1.7 update overview

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by 607, Aug 17, 2013.

  1. Amplified Biomes <3
    607 likes this.
  2. I was scared to select it since it said a beefy computer was recommended...what does it do?
    607 likes this.
  3. After looking at this update and 1.6, I think I know what direction Mojang is heading in: another multi-part adventure update.

    Here's my theory about these Minecraft updates:

    1.6 - Horses
    1.7 - Biomes
    1.8 - Hostile Mobs
    Also, because of the changes with terrain generation, will all worlds' current biomes get suddenly changed? Like, I don't want any of our structures in the frontier wildernesses to disappear.
  4. As long as we don't load too many new chunks, you'll be able to explore the new biomes in the overworld wastlands!
  5. Look at the Wilderness live map :)
  6. So far, all that has to be done is to reset the wastlands and implement blocks and items. Speaking of the wastlands, how come that then never got reset for 1.6?
  7. The new overview map looks nothing like the real Earth with all of the rivers and seas!
  8. The wastelands did get reset.
  9. Not much, just makes biomes huge, deserts go up to like, 200 blocks. I have a Mac and I run 50 - 60 so it's fine.
  10. huh, I saw a few days ago they couldn't but I guess they did :confused:
    Well, that's cool :)
  11. Amplified was what I called the possible "skylands" awesome huge mountains and floating stuff, and everything is really high, so it takes a pretty long time to get down to bedrock. I also git scared by the beefy computer note at first, but I just wanted to try it. And well, it works pretty well on my windows XP, so try it out. (I should in the beginning keep your render distance at short or tiny though
  12. One problem I see: copying written books. What will happen to Maxarias' written books?
  13. Oh, geez... I forgot about that. It may take a while for EMC to update after this comes out.
  14. This feature will be restricted on EMC, allowing you to only copy your own books. :)
    Kells18, jkjkjk182 and 607 like this.
  15. I am still waiting for fish. REAL fish.
    hashhog3000 likes this.
  16. I think it will be in this update or for a little more longer. Just wait patiently :)
  17. Did you all try out the new snapshot from this week already? It has /tellraw, /setblock, /testforblock, all really useful commands!
    I only think /setblock could be a little too OP...
  18. How? :confused:
    I see it only being used a good mapmaking tool
  19. /setblock is kinda cool, but I am worried about the lag. Not in EMC, but in singleplayer.