[FORUM GAME] New Nations

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by Warlord678, Feb 28, 2019.

  1. Don't worry too much.
    This ends as an epic fail for Rhee Syng-Man.
    There's... going to be a lot of power struggles in SEU. Stalin wants his PL spot back, Rhee is trying to flex his power, and there's a third party involved here. Namely, a Chinese General named Mao. Those three men are going to fight for a very long time, there are powerful people backing all these people and they have strong power bases.
    Classic Socialist Infighting.
    Otus_NigRum likes this.
  2. Even more SEU Politics.
    Rhee Syng-Man:
    • Backers: The Founder, much of the original revolutionaries (Lenin, Park Dong-Gyu, etc), Koreans, particularly Korean Monarchists, some Chinese.
    • Benefits: Intelligent, good ruler, competent and able.
    • Weaknesses: Small ethnic group backing, intelligent but corruptible. Growing old and as of now dependent on the Founder for his reputation.
    Iosif Stalin:
    • Backers: Big-name generals like Georgy Zhukov, Nikita Khrushchev, many Russians and some Ukrainians.
    • Benefits: Very good at sabotage and assassination
    • Weaknesses: Not as capable as the others, tyrannical and drives away allies. Very bad relationship with the Founder, which has a massive cult of personality.
    Mao Zedong:
    • Backers: Qiang Wang, many Chinese, Huang Li
    • Benefits: Won the war in Japan and is a total war hero. Independent of what is probably the most powerful man in SEU that is the Founder.
    • Weaknesses: Blunt and incompetent at ruling.
    As Rhee tries to bring down the House of Saud, Stalin hinders him with bribery and what authorities that he has left, defeating him completely. Rhee did not see this coming; at all.
    His efforts turn into a catastrophe, as the House of Saud gains AK-47 prototypes and what are probably the best and most advanced SEU weapons. While SEU does not lose their best Radar, they now have lost their AK-47 models and the Sunayyad Caliphate might be able to develop their own assault rifle.
    Rhee's publicity is ruined. The Economy may boom, but such a good thing is overshadowed by this catastrophe.
  3. The Federation will buy these
  4. SOLD!
  5. The Federation will expect delivery of these items as soon as possible
  6. The UBR accepts. The UBR's military is partially controlled by SEU, but this hopefully won't be a problem. The UBR is currently working out the logistics and economic feasibility of making its military completely independent.
  7. وفاة الخليفة
    Wafat AlKhalifa
    The Death of the Caliph

    The sky has faded into a dark night, darker than hell.
    Lights erupt through the palace gardens, and sounds emit through the scorned night.
    Then, gut shots erupt.
    The Palace grounds light up like if it were day,
    screams faded into the night, and a battle lasts for a mere 30 seconds.
    The attackers are defeated. Their formations are weak and are no match for the Sunayyad Palace Guards.
    Except, someone got inside.

    Inside his room, the Caliph sits, reading his Quran, when suddenly his room is stormed.
    Figures in black robes, looking like Alshayatin's, raise their weapons.
    They spill out books and years of written scrolls onto the ground and stomp them.
    "Nahn asif 'akhiun, walakun yjb 'an yatima"
    One of the gunmen says, as he raises his pistol to the Caliph's head.
    He does nothing, even though he has a Zulfiqar near his hand, and his skills in combat are unmatched,
    he leaves it alone.
    "Flikun dhlk , fbynma 'ana muzdahir fi eibadat allah, sayatimu alaistila' ealaa jahanam wataqlis hajamukan"

    A gun shot is heard, and the blood of the Caliph chosen by God himself stains the Quran,
    a scene not seen in Islam since the third Caliph of the Rashidun,
    Uthman ibn Affan.

    The attack was a planned mission by the House of Saud, they hired Assassins from Hejaz, literally the best in the world to kill the Caliph. The gunshots were from armed men chosen by the House of Saud, their only use was to distract the entire Palace and to cause chaos, something which will be common in the Saudi's rule.

    What does this mean now? It means now the rule of the House of Saud, and the direct name change of the Sunayyad Caliphate to the Saudi Caliphate, with Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud as the Caliph. This throws the entire Caliphate into a turmoil, as for 3 years, the people of the Caliphate will weep, and Muslims from all around the world will travel to the grave of the 1st Caliph of the Sunayyad Caliphate to pay homage, all the way from Indonesia and China to Iberia and Morocco.

    This signifies long years of social revolutionaries within the Caliphate, as the two main ideologies of Islam, Musawaism and Wahhabism collide. In basic form, Wahhabism is a ultra-conservative version of Islam, taking the entire Quran literally, while Musawaism is a progressive socialist version of Islam, adopting some western styles of life and equality while also being true to Islam, (not USSR type socialism).

    Wahhabism is a direct threat to everyone, it enforces the law of Jihad in the sense of to everyone, and Sharia Law, while Jihad practiced by the Sunayyad Caliphate was only to the enemies in war, and never to the innocent people on either sides. Socialism, Fascism and every ism except for "Wealthism" will be in some ways effected. Equality is crushed in Wahhabism, and the state will focus on conversion in their own state rather than internationally.

    OOC: They aren't going to attack any country, so just chill, most of the conflict is internally, don't just get up and attack them because you don't like them, because you won't like them, that's unrealistic.
  8. The Soviet Union is not surprised.
    However, they are well aware that the Caliphate might become unstable has stationed several Naval assets in the Black Sea, to protect themselves from any potential attack.
    In any case, PL Rhee has issued their condolences. The Soviet Union sends many gifts to the Sunayyad Caliphate, such as... communion wafers. That was an "accident".
    The Founder has reacted thus: "I expected to go before he did."
    Stalin is jumping with joy, Mao doesn't care. In any case, SEU is really unaffected.
    Otus_NigRum likes this.
  9. In reality, no one outside of the Caliphate is going to be affected. SEU? The worst the Caliphate may do is throw some insults, some hefty ones... The only thing that may happen is a change in the Islamic community around the world, especially in socialist ones, because Musawaism is going to replace all forms of the Socialists regime's Socialist Islam, which is a failure at most.

    The Caliphate will only cause revolutionaries in Central Asia if the SEU causes revolutionaries in South Sudan.
  10. The Federation is saddened by all the anger and killing and allows(under heavy watch)all muslims will be able to go and pay homage to the caliph if they so chose
    Otus_NigRum likes this.
  11. The Imam Clergy thanks The Federation for their kind actions.
    (The Imam Clergy is basically the Islamic Church, except it's not a church, but the entire religious congregation, not really tied to the Caliph.)

    The Imam Clergy wishes the same of the TBF, SNE, UBR and SEU, for them to let their Muslim citizens pay homage to the dead Caliph.

    He will be buried in Mecca, where he was born. As of now, Baghdad is in a literal hell fire.
  12. Indonesia.
    That nation.
    It had been developing Nuclear Weapons for years; it had SEU research to go off of. SEU had developed Nuclear Weapons there, and now SEU pays.
    And now, it drops. Of course, the SEU Air Force is strong and has advanced MiG-15 fighters and Tu-3 Bombers. Indonesia possessed 5 bombs, and used what remained of their Air Force to protect them. SEU destroyed 4 of the Bombs with ease. The fifth was well guarded and a Gun-Type U-235 bomb. SEU wore through its defenses, bit by bit as the massive escort was slowly chipped away by MiG-15s and Sukhoi fighters.
    But it was too late. They dropped the Bomb. On a minor city, mind you. They couldn't get all the way to the intended target and instead and picked an alternative destination. SEU was unable to do anything to protect them.
    12,000 dead. 30 kilotons.
    SEU is pissed off; they use their Nuclear Weapons on Indonesia. SEU had roughly around 30 bombs to work with, launched 20, and 16 made it to their destinations. 14 of them were on major industrial centers. 1 was on a small city. 1 was dropped into the Sea, but it is a time bomb. No one knows when it will go off. It is far away to avert any immediate casualties after detonation, but the timer was set for (OOC: 30 years.).
    SEU exhausted its remaining U-235 bombs, and used 8 Pu-239 bombs as well. But the result is effective. Indonesia now has no more capacity to fight. Invasion will mean slaughter, and they do not want to end up like Japan did, a vassal for the SEU. They negotiate terms.
  13. The Caliphate is heavily split. Now with the House of Saud, they reign in complete power. Of course, no one likes this, but now they have complete control over the military.

    Baghdad is hell and Mesopotamia is the Gate. The House of Saud has little use for the region as they would prefer staying in Arabia in the Persian Gulf Emirates or the Hejaz mountains near Mecca, but they quickly cleaned up of the opposition, killing loyalists to the 1st Caliph and arresting Musafakhi parliament members. Out of 20 members who were suspected to be anti-Saudi, 5 were executed, 9 were kept in custody, and 6 escaped.
    The other regional members do not dare oppose the House of Saud, at least, not now.

    Since the turmoil in Baghdad and the coup de'etat, the country has split into various groups. Almost all oppose Ibn Saud, and all want their own outcomes.

    Ashqar Rebels:
    Ashqar Ayyad, the brother of the 1st Caliph was staying in Mosul tending to Parliamentary reasons. The 1st Caliph had warned him about his soon to be death, and told him to leave just in case. Even though he clearly opposed, he went on his way anyway, and when he heard about the takeover, he was a wanted man, with over $5,000,000 wanted for his head. He quickly fled to Ankara in Turkey, where he consulted with the Sultan of the Region of Anatolia. There, he devised a massive rebel force of nearly 80,000 men, 80% of them being defected Sunayyad Soldiers against the Saud, while 10% were of Masif Corp origin against the Saud and loyal to the 1st Caliph's brother, with the other 10% as mere militia. Ashqar's mission is to spread throughout every region of the Caliphate, organizing a massive rebellion and causing mass motivation to take down the Saud.

    Ramses the XII:
    A particular ode to Egypt, led by Ramses XII, the regional leader of Egypt and the Nile. He and Ashqar haven't consulted, but they are the biggest rebel forces in the Caliphate. As Ashqar believes in taking back the throne and restoring the heir of Caliph to him, a relative to the 1st Caliph, Ramses XII believes in reguvinating the Nile River and creating an Empire revolving around it. Already, he has established rebellion power from the Delta rivers all the way to central Nubia.

    Persian Immortals:
    Obviously being from Persia, they are a weaker but significant rebellion force. Unlike Ramses XII and Ashqar, they want to create the Caliphate into a republic, ending Caliphate rule and bringing in a democratic government. Of course, they mainly hold power in Persia, but they do not hold it well enough to the point where they pose as a threat.

    Their actions are already showing, as they push for the creation of Israel and the return of Jews to their homeland. Already in many regions of Judea they have begun massing armed forces and have begun influencing the government there to build more homes for the incoming Jews. Seriously, the immigration to the region has tripled within 1 year, and most people cannot find homes, it's a literal culture take over of the Arabs. They are quite aggressive, seemingly pushing Arabs away and creating a sense of Nationality to a country that doesn't even exist.

    Various other groups are scattered, they shuffle in different categories, some oppose the House of Saud, yet some are loyal to them, stating that the Caliph was blasphemous to Islam, as is evidence to the Nuke dropped on India and the X-1 bombings. Some others just want to make their own nation independent, but their lack of cooperation is futile. Some are purely there to fight, and some just dont do anything.
    About 90% of the Caliphate is angered, but about 23% are actually standing up and doing something. Over time, people will resume to their life and will live as a "This sucks, but I'd rather live than worry over this"

    The Saudi Caliphate is heavily opposing these groups and leaders, locking them down to where they are merely like a gang in a city. The Saudi will take a few months to completely hold control over the Caliphate, but after that, they are going to capitalize on their fancy budget to upgrade the Caliphate military. Seriously, new ships, new planes, new guns, new vehicles, upgraded and NEW everything!
  14. OOC: I really want the AK 47, I don't want to use an M4A1, I want reliable stuff that is good enough and can survive sand damnit! Except, even if I create the M-3 Sahkra as a literal AK 47 model, or at least with the exact same uses, then you'll probably say "Russians make it better anyway."
    What do I do?
  15. The Founder has spoken out against the House of Saud. His resources are formidable, and he has the backing of Rhee Syng-Man. However, they are still drastically smaller than that of the House. This man is well respected in many nations thanks to his boldness and revolutionary streaks. Unmarried at 46, he has devoted his life to revolution, and the maintenance of this revolution. He is the SEU's biggest critic.
    And he loathes the House. With a passion. He loathes their ultraconservative nature. He loathes their corruption. He loathes their entire bloodline. He attacks their actions and brutal attitude, as in SEU people are free to critique the Government, although not to call for revolution, only suggest reform and improvements. The House of Saud is more extreme. He attacks their conservative attitude on Women, although that is less sucessful.
    He still lives in a mountain in Korea somewhere (a very deliberate move, a lot of people want him dead) and publishes books to earn money, despite the fact that he farms for a living. He also has significant overseas investments, and is tremendously rich. He just doesn't have the connections, all of them are dead or within the SEU Government.
  16. The Federation has finished it's first SuperCarrier(if it can even be called that)

    It is a Whirlwind-Class ship It's name is the USS Augustus

    It is 12,000 long tons of crapply made steel it has a max speed of 15 knots and can only hold 75 aircraft it has Very little AA defense and relies heavily on the escorts it has

    The Federation knows that this ship is terrible but it's progress it's undergoing war trials right now and the federation will use that to make another BETTER Supercarrier in 2 years
  17. OOC: Unfairness to women in the world at this time is common. More than likely, every single country had something against women, it only started to change in the 60s and onward. This is 1946. Women aren't treated like men in this era, not in the SEU, and not in the SNE either, and especially not in Wahhabi Caliphate
  18. hence, "less succesful".
    I put that there for a reason.
    The Founder is rather progressive, as the Revolutionary he is.
    Otus_NigRum likes this.
  19. Supercarrriers:
    Aircraft Carriers with 60k+ tons displacement standard load. These things are exponentially more capable than normal carriers thanks to their Catapault/Ramp technology, allowing them to land heavier planes. SEU has opted for Catapault technology.
  20. From both of the top social ideologies in Islam, many writers, scholars, lawyers and politicians have risen and taken their time to study and devote their lives to these social structures of Islam. Out of all of them though, two main philosophers reign supreme in their expression of what each ideology represents, although both sides have a massive hub of philosophers to run them.

    Musawaism vs Wahhabism in short form:

    Written by Mutlaq al-Amini, right hand man to the revolutionary and brother of the 1st Caliph of the Sunayyad, Ashqar Ayyad:
    "Musawaism, believes in an Islamic society based around more lenient socialist/liberal policies and believe in a world of freedom of speech, choice, action and duty.
    It also follows the ideals of equality between both men and women and equity in society.
    In a Musawaism society gender roles are important, both men and women are taught to work together as they are made in the image of Allah. The women should submit herself as the partner and wife of her husband and serve him, while the man shall take the responsibility as the husband to respect, serve and nurture her.
    Children should be taught on the basics of Allah and his teachings, they should be taught honor, respect, responsibility, care, love, kindness, humility and over all provide the morale responsibility encompassed by Allah.
    As a working society, the workers should reap fair benefits of their labor, they should expect fair pay and fair conditions, their contribution with their fellow workers and their bosses should be prominent, and they should have say in their companies.
    Every man should have his own right to his property, and he should be able to run their own market. The rich should go on about Zakah, providing for the poorer people in society and submit their wealth in the good will of the people, not hording their riches and using the benefit of others.
    Women should have the choice of whether to wear a Hijab or Burqa, but it is noted as a sign of modesty to wear a Hijab.
    Every Muslim should treat their fellow brothers as their own. Persian Muslims are not different from Arab, Saharan, and Turkish Muslims, nor European, Asian, or American Muslims. Even if their culture speaks different actions, over all, they all worship the same God and practice the same teachings. Allah does not want to see a division between the countries of Islam, for it is a great sin.
    Treat others of a different religion with dignity and respect. Listen to their words, respect their choices and dwell in fellowship. Your Christian or Jewish brother is not different than your Muslim brother. Respect them and treat them well.
    Art, culture, literature, science, mathematics, astrology and various studies are very important. Do not forsake these.
    The act of building a nation with new institutions and infrastructure is within our hands. Over all, in Musawaism you should submit to peace, respect thy neighbor's will and choices, not fall under the greed of wealth and provide all that you must to the will of the State of Islam and Allah. Peace, Love, Prayer."