
Discussion in 'Artists' Gallery' started by Progryck, Nov 3, 2021.

  1. While I do agree an Ace would suit you well, I was hoping to keep the aces with just the logo of the suit. I had put them on -reserved- in the list but it seems i forgot to mention it in the text. Would you both be ok with an other card?
    607 likes this.
  2. can I go Jack of hearts?

    (also, I still don't get why in English they're called "clubs", they're clearly flowers/clovers. These are clubs )
    607, KatydidBuild and Progryck like this.
  3. hmu with the queen club then my guy
    Progryck likes this.
  4. something of hearts, love this :p
    Progryck likes this.
  5. Neat idea - 5 of diamonds pls :)
    Progryck likes this.
  6. 10 of ❤️
    Progryck likes this.
  7. What a cool idea!
    I would like to be on the six of hearts. :D
    Progryck likes this.
  8. king of hearts please
    Progryck likes this.
  9. If four of hearts is available, please?
    Progryck likes this.
  10. Queen of spades
    Progryck likes this.
  11. The first few cards are done and the reservations are coming in quickly. At this rate I'll have a full deck by the end of the week. :)
    UltiPig, tamraaa, xGGirlx and 13 others like this.
  12. King of Clubs!
    The 9 of Clubs can go to Captain__Foxy
    Progryck likes this.
  13. Progryck and ConductorConduit like this.
  14. 8 of Spades
    Progryck likes this.
  15. Very cute!
    Progryck likes this.
  16. is it ok if i ask for 6 of spades?
    Progryck likes this.
  17. what a neat idea! if you're cool with it/it's not taken, 2 of diamonds!
    607 and Progryck like this.
  18. Ooooooh this idea is so cool! I'd like to have 7 of hearts if it's still available!
    Progryck likes this.
  19. Also, I wish I'd seen this earlier when there was still more options :(
  20. 2 of spades or 7 of clubs, surprise me :)

    Edit: yay thanks for the good choice, I hesitated about removing the 2 of spades as an option because I figured I prefered the club card but I see you already did that for me :D
    SlendySWIRS and Progryck like this.