Mandatory MC Account Migration

Discussion in 'General Minecraft Discussion' started by triphora, Oct 21, 2020.

  1. It's a minecraft account. I've sent in a request for help. But there isn't anything I can do on my end. Since I don't have any safety questions set up I have nothing to answer to prove to the mighty website I'm me to change the email. I'm forced to have only one option to send instructions to my email to add security questions so i can change the email. However I have no way to access the email to receive those instructions.
    607 likes this.
  2. I guess you don't have a receipt from purchasing Minecraft (I know you did so, because you have played on EMC with it) either? Or hm, I suppose you would've got that on the school e-mail as well...
    AncientTower likes this.
  3. I'm in the same boat as AncientTower with one of my legacy accounts. Mojang has been completely useless in helping me. I've usually been kept in email limbo to be told that they cannot do anything.

    If you lost access to the original email, it's likely the receipt to the account purchase is also lost. In that case, Mojang stays hands off despite the mounds of evidence that could otherwise prove ownership of an account. It's been nearly a year since I lost access, and in the beginning I was told to wait until migration. Now that migration is here, I still cannot get help because I don't have a receipt or the original email I used to sign up with. It's unfortunate, because I used a lot of burner email accounts back in the day, so I have completely forgotten what I signed up with.
    607 likes this.
  4. have you tried to create microsoft account, then migrate them to newly created microsoft account? Minecraft account now doesn't allow more than 2 account in same email address
    I newly purchased that alt with migrated microsoft account
    Also i will add this thing into wiki index

  5. Spot the differences. :p
    They probably should've changed 'most' too, now it sounds like some users won't have to migrate. :p Maybe they mean me. :D :rolleyes:
    Mutavalli, TuckerAmbr and Ethy202 like this.
  6. They don't mean you, because you don't have a Mojang account. ;)
    607 likes this.
  7. Right, it would be amazing if people with a Minecraft account could keep playing without migrating. :D
  8. I just migrated my alt (had to in order to play) and it actually went without much issues! I even had to reset the security questions, and that went quick too. It does seem really weird to me that I need to set an Xbox Live gamertag for a Minecraft account, but whatever.
  9. I can't log in anymore! :(

    It's interesting that it shows the Mojang logo, and also 'Trying to login with a Mojang account? You'll need to migrate to a Microsoft account to log in', as my main account is not on a Mojang account...

    I will migrate. There's no point in not using the account anymore. Let's see if it works the same way as with a Mojang account.

  10. This second bullet is so ridiculous (and so is the fourth, and maybe the first and third too). Because they don't mean multiple Minecraft accounts, they mean other games from Mojang. I would be surprised, honestly, if there are more people with multiple different Mojang games than people with multiple Minecraft accounts.

    Migration was super easy, though! I didn't have to answer security questions, this time (I guess only Mojang accounts had them!); I did get an error the first time, so I had to redo it. It still took less than five minutes. The process being painless does not make the result less annoying, though!
    Nickblockmaster likes this.
  11. Just thought I would repost this note by chickeneer, in case someone missed it..

    "Additionally, I read on Minecraft's website that they are going to be ending the Mojang to Microsoft account Migration later this year.
    September 19th, 2023: So if you know someone that hasn't migrated their account - tell them to do it!"
  12. That's incredible.
    After what has happened, I can believe it, though. I just think it's very customer unfriendly.
    I'll tell some friends to migrate!
    Nickblockmaster likes this.
  13. i dont support microsofts actions i understand why they want all users on one platform now. The process for me was very simple with me hearing others where not so easy to migrate. it has been since 2021 that they started the process so that for active players of a wide range has been quite a while even if u only play Minecraft once a year.