Road To Top 5 []

Discussion in 'Empire News' started by IcecreamCow, Oct 4, 2013.

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  1. come on people we need to vote who doesnt want more player. I love helping them come on vote :p. we fell to 13th place ;( we
  2. Don't be sad, just keep voting it will go back up.
  3. miss you silky
    Silken_thread likes this.
  4. People wake up, we need to vote now, everyday. Plz start voting now.
  5. We are recovering from the Vote bots. Keep on voting daily :)
  6. 220 votes for #12!Keep voting!
  7. The issue with Easy Vote is that it's so slow that it's actually faster to click the normal vote button, click topg,type in your username and do the catchcapa thing.
  8. I don't want to be a downer, but the top 5 servers are all PVP. During my play time last night (10-25-2013) smp6 added around 25 new people, of those people a few asked right away if we had factions, we said no and boom they left. I for one am not a PVP in anything, but there are tons of people who only do PVP. Have we considered adding a PVP server? I really think that would add a lot more people. Just an idea...
  9. The idea has came up many times but Emc as a whole will always by Non-Pvp server. Emc Staff has some ideas to solve this but aren't in the works because working on other things .
    FDNY21, Damiensmom11 and dresden72 like this.
  10. Little clarity on this as Dwights wording can be confusing... The current SMP servers will be non PVP.

    As in, never have to worry about another player killing you.

    We will however, try to open a separate PVP server type that is purely optional to connect to.
    FDNY21 and 607 like this.
  11. That is what I meant, keep what we have but make a PVP server to draw that crowd in. And if people want in on the action, log in on that PVP server. That is very common with MMORPG's and they usally have a RPG server as well, but I don't know how you can role play with Minecraft... Food for thought.
  12. Guys, we are slipping. Come on and lets do this! Bring back the mob arena!
    FDNY21 likes this.
  13. We've dropped 3 ranks, down to 13. I think that this:

    Is what we need to get more members.
  14. Bump! We're currently 12th, we can do better!
  15. We need more players voting. I honestly believe most players are giving up and stop voting. Maybe we should make a easy voting box on the HOME page so that will attract more votings?
  16. Number 12.... :|
  17. We went from #13 to #12.
  18. Vote now and fast just a few votes from11th rank!!!
  19. Guys they reset the stats so we're at rank 40...
  20. Rank 3, this a new start we must do this!!!!

    First day down!

    9 days to go!!!
    dresden72 likes this.
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