The New Republic

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by 72Volt, Feb 15, 2013.

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  1. We kinda are doing that in the provisional convo since it is mba, myself, and your responsbility to see that it gets done.
  2. Oh i thought there was a different convo for the people working on the website and app.
  3. Cause me and Marklea (R.I.P) Helped out as well...
  4. This happens to me a lot. :p
    Oh lol I didn't know that sorry. He was in my eyes bragging that you guys made it but it is a very big achievement in Wrem. Maybe there should be a sign on the building that says who helped build it?
  5. Whats this about traps? Are they any possible danger to players? And have they got signs warning of dangers to players?
  6. I think the traps he is talking about is the cactus.
    kritacul likes this.
  7. My bad, ants got it right. Didn't mean to scare anyone. But yea the cactus around the wall is a trap for the mobs.
    Yea Nether did kinda help and will give my props too. ;)(sorry buddy).
    mba2012 likes this.
  8. Ok. I just wanted to make sure it wasn't anything too bad.
    kritacul likes this.
  9. I've had a number of proposals come through recently regarding a rail link between Wrem and Inizio and regarding the current highway situation. So this is my proposal.

    This new widened highway(Figure 1) would connect to the cobble road(Figure 2) being built. The new highway in figure 1 would then be extended to Oakville creating what would be named State Route 1(Figure 3).
    Figure 1. ^
    2013-06-05_21.02.03.png Figure 2. ^
    Figure 3. ^

    Now the current smaller highway(figure 4 and 5) would become obsolete after such happenings as the above. So my proposal is that this road be widened by one block and it would become the rail link between Inizio and Wrem and would also be extended to Oakville, as shown in figure 6. Now this smaller roadway passes through a building (figure 7), this building contains a locked chest with KoenJassen, Chrozerice and Napoleon3665. I propose this building becomes the main railway station for Wrem, a stop would be built on the railway inside this building.

    2013-06-05_20.59.10.png Figure 4. ^
    Figure 5. ^
    Figure 6. ^
    2013-06-05_20.50.05.png Figure 7. ^

    So, what are peoples thoughts on this?
  10. So we will have two highways going to the same places?
  11. Good day, everyone! There is an agenda which must be attended to.

    Firstly...I have selected Supereskimo as the Deputy First Minister, on the basis of popular demand, Brickstrike's logic, and he seems mature. :)

    Secondly. I shall be creating a working group for the website, if anyone has anything to contribute, please let me know and I'll add you into a convo :)

    Thirdly. I am considering nominating either a minister or a trusted individual to manage the elections. Ideally, elections would be conducted by messaging the individual a list of candidates in order of preference, then the votes would be counted through the system of single transferable vote. :)
    mba2012, supereskimo, wisepsn and 2 others like this.
  12. It's my building, so go ahead with whatever you have planned :)
    mba2012 likes this.
  13. Huzzah!
  14. Hey Volt add me to the website convoy. I do graphics.
  15. Does this apply to officials? I would assume so but, I am just double checking.
  16. Yes
  17. He he...69...

    Anyways, mba, like the idea...but...i think all lines should stop at wrem. It would be a better idea to keep it more of a woodland village. Maby can an talk with Pazzo, and other nearby outposts and see of they will accept invitations for rail lines?
    brickstrike and kritacul like this.
  18. I would like to contribute. :)
  19. Hey volt, can you add me in to the convo for the site.
  20. Idea!

    Each NR city shall have a Shard. Just like the big one in London.
    Shards will be 25 blocks in radius at their base, and 1.5 blocks in radius at their peak, at Y:256.
    The material composition of each Shard will be unique to each city, and be affected by the biome the city is in, the city flag, the presence of nationalism, the architecture, and other factors.

    Shards will act as observation decks, and will be rented out to private owners, with the bottom third being used for shops and the like, the middle third being used for apartments, and the top third being used for offices, storage, and the like. Below each Shard, there will be a basement extending to bedrock. The basement will be rented out for farms and storage.

    Each Shard will be directly accessible from any other Shard, through an overhead height-limit highway system, which I would like to affectionately dub 'the highest of ways'. Each Shardway route will have a powered railway and a footpath, canals and waterways will be excluded because if they're griefed, the water pours everywhere. Also, we'll make the routes mostly made out of glass, so you can observe the ground below and feel excellent.

    Why an overhead highway? Is our underground Metro, our waterway system and our roads not good enough?
    Well, the intentions of the Shardway system is to allow quick, simple express travel between NR towns. The Metro is suited to domestic travel within towns, the waterways are suited to open, free travel between the NR and anywhere with a coast, and roads are suited to general travel. I wish to create a new class of travel.

    Overall, City Shards can provide excellent benefit to the NR, through the revenue and ease of transportation. Are we all in favour? :)

    Oh, one more thing, we're almost ready to expand to Town. :)
    Dean_Catterson likes this.
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