[RolePlay] Dynastian Splinters

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by fluffinator09, Feb 10, 2013.

  1. ((Him who?))
  2. ((I think he means you.))
  3. ((You because I'm pretty sure your in the same city as me))
  4. ((oh))
    Charles hides behind tree in fear of being spotted.
    He sends hawk into air to search for enemies.
  5. Cheisten sees Hawk and Steathly hops in large window to avoid getting spotted by hawk.
  6. Harden sees Cheisten in his hiding spot looking for Sir William.
    Harden flies back to Sir William giving him the location to Cheisten.
    Charles looks through spell book, looking for a spell to hide from others.
    He will find it in 3 turns.
    ((when the next 3 posts come he will use the spell))
  7. I see two people walk into town. I am my mortars at them and blast at them. On to the guards at hand. I draw my bow and say they are stupid for attacking me, then shoot one or two of them. They do not back off. I aim my scorpion at them and blast them. I yell at them to back off.
  8. Cheisten can not make up his mind about this stranger, he decides to head to a Tavern for the night he pays 2 currency for the night.
  9. ((The city you are in is currently being attacked by my scorpion siege engine. I have a feeling the inns and taverns might be freaking out.))
    NINJATTILA likes this.
  10. As night comes I decide to travel across the rooftops to try to find information as to what is going on.
  11. ((Can I ask what town your in?))
  12. ((Kavel))
  13. ((Ok-I am mortaring this town. They decided to shoot at me as I peacefully rode through on my siege engine :p))
  14. Cheisten is woken up by screaming and decides to investigate.
  15. ((You might want to get an official fluffinator check on that. According to his earlier post you did not have time to make it to Kavel. And NINJATTIA and brickstrike are in Drogobak.))
    penfoldex likes this.
  16. ((I am not in Kavel. I am in Drogobak.))
  17. ((Sorry I was confused.))
  18. ((I've been confused since I was caught in the middle of a siege engine attack.))
  19. Sir William casts the spell to hide from others; this lasts only 5 turns
    He runs towards the forest of the Druid to hide from enemies.
    He goes to the Great Oak tree and casts an opening spell on a hidden door.
    He walks through closing the door behind him.
    From here he can find a cave that leads to a dragons nest.
    He rests for a while.
  20. ((Wha? Hidden doors and dragon nests? Whaaaaaattttttt?????))
    HylianNinja likes this.