Rupees: 786,582 The most I've done in one day.. From what I saw in my history around 300k. I searched and this was the most. I know it was two days but meh. EDIT: WOOOT! Just reached 2,000 posts!
whys the website blue? and like 60k lol I'm low on money right now and I made 30k in one day selling horses when they first came out and 30k selling stuff to malls one day and so on I think I've made more but cant remember how xD
On the bottom of the page you can change the color. Kick the 'Dark - Orange' by default settings for changing. [ EDIT ] aaaand ninja'd
I once got 3x 150k payments (happy hour on Dragon Eggs) after that i sold 2 more eggs for 470k for both, and a little later i sold 7 DC of glowstone, which makes 1,4million rupees in a like 3 hours. I could find a rupee page prove, but i got around 10000 pages so yeah, that'd take long :S
the most I've ever had was 339k Right now I'm sitting at 317k because I'm building some nice farms in the frontier :3 The most I've ever earned in a day was about 100k from iron sales alone, of which I split 50/50 with BrenJone since he is my only partner in LB Ind.
Well, I don't rupees in "day" amounts. I may focus on making money for 30 minutes, make 100k, then just not do anything more monetary-wise for the rest of the week. I usually don't go very high rupee count since... I'm kind of an impulsive buyer... I usually end up selling thing later, which then tends to turn a profit To answer the question, most in a single day would be 300k (a couple MASSIVE sales) and my max money had at once might be 400k, I'm not too sure...