Me either then fdny was in SMP9 and said he had a million and I asked if I could have it and he said yes so I took screenshots then payed him back
I got 26028 rupees and the most I've ever made is something over 6ok, like, 60000 rupees for a 60000 member armor auction, plus some daily bonus and voting bonuses. That may also be the highest I got ever, cause after it the labor bences came, and I spent all my money on them
To be honest, I've never gone over 70k rupees, I guess you could count whenever haro used to pay me all his rupees and then I'd either troll him or made him beg for them back. Anyways, I don't really remember buying anything bulk from auctions/players/shops. I remember having auctions that went up to around 50k but that's about it.
hey i have my 40k all i do is sell a few things on the side i dont need alot of money EDIT* i mean i have had around 100k but i just dont need alot of money or sell alot of product
Most ever had… I think it was something like 400k. But then I won an auction and I now only have 64k, but I'm awaiting a payment of 120k.
That's cause all the people without an extreme amount of money don't post here, cause they don't find it interesting