Empire Custom Mobs: Difficulty Survey

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Aikar, Dec 19, 2013.


Lower difficulty of Enraged and Minibosses

Do not lower it at all, it would upset me a lot. 107 vote(s) 33.2%
Reduce by 25% (Both) 58 vote(s) 18.0%
Reduce by 50% (Both) 32 vote(s) 9.9%
Reduce by 75% (Both) 20 vote(s) 6.2%
Reduce Enraged by 25%, Minibosses by 40% 30 vote(s) 9.3%
Reduce Enraged by 50%, Minibosses by 70% 14 vote(s) 4.3%
Reduce Enraged by 75%, Minibosses by 90% 15 vote(s) 4.7%
Reduce Minibosses only by 25% 36 vote(s) 11.2%
Reduce Minibosses only by 55% 8 vote(s) 2.5%
Reduce Minibosses only by 75% 2 vote(s) 0.6%
  1. Think of it this way; what would be better for everyone? To lower the difficulty so that even novice players aren't afraid to solo in the wild on EMC and to have a specific server for those looking for a challenge; or to keep it the same and scare off potential customers/friends who are too afraid to venture into the wild for resources and can't afford rupees, even the voting system requires time and roughly around the same time so shift workers find it hard. I say lower the difficulty (not too much) and support noobish behavior whilst having a challenging server for anyone to enjoy.
    To lower or not to lower? That is the question.
    Whether 'tis Nobler in the mind to suffer
    The stings and arrows of enraged mobs,
    Or to take arms against a sea of zombies,
    And by opposing end them? To die, to sleep
    No more; and by a sleep, to say we end
    The hearts lost, and the thousand natural shocks
    That rotten flesh is heir to?
    M4nic_M1ner and bitemenow15 like this.
  2. To be quite honest, anyone at any skill level can take out an enraged mob. In my opinion, they are no different from the rest, excluding their drops. I also agree with NetherWorld666 saying that people who don't like enraged tend to avoid them, since no one is forcing the player to fight them.

    Could the staff possibly set up a training ground or simulator to practice fighting these mobs, whereas if you die you don't lose your gear, but the mobs don't drop anything?
  3. M4nic_M1ner and cadgamer101 like this.
  4. I'd say the teleport function could be taken away and maybe increase the speed of the bosses. Enraged are perfect in my opinion.
  5. Agreeded they need to be slower and a little less on hit damage
  6. Aikar has made the enraged zombie "slower" but hit damage is the same.
  7. Is momentus easy but harder to get sword or same or less hard to get?
  8. ummm i have heard nothing about this, nor has this occurred at the base i already mentioned... but my base is on 6 what server are you playing on? maybe its specific to yours. i think what you are forgetting is that mobs can spawn near dark spots too they dont just have to spawn on the spot itself.
    not a bad idea something like a mobarena for fighting bosses..... would have to disable drops entirely for obvious reasons.
    i love hamlet and thus now i love you
  9. I think that maybe they could be dulled down a little bit but not a lot. I like the idea of a "challenge" when out in the wild. I say "challenge" because on my whole time on emc since this was added, I have only ran into a boss mob once or twice. The boss mobs are pretty easy to avoid. I run into enraged much more often. Therefore, the enraged could be a little bit dulled down because they can be a struggle to work around.
  10. ok people are using fear as an arguement to cover for the absence of common sense to not charge head first into something you dont know about,like enraged,mini-bosses, and other things. personally minecraft itself made a more serious change to the game than gaint bosses seen a mile away or creepers on fire. hunger saturation may be a large issue with newer members to cope with emc's slight mob adjustments. i say if possible can we have the saturation back to normal without outdating the server. that is why more people may be not liking the bosses mainly because of your hunger being gone in 5 min in the wild. people think whatever the changes EMC have done to this game are difficult but to me seem minor. Some people want the disutopia to be the hard server and everything else be normal. But disutopia is basicly going to be instead of normal mobs-enraged, instead of enraged- minibosses, and instead of minibosses the good old reslik flying in the sky one shoting you with what could be fire explosions and even lightning. We cant let the people that like a small challenge (which is at least half to the people who voted) get tossed out into the wind because people cant learn to not poke the angry cat with a stick and just leave it be.
    607 likes this.
  11. I agree, it's dystopia though, disutopia sounds a little bit weird:p
  12. IMO,the mobs are just too hard.
    I was considering having a small wild house recently.
    I checked the wiki to see the mobs I would have to fight.
    After checking,I decided that I definitely wouldn't have a base in the wild.
    So I'd like a peaceful mode server.
    607 likes this.
  13. Lol, yes that would be cool. Problem is though everything would be way easier to get so people that go for the resources or the outposts would not ever go to the normal frontier and wastelands anymore
  14. If you making a house in the wild put a fence around it, about 24 blocks away from your house. If you find a enraged zombie/creeper tower up 5 blocks and shoot it with a bow. Enraged skeletons you could probley kill in full iron. Marlix are easy to avoid/escape, momentus wont be able to get near you with the fence around your base.
  15. I love disagreeing in general :p
  16. Main problem is that I sometimes AFK for 12 hours by accident.
    And I don't really want to find myself dead in a blown-up house when I come back on.
  17. they wont spawn within 18 blocks of you i think and they cant hit you through walls
  18. That will happen with nerfed mobs too, though

  19. A good solution would be to not AFK then lol
    CoolCal14 likes this.
  20. But he said he does it by accident