We should all ban together to make a city in the wild. Before you say "No!" keep reading. We have to show the griefers we arent scared anymore, we cant let them win! I went on smp1 the other day and went on the chat and asked people if they would help make the city or not. heres the responses: "No itll get griefed." "Id love to but itll just get griefed :/" And these responses made me sad that all the townspeople are to afraid to build in the wild due to the senselessness of griefers. We dont have to be scared anymore i mean come on the emc mods are Kick @#$!!! So if you can id love for you to join me on my anti griefing city! Thanks for reading
An anti griefing city. If you can actually make this then it might give me a reason to come back. This used to be a common thing to do back when Empire was only about 50 people big. There was even a city right outside of Wasteland spawn!
This has actually been tried on SMP7, and although it does often get griefed, the Last Light Outpost is still going http://empireminecraft.com/threads/smp7-jungle-outpost.5159/ ...so your idea can work. Also, some "Wild Updates" are coming soon which will make it much safer to build in the wild. In the future, we should see more "Cities" in the wild, as you suggest.
Hmmm. Seems like the reason LLO was started. I might join. Find a good location first. Very far from spawn
That's true. We'll see anyway... I don't think the official details of the updates have been released yet
Every server has a hard limit. If a player goes out in the wild far enough, he/she will hit the hard limit, and chunks will stop generating everywhere on the server. This will in every way get you banned.