You see, there's this little law that gives the Congress power over their own jobs.... Interestingly, since that law, there hasn't been a single year in which Congress hasn't raised its own pay.
From the 27th Amendment, Congressmen can't raise their own pay. Though... their personal healthcare benefits and other benefits is a different story.
They can raise their own pay, he is right. I like how if you reverse your statement, you are calling your own currency worthless lol.
Their pay is retroactive, they can not raise it themselves unless they are reelected and have the chance to. They retain their own personal health care and can raise the expense for their cost of living, which I would say is actually raising their own pay. Though the 27th amendment limits pay [a still large $200,000 a year], you are correct, they find "ways" to make them gain more wealth. Edit: Just read an article about acts trying to DOUBLE their pay raise. I can see why the 27th amendment was ratified to get rid of laws and acts that did things like that.
Where I live, those "ways" can make the politicians millionaires within an year of entering office, qute the flagrant show of corruption. Also, I'm surprised this thread is still alive.
Indeed, once they leave office they never really have to work again. Some slighty less corrupt politicians may give to charity after finishing their work in congress, but I would bet most won't. Edit: most politicians start wealthy anyways, which helps them campaign. Just under 10 more years of government work gets them another million dollars or so
Considering that about 90% of congress was reelected in 2012, I would say that they are raising their own pay. With reelections rates as high as they are, they are effectively raising their pay. Could you link to somewhere that defines the pay limit? I can't seem to find where it says that. The best I could find. It seems pay isn't increased by the Congressmen themselves but is actually set to increase automatically each term; they may vote to decline however (which they have only done a couple times ever). However, their pay is astounding, well above $200k each. Edit: which means the 90% elected back into the House thus receive an increase from the normal increment.