The Empire is honestly tired of dealing with them. Boko Haram? Not again, they'll let their allies deal with it. After Guinea and NAE as dominant powers of the region collapsed, Libya, Nigeria and the Democratic Republic of the Congo emerged. The DRC basically said to Chad "let us through or we'll kill you" And so, the DRC has jumped in. Unlike UNAFR or Nigeria, DRC simply bombs the heck out of Boko Haram regardless of meatshields. Boko Haram in Cameroon has given up using them, because it did absolutely nothing and only proved wasteful. HMKX is not pleased with DRC's negligence, but they say nothing for now. Mexico, of all nations is reasonably powerful, emerging as a competitor to Saudi Arabia. They sell oil to Panama and are on exceptionally good terms with UFOS, more so than HMKX. The Arab council has condemned UNAFR for their statement. HMKX has encouraged Saudi Arabia to repeal Sharia Laws or lose favor, but it's not every effective. Iran seems to be up to something, because they are buying large amounts of something. HMKX is trying to figure out what it is, for now HMKX has requested Kazakhstan to not sell Uranium to anyone but HMKX, because it's getting concerning. HMKX has also requested UFOS not sell Australian Uranium to Iran, because their "up to something" might be Nuclear Weapons. For now, HMKX searches.
The DRC has been told to stop pushing into foreign affairs without being asked for help first. Boko Haram is not even a threat to the DRC, as of now it only affects Nigeria, Chad, Niger and a bit of Cameroon, although it is being dealt with heavily by Nigeria, as they have been working on "cleaning the mess up like a mop." If the DRC starts getting pushy in Chad without permission, they're going to start a war...
The Iranians apparently seem to be creating a Nuclear Bomb, as they are currently surrounded by enemies such as Saudi Arabia and Israel. While this is only known to HMKX who was the only one digging, HMKX has hurried to sign a secret deal with Saudi Arabia that would place HMKX Nuclear-Tipped Intermediate-Range Ballistic Missiles inside Saudi Arabia. While the fact Iran has Nukes will likely remain secret, the fact Saudi Arabia is receiving Missiles will not. Now, Iran and Saudi Arabia are rivals. The only reason Saudi Arabia, good candidate for most useful ally of HMKX, would be getting Nukes is that Iran has Nukes. So, the country investigates. The deal is essentially this: Saudi Arabia gives permission for HMKX to place 100 Intermediate-Range Ballistic Missiles with 100 Pointkiller warheads inside its territory, the Saberpoint-I. This missile has a range of around 4,000 kilometers and contains 1 warhead, sufficient to defend themselves from Iran, but it's meant to be given to allies and thus not super accurate. HMKX's 3 planned Supercarriers have been decided as follows. All three are being built at shipyards as of now. Sun Tzu Zhuge Liang Guan Yu Sun Tzu Subclass 115,131 tons displacement full load Much smaller than its counterparts, this thing has a much better reactor performance and uses space more liberally. This means there is less space, but much more power to work with in future upgrades. In addition, methods were taken to make it low-maintenance and low-cost, because the last few Supercarriers were expensive as heck. This is in silent response to UFOS and FRNS's expansion program.
UFOS would like to report that we replanted a total of 2 million trees acrossed UFOS and have shut down 20 out of 45 coal plants
HMKX congratulates UFOS on this success. The Empire is not pleased with FRNS's recent military development. They seem to want to create a large-scale blue-water Navy, previously dominated by HMKX and UNAFR. HMKX is designing new tanks and new guided rockets, because FRNS seems to want to control Europe. HMKX has raised tariffs on Rare Earth materials on FRNS. On the rest of the EC, HMKX lowers many tariffs excluding Rare Earth materials. In addition, HMKX is developing more Radar types to improve their methods of information gathering. They are also launching satellites like an absolute madman, both civilian and military. HMKX has also raised emissions standards on Vehicles, and experimented with renewable energies. Due to their sheer population, HMKX is the single biggest polluter on Earth, but Carbon Emissions Per Capita are actually quite low.
The UNAFR has picked up on its satellite development. Although TUN has been developing satellites for a while and set up the annual development of these, it was slow, and so the UNAFR is quickly producing more high tech satellite equipment, mainly a new series called the "Globe-Watcher." This new satellite has highly advanced camera technologies, being able to scan areas with the highest camera quality. The best of the best. The UNAFR is heavily funding new tech. The Internet. Although developed a few years ago, it is currently heavily picking up speed, something which the UNAFR wants in on. TUN had also been focusing on companies such as Apple and Microsoft, the main companies leading this new wave of technology. Although China produces the most computers, the UNAFR is leading in software, with many tech giants residing in the UNAFR. TUN, since the 80s has been pushing forward drone development in secret, and now it's here. After years of testing, constructing and concluding, the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft (drone) known as the "Predator" has begun its run in the military. It will be in full militaristic use within 10 posts, although it is already in use. Its first mission will be in Afghanistan. The Predator relies on cutting edge technology, with high-tech scanning features and insane stealth and surveillance abilities. The UNAFR has also successfully upgraded all modern ships, vehicles, tanks and aircraft with new high tech computer chips and other devices, fit with the utmost speed, accuracy and reliability. Radar has also improved 10x. With new satellites in the UNAFR Space Force homing sharp cutting edge camera and surveillance equipment, the SR-71 Blackbird is now being retired. The run was great, it provided super valuable ariel information, especially in the Mediterranean war, except the price and its age brought it to low standards. It will be put into the TUN Historical Royal Military Museum in Ottawa. {HIGHLY-CLASSIFIED} More unmanned aircraft is being produced, with a secret project holding name to the RQ-4 underway. These drones have high-tech sensors and scanning technologies which allow large areas to be scanned and monitored, all while the pilot sits thousands of miles away safe from enemy hands. California has deemed themselves as the second most technological advanced NPAT member, only after the UNAFR. While all UNAFR members excel in advanced tech programs, California excels at this and is one of the most reliable NPAT members. They have developed their own drones, scanning and satellite technologies and play a huge role in the war against the Taliban.
As for Nigeria, with NPAT help and Nigeria's massive 500,000 armies, Boko Haram was pushed out of the country, into Chad where their crippled forces were crushed by the UNAFR. Boko Haram is finished, as well as Extreme Sunni Islam in West Africa. The UNAFR is pushing for laws to ban Sharia Law all throughout the world. OOC: I'm also tired of the terrorism in Africa stuff, lol its getting boring Nigeria is incredibly angry at the DRC. They came into Chad, taking no regard in human life and started bombing Boko Haram, which was using innocent lives as meatshields. After Boko Haram disintegrated, Nigeria warned the DRC to leave Chad. When they didn't leave, Nigeria shot at them and sent volleys of rockets and bombs at them until they fled to Central Africa. Nigeria now masses a 500,000 military at their border, and if war were to break out, Nigeria has a plan to conscript an army of 1 million men. The UNAFR isn't speaking much of it now, although in a war NPAT and the UNAFR could single-handedly stomp the DRC back into their own hell-hole of a jungle. If the HMKX were to intervene, they would be fighting an unjust war, as the DRC had no rights to do what they did.
The DRC argues they did what was needed. They came in and removed Boko Haram. UNAFR did evil things, everyone did them. DRC bombed meat-shields, Boko Haram gave up using them. The only territories Boko Haram gave up using meatshields was where DRC got involved. Meanwhile, UNAFR decided prolonging the suffering of civilians was a good idea and inadvertently killed twice as many civilians as DRC did. DRC has pulled out and into their own territory and prepared for a defense. HMKX says to DRC "don't push it. I know you're stronger than they are. Don't push it." but assures them HMKX has their back should war break out. Morroco has readied their weapons, and warned Algeria that if war breaks out, it will truly be the end of Africa due to the extensive web of mutual defense pacts.
The HMKX Empire has dismantled a major Manufacturing Trust in cooperation with other GAD members, a FRNS (German) Global Trust, Steiner Manufacturing. Being a Multinational Corporation, Steiner is extremely powerful. Steiner Manufacturing worked with Marshall, Carter and Dark law firm to defend their barely legal and very unethical actions, and the two have formed a symbiotic relationship. HMKX tried to kick them out more than once, but they were only successful in the Falklands War, where Steiner Manufacturing was kicked out because... a war was happening. Steiner Manufacturing was a massive trust, but GAD's constituent states have ordered the dismantling of the Trust. GAD alleges Steiner Manufacturing has violated workplace safety laws and minimum wage laws, and evaded taxes on more than one occasion. This has resulted in Steiner Manufacturing hiring big from MC&D, and other law firms, in what could become the legal battle of the Century. Steiner Manufacturing has destroyed competition around the globe ruthlessly, no one challenging it, until now. They have appealed to FRNS for help, but FRNS doesn't seem very cooperative. Global Commentators say this is the battle between Corporation and Government, the test to show whether a Multinational Corporation could evade consequences. In other news, several Steiner Manufacturing corporation buildings were raided by mysterious masked men, using UNAFR Civilian Surplus Rifles and UFOS Infantry sidearms. However, it is confirmed that that gear comes from all sorts of places, making it likely they were trying to evade detection as to where it came from. They stole many documents, and the raids happened in Vietnam and other GAD territories. But only one nation utilizes such blunt methods to gain information, especially over corporations. GAD is happy to introduce new members, Vietnam, Myanmar, Libya, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (quietly warned not to pull that kind of thing again), Kazakhstan, and Iraq. The E-5 is indev, with HMKX's top-of the line computer tech being put into it. It will be the first fighter to integrate data into fighter jet technology. It will incorporate the lessons of the E-4V2 in order to make it viable, as the E-4V2 is a first step and a prototype, above all a jet meant to be built in small numbers to learn lessons. The E-5 will be expensive as hell. But it will be effective.
Afghanistan... graveyard of Empires.Unconquerable. Ungovernable. Unenslavable.Now, UNAFR sits in it. Blissfully unaware of its nature. A land route to everywhere important. Many have fallen for it. 50,000 thousand soldiers fighting the Taliban. But their efforts are doomed.HMKX is smart enough not to stand in it. A flytrap. They know. Even if they poured a million men, ten million men, all the explosives in the world in it, all the weapons they could amass with their vast economic might, even the power of the Atom, they would not win. They would drain money and power to this unreachable Goal. They could conquer it, but they would bleed from it, money and people bleeding off to the mouth of the flytrap. Get too close... snap.UNAFR can try. A great Empire, underestimating its adversary.They cannot win.
OOC: False, I just made it seem faster because I was bored of the Boko Haram thing. Can I have their military specs? The little amount of men is because it's not a large scale operation. It's more for peacekeeping duties and assuring the territory is moderately controlled. More safer than a non UNAFR military populated state. The UNAFR knows there is no point in even fighting them in huge scale, it's just that since Afghanistan is an ally of NPAT they are being helped.
Whag I intended to say was that NPAT apparently decided it would be smart to carefully avoid bombing civilians, reducing NPAT effectiveness, resulting in Boko Haram using more meatshields, and more people accidentally being killed. HMKX was saying that because the HMKX bloc was bigger. 50,000 thousand is not little. Afghanistan is "Graveyard of Empires" for a reason. Whatever ally UNAFR might have in Afghanistan is little more than a corrupt puppet state, Afghanistan is ungovernable, especially by foreigners. There can be no stability, especially under foreigners. Their own damn rulers can't do it.
Syria's government is destabilizing. It was always united with the HMKX bloc by little more than hatred of Israel, and now that's gone.... Iran is apparently backing a Shia majority state, and the Saudis are not happy. The Iranians and the Saudis are in confrontation. Meanwhile, HMKX mobilizes Zheng He and Kublai Khan. Yi Sun-Shin is out doing disaster aid. Zheng He goes to UFOS to assure them HMKX has their back. Kublai Khan sails near FRNS, making sure to flaunt their larger size to the populace, and sailing circles around the shipyard where the second Carrier is being built. They were chased off from going "near" (did not enter FRNS sovereign waters) a Naval Base when the FRNS Navy chased them off. While they would have loved to use the titanic Sejong the Great or Vakulenchuk, Sejong the Great's Subclass is still too expensive to use, despite the Complex Overhaul that occurred.
Algeria has pushed to heavily militarize their state, achieving military domination in North Africa, rivalling all other countries in North Africa. Although Egypt is by far the strongest military in Africa, Algeria is shoving its way to the 2nd place, as their military stands boldly at 792,350 personnel, over 500 aircraft units, thousands of tanks and military vehicles and an 85 ship navy. Through the decades since their alliance with TUN and their joining of NPAT, they have been growing at a huge rate, basically overlapping Nigeria and showing that they are the stronger ally. It isn't a race between allies though, it's just that Algeria is stronger. The strongest NPAT members in Africa right now are currently Algeria and Nigeria, and possibly two of the 5 biggest African militaries. The UNAFR has a strong foothold in Africa military wise, as the NAE and Guinea, HMKX allies who were the big boys in the continent now look at memories of their past in sadness. Cameroon is like a nation who thinks they can handle a military, but they cannot. Equilateral Guinea is in their hold as a puppet state, but Cameroon's military and their economy still suffer, and thus they had to downgrade. The UNAFR has also pulled out their men from Afghanistan, realizing the unnecessary costs of war, the UNAFR's only troop populous in the region holds on to protecting trade routes and cities. It's more of a defence against the Taliban rather than an offensive. Nigeria stands at attention, yet doesn't attack the DRC. Nigeria can take on the DRC by themselves with a bit of attentive help, yet they know the DRC will call their Daddy in the east for help.
Pakistan has rejoined NPAT, mainly due to a recent election and the need for stronger alliances. Under one condition though, which is to reframe from tensions with India over border control and such. Pakistan should back off of it. Although relations are still a bit slidey with other members, Pakistan has declared that it is only for militaristic purposes and trading. They know some NPAT members don't like them, and that's fine, they are only doing this purely for benefits of themselves, and because they don't like the HMKX Empire. The UNAFR has also become friendly with Guatemala, as they have shown a prosperous trading history. No alliance is made, just a new friendship.
The Libyans, main competitor to the Algerians are pleased about this. While their population is small, they are on fairly good terms with Morocco. They also sell oil, in vast amounts to all African countries. Guinea was their main customer, but they have shifted to DRC and South Africa as their customers, as those two guzzle oil like absolute madmen. While in Hard Power Libya is lacking, in soft power they are very impressive. They are well developed with near-Europe levels of GDP Per Capita. DRC is their polar opposite. They are strong enough to be Nigeria's equal, but they have no idea what they're doing in soft power. While they are reasonably rich, they don't know what they're doing. They would complement each other well. It is well agreed DRC, Algeria, Nigeria, Libya, South Africa and Egypt are very powerful African States. Unfortunately for HMKX, 2 of their own powerful allies are feuding constantly and cancel each other out. Namely, Libya and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Why does this keep happening, HMKX does not know. Of course, HMKX's vast African alliance suffers from infighting, and only Guinea, former glory of Africa benefits from this as they are still a substantial force and quite well developed. They want to make a comeback, and right now HMKX's large faction being split in half and NPAT confronting them is very good for them. They sell Diamonds to rich, developed countries at expensive prices, when it's fairly cheap to make as they automated large parts of the process. They are also Rich and Developed, but Diamonds are much cheaper there. They also stop Pirates, for a fee. They use their resources wisely, being HMKX's main Aluminum Supplier and feeding the Titanic Country all of its Aluminum. This basically ensures they have a steady stream of Money, especially in Wars. This is a... unique advantage. They want back in, and they like it when HMKX's other powers feud and NPAT joins in. Madagascar watches from the shadows. They have driven their economic growth through Tourism of their unique wildlife and selling food to the less able African economies, but they are still waiting. They too will rely on soft power. Maybe they'll get along with Libya, but no one seems to be paying attention to them.
Afghanistan has left NPAT. Also, I made a new map I hope its somewhat accurate, I didn't put the HMKX or UFOS as enemies because there is no on going war. Also, if anyone else has the time I would like to see their own map and their own perspective
UNAFR-HMKX NUCLEAR AGREEMENT The Sovereign United North American Federal Republic requests a meeting with the He-MakiXi Empire leaders at a designated meeting place in Switzerland. In this meeting, both leaders will be presented with an agreement which will change Nuclear Warfare forever. If both Combines sign the Declaration of course. In this agreement, the following terms must be met: Both complying Nations must agree that the large scale use of Ballistic Missiles and other forms of Nuclear Warfare on other Combines may only be done if an attack is done on your own soil. (Basically, you can only Nuke each other if you fight on each other's land, or if you're shot at first. Only use in last resort defence.) Nuclear weaponry may be used outside of the two rival Combines territory, but it may only be used at very small scales and only against nations which you are at war with and who impose a great threat which can only be disposed of with a Nuclear Option. Always use other methods, Nukes are the last resort. Both nations must agree to disarm and retire a percentage of their Nuclear Warheads, which in turn must result in the same amount of Nuclear storage at the end of the disarmament. Constructing Nuclear Warheads outside of the knowledge of the other Combine or the OEO will result in strict International Punishment. Other combines are obligated to sign the deal as well, it is not only the UNAFR and HMKX. If the HMKX signs, the UNAFR will dismantle the agreed percentage of Nuclear warheads. The UNAFR currently has 12,000 Nuclear Warheads in their arsenal. If the HMKX signs, both the UNAFR and the HMKX should agree on a set amount to base their arsenal on. (Example: Such as both agreeing to limit their storage to 3,000 Warheads, etc.) This is not to give an upper hand to anyone in the case of war, it is a way to prevent a possible Armageddon, which if it is not prevented, could lead both the HMKX, the UNAFR and the entire world in a heap of ash, back to the era of building mud huts and fighting with spears and Neolithic technologies. This is our world, we need to preserve it, one step at a time.
HMKX agrees to terms 1, 2 and 4. HMKX proposes term 3 be renegotiated to same total amount of Nuclear detonation power, and the creation of Term 5, ban on aboveground and Space testing of Nuclear Weapons. All testing must be done underground to prevent the spread of Radiation.