HMKX has deployed the Su-25 in fighting the Syrian Government. It proves terrifying. The GAU-8 may have seemed terrifying, but this thing shoots off Rockets and Bombs like there's no tomorrow and isn't easily hit by anything you throw at it. Also, there's a crap ton of them, so there's that. The Big Gun may be scary, but bombs from nowhere ae a lot scarier. The Su-25 is everywhere, fast, and drops explosives like candy. The Flying Apocalypse, the most expensive (and overkill) jet HMKX has in service has been deployed, to eliminate any particularly troubling resistance. Much bigger than the B-52, it's understandable it is only used (and built) in small numbers and is often ridiculed as not being worth the money. Those who have seen it in action dispute that claim. It's... traumatizing. It has the effectiveness of a small nuclear weapon in the radius of "everything is destroyed", so that's understandable. It is described as "straight out of hell", and a squadron of them are Nuclear Weapons in all but name. It's called Flying Apocalypse for a good reason. But they are quite expensive, and really only used as weapons of terror unless the enemy is really determined and it is determined that a "Nuclear Strike" is needed. As a matter of fact, it is oft-referred to as one. (Not the Tu-160. Even bigger. The B-52 still serves because the B-1 was terrible (expensive) and B-2 was a bad replacement for the B-52 as a strategic bomber, because it was a stealth bomber. The Flying Apocalypse was HMKX's answer.) HMKX is taking heavy losses from terrorists, but they press on. Once they conquer all ISS territory, they'll be able to nail down a Government, Police Force and Economy. The Economy is the hard part, HMKX has to do what Stalin did to the Soviet Union to industrialize it but way faster without (too many) atrocities.
Afghanistan's terrorist force is crumbling. Within a few months, Al Qaeda's main militant force is basically dead. The 10,000 troops who held ground in Northern Afghanistan were blown to pieces by B-52 bombers who wrecked hell from the skies. It could be best described as Satan's flying fleet. The B-52 flew in large numbers, dropping loads of bombs which were seen to have been at large quantities to have even blocked out the sun. One of these B-52 bombers were carrying the Mother of All Bombs, the strongest non-nuclear bomb to ever lay in any army. It completely destroyed the tunnel systems and bunkers of the Taliban, who were transporting vital supplies and information through the underground. An evaluation of the damage states that over 50 members of the Taliban were killed, and their most important source of secretive transportation destroyed. The A-10 and AC-130 both dice up ground forces, making a name for themselves. All the HMKX does is spread propaganda of the A-10's incapabilities, falsehoods, but it doesn't make a difference, it is known for putting soldiers into shellshock and literally dying just from the sound and the visuals of their buddies dropping beside them like flies, and whole armoured vehicles exploding. From the Ocean, the Ohio Class Submarine volleys Tomahawk missiles, carrying yields of 5-150 kt of nuclear power. These are only used on distance enclosed Taliban encampments, as to not only flatten their bases, but also make them unable to use it again due to the radiation, only 2 were used, one at 5 kt and the other at 45 kt. Citizens are not touched and are given food. It seems as if a majority of citizens actually like the UNAFR, making fighting against Guerilla fighters easier. Osama Bin Laden was reportedly killed in a Tomahawk missile strike on an encaved bunker, where over 200 Taliban were expected to have died. Nothing is guaranteed though because Osama was reported a day after heading towards Iran's border. The Predator drone is currently searching for him and hunting him down. Drone technology is something better than any army can muster.
Out of Character: The A-10 is a fundamentally flawed vehicle that revolves around the cannon, that is too short-range to take out tanks without getting too close to MANPADS, and is too slow to avoid getting hit. The Armor on it may help, but the SU-25 has nearly equivalent armor at much better evasive abilities that makes it immune to MANPADS, at the cost of armament. The A-10 is effective against terrorists with Zero AA capability. Not so much against those that have it. The Su-25 has high shot down rates because Russian leaderships suck, not because the the Plane sucks. It's just not a good vehicle when you compare it to Soviet Platforms. The SU-25 had its flaws, but it was not a overpriced airborne tank.
Fine, I'll copy the SU-25 then and make an alternate better UNAFR version, clearly since you are wanting me to.
The FRNS has signed an international document pledging to not use drone technology in warfare. The European Commonwealth signs it as well as a separate signatory. It asks that the other combines do the same.
Look, this is an IRL matter. You don't need to make a Su-25 clone, just abandon the "built around guns" thing. A-10 Would've been a decent close air support vehicle if it hadn't been built around the GAU-8.
Alright, I'll admit it, you're right, I'm sorry the BRRT got in my way. I'll revision the Warthog a different way, Thanks... The UNAFR refuses to sign the agreement.
HMKX questions the nessecity of this agreement. After all, drones haven't blown up a school or anything... BOOM (sound of screaming children) okay they need to stop
weewooweewooweewoo crisis time A terrorist organisation called 'Free Greece' have risen up in Eastern Turkey. They demand that the Megali Idea, having received fresh legitimisation from the European Commonwealth a few years ago, be enforced. They attack Istanbul and major Turk-populated areas with bombings, and distribute propaganda and host recruitment drives in Greek areas. Seeing a situation to take advantage of while the Turkish government is distracted, a Kurd terrorist group has risen up in Western Turkey and use similar tactics, demanding that the Kurdish area of Turkey be ceded to the newly independent Kurdistan. Obviously, this has placed the Federal Republic of the North Sea in a bit of a slight fiddle. Having agreed to abandon the ideals of the Megali Idea a few years previously, they and the European Commonwealth remain neutral on the issue of Free Greece. They have, however, thrown their weight behind the Kurds, leading to anger amongst the Greek population and government. The Greek government, made more confident by Greece's booming economy, demands that the European Commonwealth and the FRNS back Free Greece. The FRNS and EC, however, fear HMKX retaliation if they do so. However, the longer all sides fence-sit, the more the crisis heats up and the closer Turkey gets to a three-way civil war. Meanwhile, the population of Ukraine becomes and more pro-EC... The FRNS is glad that they and the HMKX can see eye to eye on this. They find it alarming that the UNAFR does not.
UNAFR drones weren't made to carry weapons and to act as a gun. Original uses were mainly for surveillance, although armed variants are currently active in Afghanistan, at smaller numbers though, because no one knows if this is the greatest idea ever, or not. The MQ-1 Predator has been increasingly effective, being able to pinpoint key Taliban hideouts and supply chains at an almost invisible rate. It is used for that purpose only, although more technology and variants are underway.
HMKX, being intelligent has launched a "Eat Ukrainian" campaign, offered weapons discounts and given them acess to the E-4V2, along with Saudi Arabia. HMKX is also exporting them better Goods and investing heavily. Turkey must not fall, and HMKX has deployed 300,000 soldiers to make sure this does not happen. If Civil War breaks out, HMKX will crush the Kurds who want more than their fair share ad Greeks who want to eat Turkey. HMKX is prepared to sacrifice so much to protect the Strait of Bosporous.
The A-10 is undergoing major refinements, due to the alarming underestimation of the aircraft itself. The gun proved its most deadly piece, and truly a marvel, although MANPAD technology and the fact that the only way to destroy land vehicles is by flying at extreme close rates are somewhat of a joy killer. This recall has also been called due to the worry of the Su-25, an aircraft which the UNAFR will never agree is better, but secretly knows it triumphs. A new variant to the A-10 is in works, this time under the variant name the A2-10, although it may also be under the same name as the former, as well as the Warthog or Hog. UNAFR engineers agree the basis of an aircraft revolved around the GAU-8 gun wasn't what was expected. No lies towards it though, it can be a very functional and deadly gun, although due to the premise of the aircraft being literally only about the gun raises the risks of less diverse and capable combat, as well as the risk of MANPADS and the gun's weakness to heavily armoured vehicles. Thus, the A-10 is dropping the idea of being based around the GAU-8. Is it leaving the identity of this aircraft? No, the gun will stay, but it will be toned down a notch. The notorious sound of the gun will stay, a true ground troop motivator, but instead it won't be focused on the gun. Instead, the A-10 will be fitted with much more guided and non guided rockets and bombs. The Su-25 was a genius design, although the UNAFR doesn't want to admit it, being able to shoot not only a massive gun at your enemies but then blow them and their tanks to bits with rockets are extraordinary. Basically, the A-10 keeps the GAU-8 but instead of being the main focus, the A-10 will focus on Air to Surface missiles to decimate enemies. When the plane is upgraded it will also be suited with much better sensors and computing technology. The A-10 is so iconic that the GAU-8 had to stay, mainly for moral support and it's ridiculous capabilities. Now it's more toned down incapability to make room for rocket systems. The A-10 is still classified as a flying tank, being able to take way more hits much better than the Su-25, although its slower maneuverability means more hits taken, although more opportunities to dice up ground troops. Basically, nothing really changes, just the gun's lowered focus and capabilities and the addition of the focus on missile technology. It will be called the A-11 Warthog. In some ways, it can be seen as equal to the Su-25. Comparing them is difficult because each is entirely different and great in their own ways. The Su-25 is a maneuverable, fast fighter which sacrifices some protection for its armament and speed, while the A-11 sacrifices speed for increased weapon capabilities and insane armour.
The European Commonwealth has begun investing in Ukraine heavily also. Their police are receiving training by FRNS police, possibly the best in the world, as are their special forces. This gives them closer ties to the EC, and also makes their easier to collaborate with which will make accession into the EC easier. All the EC and HMKX are managing to do, however, is deepen the East-West divide. When the EC invests, West Ukraine becomes more pro-EC. When the HMKX invests, East Ukraine becomes more pro-HMKX. The Ukrainian government is attempting to play both sides. A corruption scandal involving the incumbent Ukrainian president and many members of his government has surfaced. This triggers the Euromaidan movement.
The UNAFR is not getting involved with Greece. They want no war, and NPAT doesn't either. They don't like the fact that Greece never called on them for assistance, preferring the EC. A petty reason to get mad, but it shows that Greece would rather be backed by FRNS than NPAT. In Afghanistan, the UNAFR has begun enforcing itself in Kabul and other major cities under UNAFR control. Checkpoints are made, and surveillance is increased by 100%. To keep the people happy, they are given freedom of travel through controlled UNAFR military districts, as well as the freedom to religious and prayer sites and the right to access to food, shelter and aid. It is important for people to keep their freedom, and so Mosque's are kept preserved. This also helps with the Middle East views of the West being Anti-Islam. Here's where the problem begins. The main fighters you see waving around AK-47s and driving in armoured Toyotas have been crushed, but the problem lies in the fighters who never announce they are fighters. This is why Kabul is divided into various checkpoints, where everyone is accounted for, and everyone who enters and exits is searched. Outside of these districts is hell though. Even Taliban fighters disguised as potters laced a dinky caravan with bombs and drove it into a UNAFR checkpoint, killing 20 people and 2 UNAFR soldiers. (In real life, it would seem that the UNAFR would never win a war like this. This is true, although due to the fact that Pakistan is an NPAT member in game and strictly Anti-Taliban means that the Taliban isn't as well armed in the game as they are in real life. Luckily the HMKX doesn't supply them either, the only ones who supply them are the Afghan government and other Middle East Nations and shady dealers.) The Afghan government has been overthrown and is currently under the power of the NAA, the Northern and Afganhistan Alliance. It is made up of NPAT, UNAFR and Anti-Taliban Afghan government officials and military groups. Afghanistan does have militant groups against Al Qaeda, although it is an embarrassing force indeed. The UNAFR has agreed to consist on finding improved relationships with the Taliban, agreeing to leave Afghanistan if Al-Qaeda agrees to hand over Osama Bin Laden and cease on attacking innocent lives, Shiite Muslims, and Americans.
HMKX has proposed a Novel Solution: Split Ukraine via OEO referendum of pro-FRNS and Pro-HMKX, into East and West Ukraine, both free to pursue its own foreign policy and solving the whole messy corruption problem in one go. There could be a strong Economic but non-Political Union between the two states including a unified currency and a FTA. OEO is skeptical, but agrees to the Referendum Part. HMKX wants East Ukraine to exist because it contains large amounts of Black Soil, the best farmland on Earth. Getting it is crucial for Russian Food Supplies.
I forgot to mention something The A11 will be introduced as an A10 variant to the military in 10 posts by 40 posts the entire fleet of A10s is expected to be upgraded with the A11 variants. I could have given the A11 a different name, such as the A10-2 since the A11 isn't a new model, but a new upgraded variant. A11 sounds better, but from now on we can just refer to it as the A10, considering it is being upgraded and improved. When talking about the upgrades and the models themselves, we can compare the A10 and the A11, etc. Just to make sure I'm heard right, the A11 is just the exact same A10's, except upgraded. No new planes were built, all existing A10s are being upgraded, and maybe some sold around to NPAT members. Upgrading active aircraft will be harder though. Also, is it possible for the UNAFR to rejoin the OEO? What kind of privileges will be given when joining by the way?
Turkey has blown. Turkish troops pour into the street to expel Greek terrorists. Martial law is imposed due to the sheer number of attacks because of Greek backing. Greek Citizens are thrown out of the country, mostly forcefully. Greece has declared war to "Defend its citizens from harm and Turkish tyranny." Turkey claims it is defending its own citizens from harm and terrorists. They too, declare war. The Kurds are appeased, fortunately. HMKX made Turkey give them better rights in negotiations and other things. Turkey is not pleasefd, but they keep the 300,000 and more troops worth of HMKX protection. HMKX braces for war. The 800-ship navy plan is looking real good right about now. ABM systems around the Bosporous is strengthened to 600 kill vehicles.
What was in the agreement signed by both the UNAFR and HMKX which stated something about UNAFR not fighting HMKX in europe, and yadada. Greece is an NPAT member. If the UNAFR backs them up, are they breaking the peace pact? And if the peace pact is broken, what next?
HMKX can invade Greece, because they are an existential threat to HMKX survival. HMKX can only defend against Romanian Attack. No invasions or offensive attacks.