Why is this for January 30, 3999? Is that your way of saying "never"? Well, we have 725103 days to wait then...
It is a joke, Dragon Tombs was introduced over a year ago and the updates kept making it longer to code. This update is pretty much punching Dragon Tombs in the face.
Hey, it's not Aikar's fault. Coding is much more than just typing in a few small lines of code, and the recent updates have pushed it back even farther. Dragon Tombs will come when they are finished, do not rush them and they will turn out great.
Well, since the first mention of it I can find in the forums is from August last year, I think we've already knocked a fair bit of time off it, http://empireminecraft.com/threads/emc-dragon-tombs-info.14398/ Sometimes you think it would almost be better if they'd never mentioned it at all and just sprung it when it was complete.
Hmm... Well, I heard it's pretty much the priority now. So in other words, a few more months, most likely sometime around New Years and anytime till Valentine's Day.