Official 1.4 Snapshots Thread

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by chickeneer, Aug 23, 2012.

  1. Also, if a pig is struck by lightning - it will turn into a Zombie Pigmen
  2. interesting ... btw chickeneer i thought of something that might be useful for the 1.4 update ... it's buys signs that can be used with 'use' instead of items ... per say (name) (use) (rupee amount) (type of use item ex) button, lever, redstone ticks, etc)) .... so when someone presses on one of the buttons to open a door, or make a casino, or have levers .... we could actually have toll booths for parkours and stuff without having to worry about constantly checking your rupee history to make sure someone paid
  3. Congrats on mod bro :D
  4. Snapshot 12w39a - September 27, 2012 Download Link

    Ok, primarily bug fixes; but the Lighting system was overhauled for this update, which stairs and slabs working as expected. That is all I will be mentioning for this Snapshot, Mojang is trying to wrap up and finish the features already for the final version of 1.4 - which I would expect to be out in just about a month from now. Get Excited!
    mba2012 and BobTheTomato9798 like this.
  5. Truthfully I am not THAT excited because that means I have to re-install all 10-15 mods that I have. Though I am very excited for all the new features :D
    chickeneer likes this.
  6. Awesome!
  7. Because he's the programmer.
    Well I don't want like an insane amount of Withers in the wild. The LLO and other wild outposts would fall in days! I think there should be some sort of limit of it.
    matthew12hydro likes this.
  8. Have you heard of Justin :p I don't know which will deal with this though. lol
    penfoldex and mba2012 like this.
  9. Oh yeah…that one guy…;)
    Well I assumed Aikar because he seemed to be handling the programming section a bit more.
    mba2012 likes this.
  10. Aikar was doing quite a bit there for a while - but Justin is back and they will both be working on Features
    penfoldex and mba2012 like this.
  11. Can't they come out of the portals, and other animals can go through them?
  12. 1.4 snapshot thread by a mod FTW
  13. to my knoweledge, all Mobs (Maybe entities to - would have to check) will instantly travel through the portal.
    xI_LIKE_A_PIGx likes this.
  14. And, also, new sounds. Can't wait for whenever your traveling by boat in water for a long period of time. :p
  15. Now I have another reason to cower into my wooden building and hide.
    princebee, chickeneer and jkjkjk182 like this.
  16. i wonder what will be in the next snapshot maybe brooms that witchs hold when they dont have potions in there hands and you can use the broom to fly (would also be good for emc because of the res's and it would look cool from above
  17. I'm not sure if they would add a way to let players fly, but you never know.
    jkjkjk182 likes this.
  18. I highly doubt they will do this - They are mainly done adding features for the 1.4 update - future snapshots will just be bug fixes and finishing the current projects. Flying on brooms would be way to buggy to just now put in
    penfoldex and jkjkjk182 like this.
  19. Lol think of this... People on the brooms+bows, and people on pigs+bows, then fighting the Ender Dragon.. Wouldnt that be a sight to see!:p
  20. That would be fun…:D
    NINJATTILA and jkjkjk182 like this.