Official 1.8 Thread

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by Unoski, Dec 14, 2013.

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  1. Maybe. Maybe not. Just remember anything can change and anything can remain the same.
    607 likes this.
  2. Just in case you did not see this. Bump
  3. I did see it. Bump
    CoDe4RiDeR likes this.
  4. NO FISH???
    trent948 and Parkerjv9 like this.
  5. I honestly hope they will put different kinds of half slabs... would make buildings look soo much nicer
    ninjaboy5656 likes this.
  6. As of now, they are 13 different kinds of slabs. Two of them, dark oak wood and acacia wood, were added in 1.7.
    With the currently known blocks, I would say that Mojang is less likely to add slab and/or stairs variations to blocks that are already are a variation of another one, like moss stone, mossy and cracked stone bricks, and smooth and chiseled sandstone.
  7. No thats not what I meant. Like currently, slabs are horizontal. I'm saying they should add vertical slabs... so like a wall type slab... if that made sense
    hashhog3000, trent948 and 607 like this.
  8. Yeah, that makes perfect sense;)
    hashhog3000 likes this.
  9. how bout obsidian and glass stairs and slabs?
  10. Glass stairs O_O I've never thought about that actually. That could look very cool indeed. You could even make an entire glass house:D (another possible 1.8 door, anyone?)
    hashhog3000 likes this.
  11. and obby stairs would be more indestructible
    hashhog3000 likes this.
  12. Mojang said vertical slabs will never be added

    Edit: I am guessing because it adds 2 more blocks for each slab except for stone slabs, which add 3
    607 likes this.
  13. I would LOVE glass stairs and slabs, even if it were just for plain glass. I could see a lot of potential for that...
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx and 607 like this.
  14. Dinnerbone plans to add more stone variants! Granite is just one, what will be the others though?
  15. Hmmm... Sounds interesting, but what would he add? So many types of rock are volcanic, and we already have obsidian... Investigation time!
  16. feldspar and basalt!
  17. Yes, basalt would be good. I think Scoria would look really cool, too, since it's full of holes. It kind of looks like a stone sponge. :p

    EDIT: Or what about fossilized coral, found in cliffs/mountains/beaches near oceans? It might look kind of similar to endstone, but if they did it right, I think it would look amazing.

  18. From your original post, I would say that it didn't make sense to me. To me, new types of slabs mean a half-piece of a block.
    *For cases like this, more specification is required.
    607 likes this.
  19. I want to see iron ladders that don't need walls.
    And simple elevators.
    Since piston elevators are so complicated,my current SP base elevator is just a shaft with some broken things and a sign saying 'Elevator Busy' on the door.
    And a use for lapis/quartz.Stuff like A cool-looking lapis-quartz alloy block,Quartz wires which don't need repeaters,High-speed lapis rails.
    WeirdManaico likes this.
  20. For elevators, we have water elevators.

    Quartz is used for a lot of redstone related items

    Lapis needs a use. Perhaps since gold speeds up rails, lapis slows it down?
    607 likes this.
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