Vermont and Wisconsin, two countries that have left UNAFR have founded an alliance and have created a militarized government. Vermont is more-so hostile and military-run, while Wisconsin is more democratic, yet still hostile. They both show tensions at the UNAFR border and consistently harass troops. They make sure to line their military vehicles at the border, looking like they are prepared for a war, yet it never happens... Yet. They and both Wisconsin have militant groups which basically run the country and perform stealth attacks on UNAFR trade routes. Although it's not easily visible, they work behind the scenes ruining the peace. The United South have reached out to UNAFR with an alliance and ask to join NPAT. They join. NPAT is growing again after they lost quite a few members with the fall of TUN.
What are those tactics? The Empire and UFOS's relationship allows for both sides to get what they need. UFOS gets Oil, Military Equipment and Tech, HMKX gets food, Copper and cheap labor. (While labor in HMKX is plentiful, it is not cheap.) The Empire is almost self-sufficient, as they develop tech well, have among other things Oil and Natural Gas Iron Bauxite The Rare Earth Metals (This will become important, as they will likely embargo this stuff to their enemies if things get hairy) Phosphorous (Fertilizers) Their major imports are: Food (Ukraine, UFOS)* Copper (UFOS) *While the Empire produces more food than every other Combine put together, they don't exactly export much due to their massive-as-hell population.
The Empire is being struck by a terrible famine. The food situation in HMKX was already precarious, and this is just making bad things worse. And just after a plague too. The war of Africa is back on. The New Abyssinians are plotting something. Many of Africa's countries have went to war with each other, and revolutions have happened as a direct result of the war's effects. The Empire is not done yet.
OEO RESOLUTION: RECOGNITION OF THE STATE OF PALESTINEThe State of Palestine has been in a diplomatic limbo since its inception, with Palestine not receiving recognition from Israel and no formal vote ever being held. Due to the assassination plot created by extremists and Hamas terrorist infiltration of the Palestinian Government, this state was invaded and a major war was fought over it, resulting in major instability in the region.As such, this measure is to be voted on.1. The State of Palestine is a legitimate state, and is to be recognized as such. This includes all privileges (OEO representation, OEO humanitarian aid, OEO defense of their rights as a nation) and responsibilities (responsibility to fund OEO, responsibility to be held accountable as a nation) that come with it. Any other attempts to create a government, such as an Israeli Puppet state, is illegitimate.2. Hamas is a terrorist group that extremizes Palestine, encourages and commits war crimes and is detrimental to lasting peace in the region. It is to be outlawed in the State of Palestine and any and all organizations that may provide aid or comfort to it prosecuted.3. It is to be strongly reiterated that Jerusalem is a haven for all religions, under OEO administration. Any and all Police incursions of either Israeli or Palestinian forces is not to be tolerated, and is to be suppressed with whatever means needed, including violence.Having reviewed this Resolution, the OEO asks the Combines to cast their votes.61.6% YE39.4% NAYHMKX Empire: YEUFOS: NO VOTE ENTEREDUNAFR: NO VOTE ENTEREDFRNS: NO VOTE ENTERED
The FRNS has increased defences around the Falkland Islands. The President and Prime Minister say that it is prepared to repel an invasion. They have also held a referendum to see which country they would rather belong to, and 99% have answered that they think they belong to the FRNS
The Empire has proposed a secret agreement to UFOS: If Falklands gets hairy, HMKX will mobilize their currently sole operational Supercarrier, Zheng He with associated Task Force. It, due to its large size, high level of computerization and CATOBAR nature will outclass anything else on the battlefield. FRNS's Supercarriers will have their hands full trying to fight their UFOS counterparts, this will completely put air support on UFOS's side. Lastly, the associated Escort would be very powerful and a big help. HMKX requests permission to dock in UFOS ports for repair and resupply if UFOS accepts. (Alt, Belac, Supercarriers are not easy to sink. Belac, Alt, don't go around sinking Supercarriers without major losses.) In return, UFOS will give major concessions on food imports. HMKX is also willing to sell ABM systems so UFOS can protect their major cities should FRNS go bonkers. This will turn a profit for HMKX, but HMKX's systems are the best in the world.
The UNAFR has cut down on Vermont oppression. Their military has become more and more distant from the government and multiple coups have been attempted. No longer is Vermont ruled by capital, it is ruled by whichever city has the biggest military presence. Starting another war would be bloodshed and a broken oath to which TUNAFR promised to not commit another war. Although it has to be done, letting Vermont suffer would be too brutal. This time, the invasion will lead in an entire annexation, and any government oppression against UNAFR will be silenced. This was a big problem with TUN, before their annexation, Vermont's freedom of protest wasn't imminent, but with the United North's new constitution, it allowed Vermont to consist the fight to leave TUN, a grave mistake. 30,000 troops from New York line Vermont's borders, along with a squadron of M1 Abrams tanks and with F-18's flying in the air.
Lebanon's multi-religious government has been destabilized due to an influx of Israeli and Muslim immigrants. Lebanon was a careful balancing act, and now two sides of the multi-dimensional game has been rendered far too heavy. In addition, the Empire's economy is being revitalized to an extent, but Famine dogs its recovery and slows it down. Africa is now a torn continent. A shell of its former self. The war has destabilized many nations, and it will be years before it recovers. The New Abyssinians are shoring up their shore assault ships... why is this so? The Empire plots and schemes. The Falklands... those damned islands. And then, suddenly, BANG! Iran, what did you do... DUAL CRISISES IN THE MIDDLE EAST! Lebanon is on the verge of Civil War, with Christians trying to expel the sudden influx of Muslim-Jewish immigrants. The Muslims and the Jewish are both trying to expand and remake the unwritten national pact. This will result in Civil war, right next to the Israeli border. Problem is, if Israel tries to intervene, someone Muslim will also attack. The Kurds are now in a full-blown war with Iran, Iraq has intervened in their favor. The complications result from the fact Iran HATES Israel, while the Kurds only mildly dislike them. Iran is the only thing keeping HMKX from completely dominating the Middle East.
UFOS accepts the help if things get bad OOC:is the plague out of your nation yet? Ufos will have to vote on everything else and will get back to you with a reply
Alright well just in case the UFOS has voted to say we agree to all terms on 1 condition That ANY and ALL HMKX ships coming into our ports can be inspected to make sure everybody is in good health?(only doing this as a neccasary precaution after a plague)
Hey, can everyone list their Supercarriers? (Don't forget that Nuclear-Powered Supercarriers need to be refueled every 20-30 years for a period of 3-6 months!) HMKX's: HMKXS Yi Sun-Shin: STATUS: In shipyard for Complex Overhaul and Refueling. Finished in 6 months. HMKXS Admiral Kuznetsov: STATUS: In shipyard for Complex Overhaul and Refueling. Finished in 6 months. HMKXS Zheng He: STATUS: Docked, scheduled for Complex Overhaul and Refueling in 2 years. HMKXS Chandragupta: STATUS: Docked, scheduled for Complex Overhaul and Refueling in 2 years. HMKXS Genghis Khan: STATUS: Docked, scheduled for Complex Overhaul and Refueling in 2 years. HMKXS Sejong the Great: STATUS: Docked. HMKXS Vakulenchuck: STATUS: Docked. HMKXS Volvograd: STATUS: Docked. Is to take over for Zheng He when 2 years are reached. HMKXS Kublai Khan: STATUS: Under Construction. They are all CATOBAR. This is important because CATOBAR and STOBAR are the 2 mainly used methods for Supercarriers. CATOBAR is higher-performance at the cost of price. STOBAR can only launch planes with a high thrust-to-weight ratio, but is cheaper. OOC Post: Complex overhaul and refueling is important, because it does not only refuel a ship, it also modernizes the ship heavily. Keep in mind it takes roughly 3 months to just refuel a ship, but it takes 6 to throw in a modernization with it. Otus, you've never bothered to modernize your Supercarriers, putting them behind the times. I would recommend modernizing at least the 3 Forrestals. They are inferior to most existent Supercarriers with the exception of FRNS's 2.
The Empire has held an election. Ramaswamy Venkataraman basically up and quit, claiming he was too old and sick. A charismatic young man named Vladimir Putin has won the Election. He is quite savvy. He, in a highly controversial and ruthless move has nationalized the Healthcare Industry, as prices spiked and companies price gouged. This has resulted in several CEOs fleeing the country, as well as several companies simply up and going bankrupt as a massive portion or all of their holdings just completely vanished. While many praised the move as needed, others criticized it as being ruthless as there was large amounts of coercion and straight-up gunpoint threats. The President himself has announced there are plans to compensate the business owners in a soft-spoken speech that was essentially telling the Healthcare Companies "screw you". This ultimately was likely a first step to universal, free healthcare. The Empire has announced a reorganization of all national hospitals into a single, massive, industry. This has resulted in major layoffs as HMKX streamlined the layout of the system, but is projected to save the government a fortune in Healthcare Aid as prices have plunged. For some reason, HMKX is fortifying the Kaliningrad Exclave... A lot. It will take 6 months to fortify it all.
The FRNS Prime Minister has praised Vladimir Putin's healthcare nationalisation and hopes that it becomes the way of life it has in the FRNS in the HMKX. He has, however, condemned the fortification of Köningsberg as an offensive measure against the FRNS and the European Commonwealth. The media noted his use of the Prussian name for the city, which has excited the German states of the FRNS.
The Empire clarifies that it is not in fact offensive, but quite defensive, to make attacking Kaliningrad an absolute bloodbath for anyone. The Empire has exported a total of 1,100 Anti-Ballistic Missile System Kill Vehicles to UFOS. HMKX secretly advises UFOS to make their move over the Falklands in the next 6 months, as support for a takeover is slowly dying out. HMKX advises UFOS to rile up nationalism but stall until HMKX's economy can recover enough to support UFOS properly. (OOC: Ways to stall: Do Naval and Supercarrier exercises near the Falklands, practice amphibious landings and make a big deal of it to the press, and generally be militaristic without actually invading the Falklands). HMKX also advises them to make the argument that regardless of the islander's feelings, the islands belong to UFOS whether they like it or not. The Empire waits for UFOS's next move, and what FRNS will do in response.
The Prime Minister has made the announcement today that with mounting UFOS aggression to the Falkland Islands, and the HMKX supporting them with vehicles and prepping for European war, the FRNS will be acting on the worst case scenario. One of the North Sea supercarriers will go to the islands, supported by 100,000 FRNS troops from all over the British Isles, Ireland, Scandinavia, Germany, Namibia, and Indonesia, and defend it to the last man. A significant amount of the air force and navy has also been dispatched. The South Atlantic is swarming with North Sea activity.
HMKX was giving UFOS advice. UFOS has not yet acted on it. As a matter of fact, the communication was secret. HMKX has changed their advice to "back off for now, try diplomacy and if that doesn't work out use the fact your Air Force and Army is a hell of a lot larger than theirs and that you're closer."
The Empire is booting up Zheng He for Battle. HMKX has little intent to ship their land troops to die for some foreign islands, although they could. The Empire is not in fact preparing for an invasion of Europe. They are planning for a defense. Russia will become one giant fortress. Invading China or India is not an option. They are both industrial and food production zones that will shorten supply lines. Combined with the "overwhelming firepower" strategy HMKX has adapted, this will result in absolute slaughter for the FRNS troops involved. I've discussed at length HMKX's strategy. I mean, HMKX troops will be killed too, but ultimately HMKX can absorb losses that FRNS cannot. Even with a 1:1 kill ratio, FRNS will exhaust itself before defeating HMKX. And the kill ratio will not be 1:1. HMKX fully intends to utilize Madagascar as a Naval base. HMKX's Navy has swelled. HMKX intends for any war to drag on for long periods, so that HMKX can outpace and outproduce the enemy. The New Abyssinians and the Guineans are constantly fighting in the South Atlantic, which has been dangerous for FRNS. HMKX can't stop them, as a matter of fact they would.
HMKX Secret Agreement to FRNS [LEVEL 5 SECRET]The Falklands has become a major issue in these past months. With UFOS making aggressive moves on the Falklands and showing that they want to take it, HMKX now proposes an agreement to serve their mutual interests. HMKX will not remain neutral in the war, but HMKX will slightly limit their involvement in it.Term 1: HMKX/FRNS does not invade with land forces the territories of each other, with the exception of the Falklands Islands. This means FRNS should not invade China or India, and that HMKX will not invade members of the European Commonwealth.Term 2: HMKX/FRNS, does not, under any circumstances utilize Nuclear Weaponry as a means to attack any party in the war. This will result in Nuclear Armageddon and unless FRNS prefers a Nuclear Wasteland to a prosperous Earth, this term should be quite obvious and reasonable.Term 3: FRNS does not annex any territories of UFOS in the war with the exception of the Falklands Islands. A good reference model is the HMKX-TUN war, where no side attacked the other's territory and instead battled in the Middle East, the Mediterranean Sea, and some parts of Asia.Term 4: All Battles made by the HMXK Empire and FRNS follows the OEO Rules of War.
Vermont is annexed and regained territory of UNAFR. The current government was entirely expelled, and now heavy government laws are being placed on Vermont, making it less likely that they would leave UNAFR diplomatically. Their entire military force of 5,000 has been seized, and all militant groups whom participated in Vermont-UNAFR border raids are being held in trial. Vermont will no longer gain such a high political say, and now they reside under UNAFR. Wisconsin left responsibly and caused no trouble, except for their rebel problem which they are dealing with. No words are being spoken in Parliament as of yet about the Falklands crisis. Although it is clear there is a pro-FNRS presence, the UNAFR is entirely done with fighting other combines. Although with this lack of regard for military dominance, the UNAFR's military rank has steadily dropped, to where they are said to no longer be the 2nd most powerful army. That rank holds with UFOs, who has much more manpower and much more weaponry, although UNAFR still holds a technology advantage. The neutrality has gained a peaceful atmosphere within UNAFR though, many people are happy and crime and protest are low. The UNAFR has funded heavily into WEO as well as in many Peace Organizations. They have also taken in some refugees from the Middle East and welcome them into UNAFR, although they are heavily screening them and making sure that they do not bring in any hidden militants. The churches in UNAFR are bringing aid to Jewish and Christian refugees from Africa and the Middle East. There is also aid being given to Muslims as well. UNAFR's government funds this. Overall religion is positive with UNAFR, Christianity is the dominant religion, but there is no oppression and there are no religious controlled states. The AIDS epidemic is being heavily researched by doctors in UNAFR and they believe that they are possibly on the trail for a cure. UNAFR leads the world in the science and medical world, with scientists all over the world, and scientists in UNAFR labs observing and finding brand new discoveries. Doctors are being paid well and are creating new technologies and methods of surgery and medical aid. There is no genders issue. Although many feminists claim there to be, there is no law which is unfair to either gender, and both men and women receive unbiased court rulings, such as child custody and prison sentences. In fact, the Equal Pay Act was signed in the late 1940s and gives women the same pay as men. There is no gender issue...