(Giveaway) Quote me a Quote! Million rupee giveaway

Discussion in 'Public Member Events' started by Raaynn, May 4, 2020.


Do you like to read?

Poll closed May 24, 2020.
Yes! 13 vote(s) 54.2%
A liitle 9 vote(s) 37.5%
No. 2 vote(s) 8.3%
  1. Finally with the arrival of the lectern, I have been able to build and open the public 'Reading Room' (inspiration taken from New York's Rose main Reading Room) for the archives I have built on smp6, and am now just looking for the finishing touches, so...

    Quote me a Quote!

    To enter this giveaway all I am looking for are your favourite quotes from books that you enjoy. There will be a requirement that these quotes must fit onto a sign in-game (so obviously shorter quotes). multiple quotes allowed, but only one entry/no alts please. Post quotes in this thread.

    The giveaway will end at noon on May 25th 2020, being Towel Day in honour of Douglas Adam's Hitchhiker's Guide series.

    Prizes will be selected by random.org, and are as follows;
    1st- 500,000r and a personalized signature from me along with my head.
    2nd- 250,000r and a personalized signature
    3rd- 150,000r
    4th- 100,000r

    Reading room is now open at 12022@reading
  2. May I submit more than one quote?
    Raaynn likes this.
  3. Awesome! :)
    Raaynn likes this.
  4. I would say sure, but only one will be an entry for the prizes.
    Impulsive_Egg likes this.
  5. ok neat, so how is it decided which entry counts towards a potential prize?
    Raaynn likes this.
  6. sounds like fun! Where should we submit these quotes?
    Raaynn likes this.
  7. I will have your name. Any quotes could be in one forum post also.

    Post here in this thread
    607 and Impulsive_Egg like this.
  8. "You're off to Great Places... So get on your way! - Oh, The Places You'll Go!
    Raaynn and BennyLikesBelts like this.
  9. People say nothing is impossible, but I do nothing every day.

    Winnie the Pooh
  10. "Yer a wizard Harry" -Hagrid

    Quote from Harry Potter. You're welcome.
  11. You miss 100% of the shots you don't take

    - wayne Gretzky
    RampageX10, Raaynn and CliffCraft like this.
  12. “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story.”

    ― Maya Angelou
    Raaynn likes this.
  13. " Example is leadership" - Albert Schweitzer
    "You are never a loser until you quit trying." - Mike Ditka
    " You are your choices" Seneca
    " Ahh, Ninja Pizza! " "Pizza that vanish quickly without trace! " - Michaelangelo
    Raaynn likes this.
  14. "To live would be an awfully big adventure!" - Peter Pan

    Definitely a quote that has gotten my through some tough times. :)
    607 and Raaynn like this.
  15. It's not that I'm so smart, it's just that I stay with problems longer. - Albert einstein
    607 and Raaynn like this.
  16. "It's the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting." - Paulo Coelho
    607 and Raaynn like this.
  17. I tried to come up with some old kiddo book quotes,

    "It has been a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day. My mom says some days are like that. Even in Australia."
    - Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

    Just wanted to share this quote with y'all, sadly it is quite too long for a sign. Thus my favourite quote of all times.

    "I love you right up to the moon -- and back. "
    - Guess How Much I Love You
    Raaynn likes this.
  18. Favorite book of all time... Yertle the Turtle! (no surprise its about turtles) :rolleyes:

    "I need 'bout five thousand, six hundred and seven!"

    This line always made me laugh as a kid
    Raaynn and CliffCraft like this.
  19. Not all of these fit on a sign...

    First, my two favourite quotes from my favourite books of all time:

    What is there in our nature that is for ever urging us on towards pain and misery? We are not formed for enjoyment; and, however we may be attuned to the reception of pleasureable emotion, disappointment is the never-failing pilot of our life's bark, and ruthlessly carries us on to the shoals.
    ~ The Last Man - Marry Wolstonecraft Shelly

    Hij begreep niet waarom hij zoo oud moest worden, terwijl de dingen zoo langzaam voorbij gingen, stille voorbij, maar zóo slepend, als waren ze, de dingen van vroeger, spoken, die slierden heel lange sluiers langs heel lange paden, en als ritselden de sluiers over de warrelende bladeren, die neêrdwarrelden over het pad.
    (He did not understand why he had gotten so old, whilst the things around him moved so slowly, so calmly moving, but so draging, as if they were, the things from the past, ghosts, which fly around, slowly, past long pathways, and as if those ghosts sofly touched the leaves, that had falled onto the path.)
    ~ Van Oude Menschen / De Dingen die voorbij gaan (Of Old People / The Things That Move By) Louis Couperus

    Two for which you have to have read it, or learned what is in it to understand the impact of it:

    "One must imagine Sisyphus happy."
    ~ The myth of Sisyphus - Albert Camus

    "L'enfer, c'est les Autres!" (Hell, it is the Other!)
    ~ Huis Clos - Jean-Paul Sartre

    Three more quotes from great Dutch Novels:

    "In puinhopen voel ik mij prettig; ergens anders hoor ik niet thuis" (I belong amidst ruins, no where else feels like home)
    ~ De Tranen Der Acacia's (Bloodshed Into Eternety) - Willem Frederick Hermans

    "Er is niets dat niet iets anders aanraakt." (Not a thing doesn't touch a thing)
    ~ Bezonken Rood (Sunken Red) - Jeroen Brouwers

    Alles is beter dan geen naam te hebben voor de dingen.” (I prefer everything to not having a name for the things)
    ~ De Wetten (The rules we live by) - Connie Palmen

    A quote from the video game Pathologic, because why not:

    "No, no… I detest trickery. But if we, ourselves, are to suffer deception, our hands are no longer tied. Where are we?"
    ~The Changeling

    And this monstrosty, which I love: (Aguably poetry... The entire book/letter collection is written like this)

    "De brieven

    Die moet ik nog schrijven, en die
    dat ik gezond ben
    dat ik gisteren dronken was in een grieks café
    daarna in een turks café, in een noors

    dat ik me instel op ene hoge
    zeer hoge gasrekening

    en andere dingen aan anderen -
    grasduinen in een steeds onverklaarbaarder wereld

    dat iemand zei:
    gij hollanders, ge zijt allemaal hetzelfde
    terwijl ik toch had betaald
    en een franse bril op had
    en een duitse gedichtenbundel op zak
    en thuis op mijn tafel
    Anne Sexton's onovertrefbare gedicht
    'wanting to die'

    en luister hoe ik de stoppen vernieuwde
    en het licht opeens weer brandde
    en zij op de bank lag te slapen
    onder de blauwe deken

    Aan deze en gene moet ik schrijven
    dat ik het niet doe
    dat ik weiger
    dat ik ga procederen
    dat de dagen hier in de regen verslijten

    en de wereld nooit groter is dan een stad
    dan ik in die stad

    mijn voeten op die stenen
    en wat ik zie als ik knipper met mijn ogen
    en ik moet vragen hoe het gaat
    of het huis al gebouwd is
    het stuk goed vertaald
    of de kinderen voorspoedig groeien
    en de vrouwen niet al te ongelukkig zijn"


    that I still have to write, and that
    that I am healthy
    that, yesterday, I was drunk in a greek café
    and in an Turkish, and in a Norsh

    that I am anticipating a high
    very high energy bill

    and other ones to other people
    walking aimlessly in an increasingly inexplainable world

    that someone told me
    You Dutch people, you're all the same
    whilst I had paid
    wearing Frensh glasses
    taking with me, German poetry
    and, at home, on my table
    Anne Sexton's unmatcheble poem
    "wanting to die"

    and listen to how I changed the plugs
    the light woked again
    and she was sleeping on the sofa
    under that blue blanket

    and to this person I need to write
    that I won't do it
    that I refuse
    that I am taking legal action
    that the days pass by in the rain

    and the world not larger than a town
    than me in that town

    my feet on the pavement
    and what I see when I blink
    and I have to ask how they're doing
    if their house has been build
    if their writing has been properly translated
    if their childeren are doing good
    if their wives aren't too unhappy)

    ~ Brieven (The letters I wrote) - Remco Campert

    Lastly, a quote that actually works for the contest:

    There is accumulation. There is responsibility. And beyond these, there is unrest. There is great unrest."
    - Julian Barnes, The Sense of an Ending

    I could go on like this for another day... The quotes are only getting longer from here, so that I guess I'll just stop. I guess I submitted six that are usable :p
    Raaynn likes this.
  20. "If people were rain, I was drizzle, and she was a hurricane." -John Green, Looking For Alaska
    "There is nothing sweeter in this sad world than the sound of someone you love calling your name." -Kate DiCamillo, The Tale of Despereaux
    "Murderers are not monsters, they are men. And that is the most frightening thing about them." -Alice Sebold, The Lovely Bones
    "No mourners, no funerals." -Leigh Bardugo, the Six of Crows duology
    "Fear is a phoenix. You can watch it burn a thousand times and it will still return." -Leigh Bardugo, Crooked Kingdom

    A quote from a poem by Warsan Shire:
    "I held an atlas in my lap,
    ran my fingers across the whole world and whispered, 'Where does it hurt?'
    It answered,
    BennyBeltsjets and Raaynn like this.