason
  8. What did you choose to attack with and how many snow you had?
  9. Yea. My name is collect12.
    I like my fort.
    607 likes this.
  10. That health...
    607 and KiashiSama like this.
  11. I need my dragons to grow :/
  12. Nice fort Collect! Show your forts guys!

    My fort is still under construction :cool:

  13. >.>
  14. Nvm got it :D
  15. Lol, I've had her for 7 months now, and this is the first time I see she has a bred specific action:p
  16. Since everyone is showing off their forts.. :oops:
    jacob5089, KiashiSama and 607 like this.
  17. Wow, how is your page green?
  18. I changed the site theme to St. Patrick's.. Its under Account Settings, look under Site Appearance and its in the dropdown for Site Skin.. :cool:
    607 likes this.
  19. For some reason, I much rather attack than defend. My base only has 17 health, and I'm level 16...
    jacob5089 likes this.