The UNAFR agrees to Term 5 and the edit of Term 3. I guess it's signed then. Also, if you didn't see what I wrote, if you had the time I suggest you make a map of your countries relations with the world like I did. It would make it a bit easier to gain an insightful view of the game.
Ok HMKX throws out a lot of its high-powered bombs. From now on, they focus on Pointkiller. Because the amount of thrown-out high-power bombs were more than needed, HMKX has notified UNAFR they will be building several hundred Pointkillers, relatively low-yield tactical Nuclear Weapons.
The UNAFR is dismantling a ton of their warheads to match the same power as the HMKX. They are going to rely on a ton of low yield yet large scale nuclear warheads, with a few big ones. As of now, I'm just going to assume we have the same Nuclear power, i'm not gonna bother with all the different types etc. lol
HMKX has 10,600 Nuclear Warheads, primarily because they eliminated most of their larger weapons and replaced them with smaller ones. They shaved off 1,000 Pointkillers, the equivalent of 150 megatons. The funny thing is their Elijahs, total 4 are greater than that amount. But the Elijahs are useless anyway.Meanwhile, the Steiner Manufacturing case has resulted in Karl Schmidt, CEO of Steiner Manufacturing and Noah Fletcher, CFO of Steiner Manufacturing fleeing to FRNS. Under tensions between HMKX and FRNS, especially under HMKX's newest display of power GAD has requested extradition of these individuals for trial, as they have violated laws in multiple GAD states. Keep in mind they will probably lose their heads by the time they get to HMKX, if not before. Most of the rest did not get away and are serving lengthy Jail sentences, including GAD member citizens, UNAFR citizens, NPAT citizens, EC Citizens and FRNS citizens, the first and last being the largest groups. Steiner Manufacturing has been Convicted of the following: several dozen counts of Child Labor, 131 counts of Bribery, over ten thousand repeat violations of minimum wage laws, 179 counts of violations workplace safety laws, all in different countries. Keep in mind, these are just the ones GAD was able to get a conviction for. There are more. Steiner Manufacturing has declared bankruptcy. This has shaken the world economy.
OEO has "developed" the "Humanitarian Daily Ration", to be used in disaster zones as aid.Here is the link to a Wikipedia Article. When I say they "developed" it, I'm saying HMKX let them copy 90% of their new Individual Food Ration. They used techniques everybody else was already using to preserve foods, but the really good thing was that they figured out how to produce it a massive scale, thereby making it easy to produce. It uses Chemical Heaters. It's basically an Asian version of the MRE, that has less Dessert and the one that is there is heavily vitamin and other essential nutrient fortified. It comes in Chinese menus, Indian menus, Korean menus, and Russian menus.
UFOS has built the newest Malestrom-Class supercarrier with 2 more on the way we are testing it in war games now Also would like to ask HMKX what MR.Noah Fletcher looks like so they can set up checkpoints in-case he flees to UFOS
The UNAFR is working on big oil projects with Nigeria and Algeria, both big countries full of potential to make the oil industry boom. Thus, new pipelines, oil wells and refineries are dotting all over both countries. Nigeria is currently the largest producer of Oil in Africa, although Libya has the largest reserves in the continent. The militant struggle in Nigeria is still a thing, although it has died down with the majority of Boko Haram destroyed. This new safety net in Nigeria has set forth a new economic boom, as businesses and large-scale projects are safe from infighting.
Steiner Manufacturing has angered the GAD with unethical buisness practices and violations of minimum wage laws, safety regulations and Child labor laws. He'll be dead before he even gets to HMKX. More than one nation wants him dead, and HMKX couldn't get him convicted of anything major enough to warrant a death setence.
Considering the UNAFR isn't so keen on brutally exterminating criminals like the UFOS and HMKX is, it could have been a possibility that Fetcher is fleeing to the UNAFR in hiding. Please let us know, we'd be happy to block his access to the country at the border and then detain him. As for the ADE members, they have all been found dead in their Penthouses in New York. The police don't know how, it just seems someone snuck into their penthouse and shot all of the guards and brutally beat the 3 ADE Mafia Bosses to death with what appears to be forks and skewers, in a bloody mess. The UNAFR never had them under protection, they only allowed access for them into the country, but now the UNAFR hides up traces of their scandal with them. The direct killers aren't known, but it could be from a rival organization either in Canada or South America. The killers were not HMKX or UFOS oriented.
As for what, just workers or do they run businesses? If they just work there as an employee it's fine, if they are managers or anything to do with running anything then it isn't okay. But why would UNAFR citizens be working in GAD countries? The UNAFR has plenty of jobs and has been stopping unethical companies and workplaces for decades now.
The HMKX Government has created the "National Union". This is effectively a government-run Union, complete with advisors and Government funding. The "National Union" is government-backed, and can therefore summon Police Protection much more easily than other Unions. In addition, they have state-funded lawyers, which can compete with private firms reasonably well. This all combines to the National Union not having to use these funds most of the time, as the businesses are too scared to fight them and usually give in. This move has been applauded by some as a great advancement in worker rights, but regarded with suspicion by others as a move to control the workers and to stall protests when the Government feels like it. The "Big Oil" has started diversifying its economy extensively. Every country not already with a diverse economy has diversified into other branches, reducing dependence on Oil. Libya is having Good Times, as Agriculture (of all things) is doing great. Gaddafi has stepped down under HMKX pressure, having completed the Great Man-Made River Project and Libya Seawater Project. Along with Saudi Arabia, UAE and Iraq, their Desalination Plants are the biggest in the World, and Libya's is the biggest in Africa. Their massive Desalination Plants are the envy of every African Nation around. The Saudis did it first, developing highly efficient plants. UAE and Iraq both copied off them, Libya joined in. They aren't giving the secrets to Nigeria or Algeria, being concerned they could use it. Libya and DRC continue bickering, Libya refuses to export oil to DRC and DRC has been forced to use Hydroelectric dams to compensate for this. They do have some oil, but not enough to fulfill their energy needs. DRC refuses to export Coltan to Libya, resulting in them getting it from UFOS.