Haha, the nature of the beast... I am getting a lot of Western Union ads, as I send money to my wife with them...
Lol I just got Ad Blocker I don't want to know I can get "40% interest on money loans to people in Jamaica" H ah No more Ads Just a Black area
Nope its all by click, doesn't matter what you do after that... (at least for adsense it is this way).
If you see an item that you are interested in, clicking it and checking it out helps the Empire. If you just click random ads Google is smart enough and figures this out, it doesn't help us, and could potentially get us in trouble (banned from the service).
Well, idk how much you can moderate that. But it's getting annoying to see stuff like this: https://i.imgur.com/YpJX2.png , and the idea it's not to block adds from my pc, because if so why having adds? or why voting for yes?
OOOLALA I wish I was presented with Latina women rather than Romanian/Rusian/Prouge girls who want Visas, I mean "Husbands"...
interesting ads, why am I getting ads for gold currency exchanges? Anyway, they aren't at all obtrusive, I'm happy for them to continue. Esp as I and so many others are using this site for free.
I just meant the AdblockPlus part, I dont want to have to completley destroy your logic and faith in google in this thread, so no fight