FEEDBACK: Wither Skeletons Spawning

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Aikar, Dec 8, 2013.

  1. Once Aikar implements this, he could make the spawning exactly as vanilla, except it would be on netherbrick everywhere. The idea of spawning just in fortresses will be broken, hence why he's doing this in the first place.
  2. Exactly. You could just make huge pads of netherbrick and get wither skeletons galore.
  3. With vanilla spawn rates? Plus you'd have other mobs spawning on it remember.
  4. I know, but still.
  5. And where would all of this netherbrick come from?

    EDIT: nvm, you can craft it now, can't you...
  6. Yep. Welcome to 1.5.
    607, marine4121 and MrUnknownian like this.
  7. Or tear up a real fortress to create one :D
    mba2012 likes this.
  8. I have a few questions:

    1) Has nether chunk spawning changed since 1.2? In other words, do nether fortresses spawn in different places in 1.7 than they did in 1.2? What about the versions in between (since chunks outside of the original 5,000 block circle have been generated since 1.2)?
    2) Can block-by-block (or at least chunk by chunk) wither skeleton spawning be turned on and off with an external program (like mcedit)?
    3) Would it be possible to create a filter or program that can detect which blocks (using 1.2 chunk generation) would normally spawn wither skeletons and blazes? If not, could you at least detect which chunks naturally contain nether fortresses?
    4) If (2) and/or (3) are true, could you use another filter/program to add wither skeleton spawning back in at the proper locations?

    Basically I'm suggesting you create a program/filter to run through each server's nether map and place wither skeleton and blaze spawning back in. I don't know how hard that would be to code, and I don't know how long it would take a computer processor, but it would give a really good end result.
    607 likes this.
  9. It would only be possible to detect where they normally spawn using the seed, and that is what has caused the problems over the last few updates.
    607 likes this.
  10. Yay! Cheaper beacons
  11. Meanwhile, I'm not happy :/
  12. Here is the answer to all questions, kind of at the same time. Yes, structures have changed significantly since our maps were first created (Mainly with this last update). Bukkit actually created the solution you are probing around for, which required updating to the 1.6.4 thing Aikar mentioned in the OP
    To avoid this lag which can not be turned off, Aikar is turning to this alternative solution of creating fake fortresses more or less.
    Your block-by block change thing. Mojang changed how structures are saved... So no, that wouldn't work.
    supereskimo likes this.
  13. We will never be able to revert to 100% vanilla code. Mojang designed this (like everything else) for single player and 4 man servers...

    For those who can understand technical things, the problem is mojang stores the entire worlds structure data in a single file.
    Mojang obviously understands large worlds can not be stored in 1 file so they broke it up into chunks.... But this was totally overlooked for structures!

    So essentially, for a server as large as ours with soooo many chunks generated, our structure files would be gigabytes!

    every time the server loads... entire file has to be loaded, then sit there eating up memory...

    Then, every time it saves, that file has to be written back out. This is what caused those massive lag spikes every 15 minutes when we updated to 1.6.4, it was the server saving... and that was before we even let the file grow too big.g

    Because guess what else is saved in these files? Mineshafts.... aka, all over the entire world and massive amounts of data

    I don't even understand why since nothing special spawns in mineshafts :/

    I'll try to get it close to vanilla, but main goal is usable and what works best for players.
  14. Spawns only on Netherbrick with certain light levels please c:
  15. All nether brick items wither should be able to spawn :) And I feel they should spawn randomely throughout the Nether like Witches do in 1.7 in the Normal World, this gives people a chance if fortresses are too laggy, Or too dangerous or they just can't find one
  16. i mean it really isnt that hard to find netherbrick in the nether..... i think the random spawns are a bad idea wither skellies hurt and the nether is already dangerous enough
    607, _Stads_ and mba2012 like this.
  17. I'd like it if they had the ability to spawn anywhere in the Nether however only on Netherbrick. That would mean that if you wanted to fight one you'd know it was coming, they couldn't just spawn anywhere ;) As for light levels I think any light level would be fine ass the Nether doesn't really have light levels as such :p
  18. I agree with most of the people here - nether brick and light levels.
    Also, I think a height restriction could help - something like between y=48 and y=70 (not sure about the exact numbers, but most fortresses are in that range).

    If you were to limit the default structure loading to only nether fortresses (not mineshafts), would it give a big enough reduction in lag? I wish I knew more about the structure.dat file format - it seems like wither skeletons spawn in a really small area, and that saving only those areas wouldn't take up much space/performance.
  19. Wait so what will happen with the future of Witch Farms? They break :(?
  20. Witch farms wont break...