Adding emojis to the forums: What do you want to see?

Discussion in 'Community Discussion' started by Krysyy, Nov 4, 2019.

  1. i sense an android user :p
  2. I can tell you that not all Android users have that. :)
    FadedMartian likes this.
  3. ok maybe PC user:p
  4. I gotta agree with FadedMartian. I think we need a thumbs down emoji. We have the thumbs up. They would both be good when people present ideas to be able to give you opinion instead of using the +1 or -1 to describe your feelings on something someone proposes in a thread. Even though you could still show your enthusiasm with something like...

    :+1: :+1: +10
    KatydidBuild, FadedMartian and Raaynn like this.
  5. I might be mistaken, but I think that Faded supposed Krysyy was an Android user, and Tom supposed Faded supposed Elaeriic was an Android user.
    FadedMartian likes this.
  6. Well then. :p The 😍 (heart eyes) looks strange to me, the eyes look more like inward pointing arrows than hearts. Probably because a big part of them leaves the face. The thumbs up has a weird posture, I don't think many people would so lazily bend their thumb. :p Neither of those things really matter to me, though.
    What I am however bothered with is the 'lmfao' emoticon. Googling for its meaning at least 80% of the results said it meant "laughing my f****** ass off". If I'm not mistaken, both 'f******' and 'ass' are words that will be blocked by the swear filter on the Minecraft server. I think it's not okay to refer to these words officially on the forum, even in acronym form. You might say it stands for something else, probably "laughing my freaking arse off", but when you search for the meaning of 'lmfao' that's not what you'll find, and besides I think those terms also shouldn't be built-in to the game servers or the forum, even if they are allowed to be used by players and staff.

    Edit: Note that I have not actually used the new emoticons in my post. The heart eyes picture you might see is the actual Unicode Emoji.
    Edit 2: This post was edited by staff, (you can probably guess how) as I have been notified privately by Krysyy.
  7. You must be double jointed. Many people cannot bend their thumb straighter than that.

    From the rules:

    • The use of mild language, such as 'damn' or 'hell' is the most excessive language allowed. Every type of profanity has a nicer alternative, so please use those instead. Most inappropriate words are filtered on EMC, so don't try to bypass this.
    • Even censored or abbreviated foul language is not allowed. Acronyms are acceptable as long as you do not spell out the full meaning with a banned word (Example: lmao is okay).
    BreezyMan likes this.
  8. sugma is not filtered in game, yet ligma is... just an FYI :D
  9. Yeah, I know that's in the rules. :( (edit: it doesn't make sense, but if I wanted to discuss that I'd start another thread about it) Anyway, couldn't you at least remove the 'f'? It seems unnecessary. You could maybe still keep it as an accepted synonym, but not have it displayed as the image title, like how :eek: does not display :o on its title, while it does work (I always use it, as it's quicker to type than :eek: and looks more like it while writing the post).
  10. As for me, you supposed wrong. :)

    As someone who sometimes uses "lmao" in select environments, I think the "f" is useless and am surprised it's even there in the first place. That "f" has, in my opinion, a place elsewhere where it has a clearer use, and does not need to be used here. :)
    607 likes this.
  11. "lmao" was intended to be there as well, but got cut off. Realized that y'all meant the hover over list, so edited to just the two main ones so it's shorter in hovering and it shouldn't cut off anymore.
  12. :+1: :+1: = New way to say +1 on suggestion threads!
    FadedMartian and wafflecoffee like this.
  13. The emojis rule... #EmojiMovie
  14. Just to be golden :p We need this...

    FadedMartian likes this.
  15. Thanks!
  16. I actually just used one of the new emoticons! I don't think I had expected that. ;) I noticed I was sticking up my thumb IRL, and thought I might as well represent it in my post, by inserting the emoticon. :)
    I am glad that I can trust EMC to not suddenly remove the emoticon again, so that I am comfortable using it.
  17. Thanks for including the new emoticons - have been using them for several days!!! :love: :<3::+1: :+1:
    FadedMartian likes this.
  18. :-1:o.(o)>:)

    Note that the evil one may change in the future. The horns are not what I like to see because it messes with the whole shape of the head to get them to show up. Looks a bit batty to me atm. Alas, this is what you get for now.
  19. >:)
    Love it.
    Krysyy likes this.