The UNAFR worked well with Afghanistan officials, coming to terms with the new name of Afghanistan, particularly the "Democratic Republic of Afghanistan." New laws and human rights papers were signed and tossed around, and eventually, the eradication of Sharia Law was placed upon the government, although the UNAFR was quite forceful in this, ignoring a vote, ironic to the name of "Democratic Republic." The new law imposed is the "Afghan's People Law." It says in general statements as follows: Every human living in Afghanistan, regardless of age, gender, race, religion or other has the right to live, and the right to an education, healthcare and security. Women are given rights never seen before. The Hijab and Burqa are no longer mandatory in law, women are given the freedom to choose whether to wear it or not. Women have the right to divorce, the right to choose their own spouse, and basically every right every woman should have. (not going to go on a rant) The eye for an eye and hand for a hand method of justice is eradicated. Crimes will still be justified, and those who break laws will be imprisoned, their prison stay conditions will imply on their crimes. Capital punishment is still a thing, as the UNAFR has proudly presented. Instead of killing adulters, capital punishment is only for ones who kill other innocent human beings in horrendous ways. Killing for religion is strictly prohibited, and any form of it will be followed by execution. Executions are no longer so vile. Stoning is outlawed, torture methods are decreased and only used for the worst of "humans," meaning the only ways of execution that are still applicable are Hanging, Firing Squad and in only for the worst offenders, beheading. Homosexuality shall no longer be punishable by death, homosexuals have the right to life. Leaving Islam is no longer punishable. The new law sees a ban from Sharia law and sees a more "West" approach to it. Women and children are given way more rights, and rapists are dealt with and brought to justice swiftly. This has brought anger to the people of Afghanistan, hefty percentages cry like devils for Sharia Law to be the law of the land, but the UNAFR sternly says, NO, the UNAFR is heavily anti-Sharia Law. Some Afghans propose the idea of Sharia Law only being applied to Muslims, and not non-muslim citizens. Still, the UNAFR refuses, saying that any form of oppression towards women or anyone in society, and any insane methods of punishments for petty crimes should be erased from the world. Time will tell if an uprising is brought against the New Afghanistan government, maybe a revolt will happen soon, but it is the best for the people of Afghanistan.
HMKX marvels at UNAFR's conquering of Afghanistan. HMKX could never do that without committing Genocide. But if UNAFR were smart, they'd leave governing up to the Actual Government. Staying in there would heavily complicate matters for UNAFR. HMKX National Symbols: Hammer and Anvil, symbolizing the creation of a powerful nation in the flames of War, and the continued production of benevolence from then on, HMKX National Animals: Bengal Tiger, Albino Tiger, Dragon and Bear. HMKX National Anthem: Heavily based off the Soviet Anthem.
The reason is because real life events like the soviet invasion and the US supplying the "taliban" to fight against the russians never happened. If it did this wouldn't be possible.
HMKX has started military exercises, to show EC who's boss and top dog. Despite their bluster, EC will not last long in an actual fight if HMKX really wanted it. It is an all-three-branches show of strength within the South China sea, which they carved up for themselves and Vietnam, showing that they are not a wimp, in any field of the Armed Forces. It is HMKX showing that despite the EC's constant bluster and warmongering, HMKX wasn't trying last time, they were afraid of UNAFR retaliation, the only nation that could actually give them a run for their money. The Empire, meanwhile has expanded trade with UNAFR and UFOS. OOC: HMKX's military is terrifying because there is so much of everything, and they show up where they really shouldn't be. Also, they are terrifyingly unstoppable, there are very few ways to stop them. UNAFR's military is terrifying because they will find a way to kill you, no matter what. They can be repulsed, but they cannot be completely gotten rid of, they keep coming back with creative new tactics. Both equally terrifying in different ways. Otus, when I say High School, I mean High School. The more powerful nations e.g. France, HMKX, FRNS are third years by default. The Combines made a de facto student council, but HMKX got wise and rigged it to his favor. The Second Years are nations like Israel, DRC, Algeria or Saudi Arabia, generally more powerful nations. The First Years are either nations not really affiliated with anyone or just mediocre in power. Also, HMKX is probably a Government Agent and working for and with Supernatural Powers, and is the only one aware that both the World they live in is not real, that it is a plaything of Gods, and that something is terribly wrong with this so-called "High School". He suffers from mental instability and depression as a result, even though a lot of the others love him and view him as a leader. He is all too aware that a real School would never allow this much factionalism, nor the perpetration of long fights, nor would it allow mentally unstable students to come. Also, where are the Police? NAE just disappeared one day and never came back. HMKX has decided to keep this to himself. Everything is wrong, but everyone is smiling. What have I done
UFOS has started research on a new type of farming to help keep crops growing even in the dry season UFOS is also currently 300 Billion$ in debt this is a way of lessening that debt
UNAFR scientists have been working hard on Genetic Modification. What has been uncovered is revolutionary, new ways to modify food to bring more nutrition, as is attributed to "Golden Rice." What is more interesting is changing the genetics of animals to allow animals to grow faster and produce greater yields. It isn't from steroids or chemicals either, heavens no, it is a selective breeding process and the modifying of the genetics which allows a high yield of meat on animals and environmentally beneficial attributes. A new study on pigs has surfaced, showing signs of the possibility of a genetically modified pig which produces non-toxic poop. This would reduce the damaging effects of manure runoff and improve the environment, which the WEO is heavily interested in. Freshwater fish are even being genetically modified, where genes are mixed to allow a certain fish to be able to grow all year long instead of stopping growth in cold water. With this, fish farming will be much easier and prove a better effect on the environment. Genetically modifying rice which introduces a valuable source of Vitamin A could solve world hunger, it is called Golden rice. As of now, all of these experiments and research are being done in laboratories and nothing has hit shelves. It is being looked after for the pros and cons, and of course the general populous rushes to the cons. Many people are concerned about GMO's in Animals and other foods, but UNAFR scientists are taking clear approaches to find the safest option. The UNAFR Science Association asks the HMKX Department of Science if they would be interested in joint research on GMO sciences.
Wow UFOS feels "SO"Offended that they weren't asked if they were interested lol kidding but UFOS is a little put off by it
HMKX, having always had low Agricultural Output compared to its size readily agrees. Cooperation would be desirable. HMKX wants to focus its efforts on Rice and Wheat, the staples of both nations. Potatos or other crops can come later.
HMKX and UNAFR have been working together for a while and trust each other with science and technology enough. The UNAFR has no idea where UFOS stands in the science realm because they haven't made any big ground-breaking research
UFOS has made some discoveries but actual breakthroughs will be Announced in SECRET to the Agricultural Goverment later this year
The UWE thinks this is a fair deal. They quickly accept it. This really helps the UWE's military power. In other news(aka OOC): the military base on New Zealand is finished and only 25% of the original troops that were sent remain. But the UWE sends over some of its ships(not the ones purchased). Along with planes. Once again sorry if I take so long to respond. School really is annoying. Probably going to say this in every post.
UFOS has decided to broadcast our breakthroughs to other nations We have discovered a natural Chemical that when put on wheat and other field crops allows them to produce 2x the harvest they usually do UFOS is working to see if this works on other types of vegetables
Which means they drain twice the nuetrients. HMKX regards this as impractical, and asks UFOS to.make sure it is safe and non-toxic.
UFOS has 3 different chemical testing facilities testing them now and also as of now they seem to only drain 1.3 times the nutrients but UFOS still regards this as a success. We will let you know when it's finished being tested
HMKX Speech for the hypothetical "War of Vengeance", came up with it for fun: You can fight in the Seas and Oceans. You can fight us on the beaches. You can fight with confidence and exceptional bravery. You can fight us in the landing grounds, fight us in the fields and the streets, fight us in the Hills. You could even Never Surrender. But know this. We are just as determined as you are. We shall drive you back and back, fight you in the beaches, fight you in the hills. Fight you in the fields, fight you in the streets. And we shall never give up. We will not stop. We shall never stop until your tyranny is broken upon our HAMMER and ANVIL. We will prosecute the War to total victory, regardless of what you may do.
The UNAFR Science Association is interested in UFOS discoveries and wants to join in the research. The UFOS Science Committee has found something spectacular, something which could be worth billions of dollars. The UNSA (United North Science Association) is worried about a couple of things. Is it toxic? It produces 2x the yield, but does that yield lose valuable nutrition? Can this Chemical be mass produced? Can this Chemical be altered to improve its rate and quality? Does this chemical have environmentally damaging effects?
The UFOS Science Committee's response to your questions 1.It has been tested on humans and animals(Very Safely we assure you)And has been found to be Non-Toxic 2.As it does produce 2x the yeild this was a big concern of ours and we have found that it does not lose any nutrition however it takes 3 months longer than normal to grow 3.The chemical was actually made by some high-school students in chemistry class and they made it by adding the extracts of 3 different flowers 2 of which ONLY grow here UFOS has found all 3 of these flowers and has 3 different greenhouses each producing them. 4.As far as we have seen NO it can't 5.We have tested this on a replica ozone layer and MANY different plants and it seems to have NO effects other than it makes the plants bigger In other news UFOS has started the trade of the chemical it has dubbed"Mirakuru"(anybody know they reference?) Please contact UFOS to inquire about trade
The UNAFR is the first to put up an offer on the chemical known as Mirakuru. This is truly a breakthrough and the UNSA has gained respected for the UFOS Science Committee and the high schoolers, congratulating them on their success. The UNAFR will offer to trade the world's most advanced scientific equipment, such as Microscopes for large abundances of Mirakuru. These Microscopes were exported from Singapore, the world's largest producer of Microscopes, and the most advanced microscopes. The UNAFR will trade these for the Mirakuru Chemical, along with other science equipment, heavily funding the UFOS Science Committee. GMO testing on animals has been rising at a steady speed with the HMKX Science Department's assistance. The genetically modified pig which was supposed to poop non-toxic waste was deemed a success, starting a new era for GMO farm animals. More testing and research is needed.