Bush won his first election purely due to how the electoral college works. He actually lost the popular vote.
If I remember correctly, The electoral college is made up of voters chosen by the majority party that wins said state/district. In many states, they are forced to vote for whom they are pledged to vote for, or their vote becomes invalidated, as well as possible criminal action in certain states. There can be cases of unpledged electors but these are rare and are not the same as the ones that vote contrary to whom (if) they are pledged.. So we have no control over who gets elected as president as although the electors are selected by who wins a state, we have no control over them..
About right. Votes are counted on a state by state basis. In state A they count up all the votes, and tell who won. Party officials then can vote on who they want the next president to be. If Party 1 wins, only Party 1 officials vote, otherwise, the officials from the other party vote. Generally, Party 1 representatives vote for the Party 1 candidate, similarly for other parties. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7wC42HgLA4k
To be honest, I wish you would stop pinning this on just the Obama administration, and realize that EVERYONE in Washington is to blame. That is the kind of thinking that got us into this mess, and it takes more than one person to screw up that badly. Yes, it is Obama fault, but the republicans are just a guilty. All due respect. EDIT: o ya, say you thing about what you consider an "administration", Sorry about that
Excuse my language and I try not to post profanity on the forums, but, %*#& that! I don't know how old you are but you probably wouldn't say this if you were old enough to be drafted. I'm sure there is someone you know who you would rather not be drafted as well. If there was a draft, it would be because of something DIRE that needed more troops than we can supply. Forcing people to sign up just for teh lulz is not something that will go over well and if they decided to draft people, they would probably make up some stupid war so then you could whine that we were in wars other than Afghanistan and Iraq, which are now police action. There are also people out there unable to pass the qualifications to join the forces as well as those who have been and have mental health issues that people already make jokes about and whatnot, because apparently that stuff is "fake" and a huge joke to people who will argue that it's all made up. There are also Physical reasons people can't join. I've known people who were made fun of and treated like dirt because they failed to pass and "became disappointments" in their family's eyes because they couldn't serve their country. http://usmilitary.about.com/od/deploymentsconflicts/a/draftprocess.htm
Okay, maybe the idea may be a little ridiculous. Yeah, it was. But think about it. If we have a draft, we would all soon realize, "wow, this is our skin going to war." Nobody ever thinks about these stuff that much. Everyone cares about the Obama Administration and all the politics, but they don't realize war. Lots of people volunteered for the military shortly after 9/11 because they thought they would be fighting for there country. Now, there is lots of people in the army already. But we are getting into to much war and to much people dieing. And want to know why we keep getting in wars? Some country's HATE us. To our core. We[america] have done evil things in the past to other people. Some country's don't respect that we have freedom and liberally. Sadly, this will go on for probably a long time. America is already still in one country. Lets not get in another one. EDIT: People just need to realize what America is in and what we need to get out of. Now, I draft would PROBABLY not be the greatest idea. But America is started to collect a reputation of Violence. Take wars and shootings for an example.
Sorry my reply was a bit crazy/ranty. It was just like...WTF!? and caught me off guard. I get what you're saying, but also not only do other countries hate us, many Americans don't like us -_-. I'm not that proud of living here sometimes. At times it's an embarrassment from people thinking umbrellas on college campuses are guns, to idiots talking about bodies shutting down the horrible 4 letter R word, racism, sexism, etc. But at the same time it's like "Uh what do we do?" Edit: This post is probably stupid sounding. Was just caught off guard and brain isn't working atm.
<rant> In the US, out of every one tax dollar you spend, 25% of it goes to funding the military. Know what percent goes to funding education? 3.5%. The government is emphasizing its own 7 times more than the education of its own people. Consider that. If we were to follow that example, our military would be 7 times larger than our educated workforce, rivaling North Korea. Now, I don't know about you, but I think that the fact that we can be put on the same scale as North Korea in this issue is slightly disturbing. </rant> BTW, to get back on topic, the government is spending nearly 25% of the tax dollar on healthcare, far more than many socialist countries in which the government provides healthcare to all, out of its own pocket (a pocket funded by taxpayer money).[/quote]
Your concept and theory make sense, in an ideal situation. But unfortunately, the popular vote/feeling doesn't always win, and war has a common trend of going against the popular vote. I can't find a source currently, but a "fun" fact is that you are more likely to die/become injured in the states than you are in the military. Of course, that doesn't justify war or anything like that.
I don't really like living in America anymore. I have been more interested in the Mars Colonized project. I rather live on Mars, and I am dead serious. Our society is filled with bloody shootings, stealing, and crime. I always think in the future what would it be like. Would we all be dead? Would America be nuked or something? Will Al Qaeda do something today? Will I die of a shooting tomorrow? It is horrible. World Peace can really never happen, which is really a shame.
Average human lifespan has been going up. Average quality of life worldwide has been going up. Average quality of life and individual safety in the US has been going up. There's nothing to worry about Anyway, that's another one of the conceptions commonly spread today by the sensationalist media, that our modern life is very unsafe. To the contrary, we're the safest we've ever been, but because violence sells, a large amount of the populace is fooled into thinking the contrary.