A simple DragonCave thread

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by autumnrain26, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. want me to breed the two you wanted?
  2. If yours is ready, then sure. I have all my slots open now.
  3. i will have to tomorrow. :) the one needs another day yet.
  4. There is no difference between ungendered male and ungendered female hatchlings, right? So when I would freeze an immature hatchling it would look the same no matter the gender
  5. so, do you care about linage? lol i just realized the two blue's i have a mother and son. >.> haha
  6. lol nah, I'm not picky on all that. Just to have a pair on my scroll is great.

    Thanks batt!
  7. lol, cool.. that is the same as me, i don't care how they are gotten, i just want a male and female of each lol
  8. According to the creator, they were supposed to be called Twister Wyvern but he changed it because of the recent disaster in the Philippines.. Hence why they sort "alphabetically" with the 'T'..
  9. http://dragcave.net/holidays13_editor
    Remember to build your snow forts here so I can hit them with snowballs!
    Hitting snow forts with snowballs gives you and the person you hit experience that can be used in a raffle to obtain a new, rare dragon!
  10. It will probably be another generation of CB shimmers, plus the other normal gifts in the raffle.. o3o
    I have not played in a ridiculously long time.
    Whats new?
  12. Trying to get these dragons below..
  13. I need people's names.
    I need to attack someone I know...
  14. Wow, those snow forts are complex. It's a little hard to build on iPad though, unfortunately.
  15. I just joined, because it sounds so good :)

    Edit: just got my first egg :):):)
  16. My experience from being attacked is already 11. I just joined yesterday, too.

    My Drag Cave name is Captain_Engineer if you want to attack my snow fort.
  17. My scroll is stored for _607_. There is a minimum of four characters for your name, so that's why I originally put that underscores there.
  18. My scroll name is choongjae if any wishes to attack me. >: D
  19. I keep attacking randoms.. :p