Early Voting in the U.S. Started!

Discussion in 'Miscellaneous' started by sgx2000, Oct 22, 2012.

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  1. I never completely bought that argument. I didn't think Bush did a bad job and anything someone might say he did do bad, I could say: "It was Clinton's fault." You could go back forever doing that. My issue is, Obama made promises to get elected, knowing he wouldn't follow through with those promises. He knew what he was getting into since he boasted about "I'll fix this and I'll fix that of what Bush did." so you can't say he "didn't know" either.
    dylan_frenette, Hash98 and Dwight5273 like this.
  2. We seem to have gotten a *bit* off-topic. :p
    Cchiarell6914 and IcecreamCow like this.
  3. OK Here Is Your Notification.
  4. lol :rolleyes:
  5. to me Bush will forever be known as the President who lied to us and told us that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction after 9/11 and then decided to invade that country when it had nothing to do with 9/11

    so that is right at the feet of Bush and Clinton had nothing to do with it. Bush's father had a little to do with it considering he didn't finish the job in Iraq like Cheney, Rumsfeld, and the rest of the bafoons always wanted him to.

    for easy evidence that Bush was a failure, where has he been? the Republican party never mentions his name. Clinton, who embarrassed us all by lying about cheating on his wife, is all over the Democratic party.
  6. This is so incorrect I don't even know where to start. However, this does go to your point that if you only follow what we're told upfront you get incorrect information.
  7. what's funny to me is that if i was to have a conversation about math, history, or the spanish language with someone then no one is going to claim to be an expert at any of those subjects and we can discuss it civilly and come to an agreement most likely. but with politics that is impossible. everyone is an expert and no matter you can never get someone to admit they are wrong or come to an agreement on a subject.

    so funny to me
  8. That's because Politics is about personal views and beliefs. Everyone has different views and beliefs and there isn't any direct answers that will make everyone happy.
  9. this illustrates my point exactly
  10. I'm not sure what you mean.

    We were told by the main media that there were no connections and links to WMDs/Obama from Afganistan/Iraq. If you only follow mainstream media, that is what you know. If you dig a little deeper, you'll find some interesting stuff. I'm not trying to convince you or anything, as I know what I know and am happy I dug deeper into that than what the news told me. If you want to go further, that's up to you, of course.
    dylan_frenette likes this.
  11. take a look at this when you have some free time. these are the mindfulness trainings that are part of the Order of Interbeing. i try to keep these in mind at all times but the very first one speaks to this idea that two people with differing views on personal beliefs can't come to an agreement:

  12. you're going to have to expound on that a bit more. i know there was faulty intelligence about Saddam and his WMDs but no amount of whatever you read is going to change the fact that:

    1) no WMDs were found
    2) Saddam had nothing to do with 9/11
    3) Bush explicitly linked the two together
  13. 1. But plans and buildings with setups to build them were.
    2. Yes, he very much did. Again, look deeper than the mainstream news.
    3. See 1/2.
  14. Now, I know republicans aren't always the best choice. Look at George W. Bush. (He was ok....) But in a Obama vs Romney situation, the republican party is sure as heck better then the democrats.

    Good night.
    Dwight5273 and Cchiarell6914 like this.
  15. Okay, I'm going to bite on this because I find it humorous... show me how Saddam had something directly to do with 9/11.

    Keep in mind that I've read the Looming Tower and I'm very much educated on Middle Eastern history, I am educated on the Soviets, Bin Laden, Al Zawahiri, the starting of Al Queda, etc etc.... all of that and never once have I heard anyone give a direct connection between Saddam and 9/11 besides Bush.
  16. Grilled Cheese Sammiches are tastier than Tuna Fish Sammiches... no one can refute that.

    Good night.
    catwarrior7 likes this.
  17. I really don't have the time to find the articles/proof I read way back when. As stated above, I know it exists and if you really want to find it, you can...but for me to take the time to find it again for a debate that's bringing up things from like 8 years ago is just not something I really want to focus my time on at the moment.
    dylan_frenette likes this.
  18. Nuuuuu Tuna Fish is waaaaaay better than Grilled Cheese!
  19. Tuna grilled cheese. mmmm
    dylan_frenette likes this.
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