So sad and Disgusting!!!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by MR2R2M, Dec 14, 2012.

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  1. Ok, here is the list of other weapons hat can be used in a realistic street situation

    pocket knife


    box cutter


    broken glass

    broken bottle

    and your fists

    other not so realist weapons


    trowing knife

    a car

    a plane
    battmeghs likes this.
  2. We keep guns in our house hold many guns all registered though we only use them for recreation/hunting it doesn't mean that were violent but if someone were to break in we would have a means to protect our self and not get killed.
  3. It's just very sad, he killed 20 children, 8 adults, himself and his mother, what a shame.
    mba2012 likes this.
  4. Banning guns, as people stated above, won't work. Criminals and insane people like this will still get their guns illegally. If we ban guns, we will also will disarm responsible citizens who own guns for self defense, not to kill innocent people. Anyways, I can't imagine what the families of the victims are going through. I really don't know what to say about that except the guy who killed them is just... disgusting.
    nnnnmc1 and SpaceShuttleFan like this.
  5. "A man who caries a weapon will always find justification to use it." - Marko from Saga
    Edit: This might not be the exact quote. I typed this from memory.
  6. Anyway, somebody can manage to kill with other things such as cars or knifes. I heard the bad news. I send My condolences to the families of the kids here from argentina. It is a very bad new for All of us and it affect to all countries.
  7. Yes, one can kill people with a knife; but it is very hard to go on a mass shooting spree with a knife.
    MR2R2M likes this.
  8. I agree completely with You . Let me tell You something: i know a man who used to go to exactly that school when he was young and he lived in usa. Now he live here in argentina but exactly the same school, what a coincidence!

  9. me being a mother myself, i wouldn't know what to do if i lost my boy, he's the only reason i live. i feel so bad for the parents. :(
  10. *reaches out for a hand shake

    Like both pics but second one got me. Damn all in all its sad what happen today :(
    ZBSDKryten, mba2012 and battmeghs like this.
  11. I don't know about the gun laws, but we shouldn't be arguing right now. We should be mourning them. I'm actually in tears right now, this being the second time I have heard of this. If any of you have kids, and could even imagine being in those parents shoes.. Its just so awful..
    mba2012 likes this.
  12. Gun regulations have nothing to do with the shooting. He stole the gun, which means that this will not, unfortunately, spur on new gun laws. Also, since the Constitution actually says the right for citizens to bear arms limits how much one can do. Yôu can tighten regulations a tad bit maybe, or add requirements, but as long as America is free, I can assure you that any citizen will be able to, without extremely difficult criteria, to get purchase a firearm.
  13. So let's say, theoretically here, that all guns are illegal and completely eliminated like you and several other people on this thread seem to want...

    A mentally unstable person decides to go on a mass murdering spree. He walks into a school, hospital, or any other public place and pulls a knife and proceeds to start stabbing people with it. He would easily be able to kill or seriously wound 1 or 2 people before the police are called. Then it would take the police 5-10 minutes from the time they are called to reach the scene, causing who-knows-how-much more damage. The police finally arrive and start to move in on the target, unfortunately they have no guns because they are completely gone; so now they have they have to put themselves in danger by getting within striking distance to detain the subject, possibly causing more death and destruction.

    Before, they could have taken cover behind a car and safely eliminated the subject from a distance, but that is not possible without a gun. Point being, without a gun to protect people with, murder with a knife becomes much easier. So taking guns out of the equation is not the answer, it will just cause another weapon to become that much more efficient.

    TL;DR If guns are taken away knives will take their place as weapon of choice and be just as deadly.
  14. While it may be easy to outrun a man, I have yet to meet a man to outrun a bullet, mate.
  15. Exactly, he actually stole the guns from his mom which she legally owned it. In Chicago, they banned guns permanently and still, Chicago has the highest gun murder rates in the world. You can't take it out the Second Amendment. Now, I don't think people should own an auto-magic assault rifle with out a few back ground checks.

    It is a shame that this massacre has turned into a political fight. Please take a moment of silence to remember the poor kindergartners.
  16. Today in China a man walked into a local market and killed 22 people with a knife. Yes, yes you can.
    mba2012 likes this.
  17. Well, I for one have not stated that guns be completely eliminated. Lmfao. That will never happen.

    And anyway, with regards to your knife "story" an assailant wielding a knife is a heck of a lot easier to stop than one with a gun.
  18. WTF is this auto-magic gun you speak of?!? Never heard of that one lmao :D
  19. I completely support the Secound Ammendment. Actually, after the first, it is the most important. It gives us the right to defend the first, and without, life would a lot different then it is now.
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