smp7 - jungle outpost

Discussion in 'Frontier and Player Outposts' started by zulu9, Mar 13, 2012.

  1. It's been there way before me and one first buildings in LLO so where's the "how about no bear "
    Jakres and mba2012 like this.
  2. The fire lags me too :/ But I'm for whatever is decided.
    Jakres and mba2012 like this.
  3. Do you ever have an opinion or do you just walk around and watch the thread?
    Jakres likes this.
  4. I do have an opinion but when I post I'm apparently a horrible person. I try to help out and explain and I'm talked to like I'm stupid. I've been working on repairing things, building my floor in Philo Tower and working on whatever in LLO but I guess I'll just stop all that now and go back to town and leave it all to whoever. Have fun guys.
  5. No! No! and even more NO! Don't go back to town. I need someone to sit afk next to me while I build!
    Jakres and Philovanrood like this.
  6. :(
    Jakres likes this.
  7. MBA that kind of comment is making LLO a Tiredsome place to play at and talk to one another.
    Jakres likes this.
  8. If one would replace the fire with glowstone...wouldn't that be better?
    Yeah, i know its going to be griefed to death...
    Jakres and mba2012 like this.
  9. I have had an idea but I will post it in the morning(for me). It would be useful but not completed by the LLOlympics.
    Jakres likes this.
  10. A) you are definitely not stupid
    B) everyone appreciates your repairing after the recent greifings
    C) your floor looks awesome, don't abandon it!
    D) don't go back to town! smp7 is all about the wild!
    E) It just won't be as fun if another LLOian has left :(
  11. First L0TAD now mba, we are tearing eachother in half! Stop!
  12. YOU ARE HORRIBLE PERSON - since you posted longer post that usually & it had actual sense in it
    -- No you Aren't --

    But you are :>

    One of the Ten Nicest persons in EMC ( Authority people are not included ) --
    Anyhow if you are going to wander somewhere to wild & need some company, just gimme a hint :>
    Jakres and zulu9 like this.
  13. Lol, the llo is not a prison

    We should encourage people to move back and forth between town
    Jakres and zulu9 like this.
  14. I agree with you these two members have forgot two of few rules we have respect others members and don't mess with other member project or build right top of them give some breathing room.

    To Mba2012 go build your Chinatown/LLOLYMPICS in the west like you been talking about for past week or so. Seeing is believing with you complete than talking about it. As for L0tad you need to learn that invading into people's personal space you keep saying get over it look toward future but if someone spend many hours working then it being knock Down and replace with cobble building with one or two windows saying contact so and so to rent this building . I could go on and on about these subjects but I hate typing wall of text they are a eyesore. All in All start respecting other members and their projects

  15. look, if you don't like it
    don't look at it
    Jakres likes this.
  16. Well that's hard with the big ugly crap RIGHT IN THEIR FRONT DOOR. YOU are exactly why I am so fed up with LLO. You don't care about anyone but yourself and if things don't go your way THIS is the result:

    Aikar has had to step in told you this:
    He told you something we all have been: I propose you simply relocate to a currently empty area. And all you did was cram some buildings in a corner and crowd everyone who lives there. You refuse to listen, you refuse to do as asked, you freak out and throw a tantrum when nobody will give you permission to tear down buildings they worked hard on. We've taken screenshots of available places you could build instead of tearing the nice stuff down and tossing up the ugly cobble mess that you have made. We don't care if people want to go to town, nobody ever said that they couldn't. What we have been saying is there is no reason to obliterate the buildings that are there to make the nasty mess you are making. Also there is technically no real way to make shops in the wild. You'll have to basically stand in your shop and hope someone even decides to come by and buy something or place it in a chest and hope people don't bother stealing it all or leave it all in locked chests.

    Are you also the person who keeps building on SoulPunisher's house?

    As for the vault, the fire under the floor lags me as well when I'm near the guest house. If there is an easier way to light the place up then that would be fine by me. Since it belongs to whoever built it, I'll let them decide.
  17. no, i have not touched soulpunishers house
    Jakres likes this.
  18. LOtad, just MOVE TO AN EMPTY AREA. This whole prospect of 'bringing money' to the LLO and building things that are supposed to make people 'happier' won't work and will end in tears. Trust me, I have personal experience

    Stop acting like a child and acting as If we are the bad guys.
  19. What part of

    Leave me alone don't u get?

    Just leave me alone
    Jakres likes this.
  20. Look. Maybe you don't get it. We are a community. You want to be left alone? You leave us alone.