This makes no sense, you're going to die, no one can survive by walking on Antartica. Also, if you were wanting to claim it, you can't the OEO restricts any nation from claiming it.
UFOS doesn't own Antartica, no one does. It's literally a chunk of desert and ice with penguins and scientists. If UFOS wants to claim it and think that they are somehow a stronger nation now, they can.
Reminder UFOS already has people there and are Significantly closer than you also do you want a fight? Also UFOS has sent 2 supercarriers to watch over anywhere that ANYBODY else can get to antarctica so no one can interfere with the expadition so far also we have supplied the people with UFOS flags to plant if we tell them
I'm not going to invade Antartica, I was joking. You also don't need to send 2 supercarriers to protect an expedition in a literal desert, it's not like the UNAFR is going to bother fighting for a chunk of land which they have tons of researchers at anyway.
UFOS proposes a treaty to ALL major combines of the world The Arctic Pact This pact keeps ANYONE from annexing Antarctica or using it in any way other than scientifical use so no military bases no annexing it nothing but research
OEO already has this in place, and no country in their right mind would think about military resources for this.
No need to, it's just that no country is allowed to claim it as their countries territory. It's just for the purpose of research. Also, you called it "The Arctic Pact." This makes no sense because Antartica isn't the Arctic and a Pact is an alliance. You don't alliance to not take over something, it makes no sense...
HMKX has set Carbon Dioxide commitments in order to defend the planet from catastrophe. Despite the protests of Big Oil, HMKX is well aware what will happen if they do nothing. Or at least, the SOG are. They've threatened the entire body of Congresspeople that know about the SOG to support it, including the most ardent Climate Change Skeptic, stating that they would learn 10,000 kinds of painful death and torture. Effectively, coercion. They also informed a couple Congressmen, stating the same threat. They tried telling like 8 other congresspeople before that, but all 8 tried to tell the people and had to be amnesticised. HMKX is clearly displeased with FRNS's military developments. HMKX decides to station Chandragupta with accompanying standard task force near their waters, to keep an eye on them and to make sure they don't do anything stupid. They'll probably take their own fancy new Supercarrier out for a spin, why not have HMKX show em who's boss while they're at it and compare sizes for a bit (104k vs 118k displacement: the Yi Sun-Shins are monstrous.)? Yi Sun-Shin has been recalled for repair and maintenance. HMKX's best computer Scientists are working on something called Project Weaver. Government sanctioned, money being drained from other departments just to support it, Work of the Sheep of God, who have seen something big. Supports 4 languages, with support coming for the 5th. Progress is fast. Very fast. It'll be ready by the end of the year, if everything that could go wrong, did go wrong and half the research staff dropped dead. It's the ICBMs of the 1990s, as it consumes the budget like madmen. Guess what it is.
The FRNS has arrested the FRNS citizen linked with Steiner Manufacturing. However, they refuse to allow him to be tried by the GAD or OEO. His sentencing will take place within the European Commonwealth's court system, usually reserved for war criminals. It happens next year.
Kazakhstan is going to be angry... They are demanding his head on a Sliver Platter, mass protests have broken out. Meanwhile, Kazakhstan plans his kidnapping for execution.
His trial date has been moved forward. He was found guilty on multiple accounts and placed in Stammheim Prison, one of Europe's highest security prisons, designed to hold Red Army Faction members. He is under both European Commonwealth and Federal Republic of the North Sea protection, and any attempt to kidnap and/or execute him will be treated with the according international response.
HMKX requests they allow the Kazakhstani to try him as needed, or to otherwise transfer him to a HMKX Prison. HMKX promises that they won't kill him. (I will presume that his sentence is a life sentence) In addition, HMKX voices its displeasure with FRNS's leniency for a man who orchestrated things like Child Labor, or the creation of unsafe conditions for workers. Had this been HMKX, he would be deeply in debt and would waste away in Prison until he repaid it. Project Weaver is online. But now, it is no longer "Weaver". "INTERNET". The first websites are Korean, Chinese, Russian and Indian. HMKX scientists figure out how to create the URL in Korean and Chinese, not the best language for computers. HMKX has begun its quest to dominate the internet. It is a wildfire, spreading to even foreign nations. No one thought of this before, and HMKX capitalizes off it, making sure that all the important websites, even if they are English, use Russian or Indian URLs. Heck, even the framework, coding languages, all Russian, Indian, Chinese, Korean, whatever. Just in any language but English. Would you like Spanish with that, UFOS? Essentially, making sure you need to know an HMKX language of some sort to use the internet. One of the biggest boons the SOG have gotten HMKX, if not the biggest. Makes up for the fact they probably unintentionally provoked Pestilence to attacking HMKX and was responsible for the breakaway of Japan form HMKX. Their prediction, that the tech industry would blow up, is coming true before them. HMKX companies, seeing this, have gambled upon this new "Internet", expanding production of Computers. HMKX's Admiral Kuznetsov, Yi Sun-Shin, and Zheng He are all receiving retrofit and modernization. It will take 6 months to fully rewire the ship and modify the power consumption to allow for new computers. Kirov is also in for a lot of Computer-Aided calculation, as well as Electronic Warfare. The E-4V2 is receiving retrofit with Electronic Warfare, never mind it's been ready for months now.
Why do you even want him so much, he's getting prosecuted either way. FRNS don't give him to anyone, it'll show the world that other countries can tell FRNS what to do.
Kazakhstan feels he is not getting justice. Keep in mind he is the most hated man in Kazakhstan. HMKX's helping them out, because Kazakhstan is their buddy.
The UNAFR is racing for dominion over the Internet. The UNAFR knew about the internet for a while and has invested into it, although now with the HMKX coming along the UNAFR is keeping its place in the top. UNAFR Companies are building new networks and websites, at rates faster than Asian companies. Amazon, Apple and Microsoft and dozens of other companies are currently pushing new boundaries every day. HMKX has huge contenders. The Predator drone has seen huge success, becoming the greatest feat in unmanned technology to date. It has seen missions in Central Africa and the Middle East and has collected jaw-dropping amounts of intel and information. Classified information states that the UNAFR is spying on HMKX. The QX-4 Satan Eye is also underway, another UAV, this time a slower, less hidden, but high altitude flying mega-scanner. It has the ability to scan an area the size of South Korea within a day. This is a very expensive project and will take 40 posts to finish.