((But he also destroy ANYTHING within a hundred meters. I would wait for another official word from fluffinator. If he says it is okay then it is okay.))
The guards start shooting at me. I start yelling at them that I'm peaceful, but they don't listen. I kick my scorpion into high hear and run through their lines.
Well then. I run into the woods and jump over a river in hopes they will be stupid and malfunction in the water.
((Scorpions are siege engines, thus they are rather slow. So trying to outrun them is not a good idea))
This just keeps getting worsen doesn't it. I get my scorpion and I into the woods and set up a tripwire trap. I wait for the scorpions to walk over it so I can deactivate them.
The Scorpions bumble into your trap ((You do realize that soon your own people will be your enemy right?))
((Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I never saw a post saying these were maration.)) Eragon returns to town and apologizes for tripping the scorpions. He hands two over but keeps his original one.
The soldiers do not believe you anyway, as you are going into an Aravian town after attempting to bring down two of their siege machines.
I don't handle disbelief well. I draw my sword, stab them in the stomach so they won't die, and drag them into a ditch.