[Forum Game] New Nations

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by SoulPunisher, Aug 6, 2018.

  1. I just got to say that this is quite an interesting thing you have going on here guys. I've viewed it many times and have wanted to say this but now I finally "have the courage" to do so. lol

    You've got a (albeit a loose one) reader!
    Otus_NigRum likes this.
  2. AltPunisher did this once before in 2015. It seems people are unwilling to join in this scenario, although he has found a loyal core of players this time around.
  3. Don't expect me to join anytime soon, I like reading about history, not reciting it. :)
    Otus_NigRum likes this.
  4. Well now it seems that Warlord and I are the only active members lol. This is a really fun thread though, even though our countries hate eachother, outside of the game there is no hard feelings.
    Warlord678 and Joy_the_Miner like this.
  5. Eh, I wouldn't discount the other two just yet. A bit too early to say, I saw Sydney viewing this thread just a few hours ago, probably just making one of his posts which are difficult to make (fancy graphics). Belac555 is MIA but MIA is not KIA.
    Joy_the_Miner likes this.
  6. And ALT probably only commented a total of 30 times on this thread
  7. He seems to be trying to be more active, he is responding to my PM request for newer regulations. I mean, it is most understandable.
    I'll convert this to an action post.
    HMKX has notified the UFOS their new Battleship is now complete. Delivery will be made as soon as UFOS agrees to it.

  8. I'm back and we agree to allow you to deliver the battleship we will meet you in international waters and would you like us to wire the money or bring it with us to meet you?
  9. A secret cargo shio transaction would do well.
  10. We will deliver the money at the same meeting that you deliver the battleship it will come in a cargo ship and the cargo ship comes with the money as a friendly gift
  11. The World Environment Organization is holding a meeting with all world leaders apart of WEO. The meeting will be held in 6 posts and various topics will be presented. The meeting will be held in New York City.

    Such issues will be presented:
    • Livestock Abuse. Factory farming is a big part of how many countries obtain their foods, except it's totally against the environment. Animals are mistreated, killed and put into poor tight living conditions, just so they can be raised for human consumption. Not only is this morally wrong, but it causes soil contamination, greenhouse gas emissions, and a waste of land, energy and water. The only issue is that Factory Farming feeds millions of people around the earth, and removing it would be a problem. That's why many countries like TUN, are pushing towards massive crop growing projects.
    • Animal Abuse/Cruelty. Animal shelters are filling up rapidly, and people are neglecting and abusing their pets. Although this isn't really a Federal problem, it is still an issue which needs to be addressed, as well as the consumption of domesticated pets such as Dogs and Cats in many Asian countries.
    • Deforestation. Forests cover up about 31% of our planet and provide us with oxygen, traditional medicines, fresh water, clothing and other necessities. Animals are also losing their homes, due to forest fires, clear-cutting for farmland and logging for timber. UFOs is a big contender in this, as every day the Amazon loses thousands of acres of forest. It is also estimated that 15% of greenhouse gas emissions are from deforestation.
    • Illegal trophy hunting. Thousands of animal species are expected to go extinct in the near future due to illegal animal hunting. The Tiger, Lions and even the Rhino along with many others are a staple of the animal kingdom. With illegal trophy hunting, it is expected that these species will start to fade out.
    • Greenhouse Gas Emissions. This is where industry and commercial methods clog our atmosphere with CO2, making our earth warmer and much less healthy. Countries are advised to cut down extreme amounts of fossil fuel factories and any other cause of CO2 emissions by replacing them with clean energy alternatives.

    Each nation is advised to give their own thoughts on the matter and their methods of stopping it, as well as speaking on other problems involving our Environment and world.

    Trophy Hunting and Factory farming are both practices that have been outlawed in TUN. Trophy hunting is completely illegal and is carefully watched, while factory farmers are ordered to raise their livestock free ranged, or lose their licenses. To combat the negative effects of low meat inventory, TUN is investing in long-term free ranged livestock projects as well as crop farming.

    As for Animal abuse, many organizations in TUN are starting to stand up against it, receiving financial aid from Provincial governments in building animal shelters and finding better homes for many pets.

    Logging in TUN is a big industry, although not nearly big enough to cause a huge problem. After areas are logged, trees are planted right away. The problems reside in areas like South America and Asia.

    TUN has been in a long-term program to produce clean energy.

    Express your nations thoughts and methods of solving these problems.
  12. HMKX has publicly released a low-carbon method of Concrete Creatiom, the HMKX standard for a while now. Now, other nations will be able to use it. It is economical as it is only a little more expensive than conventional methods. HMKX has pledged to create emissions standards for vehicles and factories and research efficient methods of manufacture.
    HMKX has promised to continue their low-abuse farming philosophy for Cows, Pigs, Chickens and Dogs.
    Lastly, HMKX is building vast dams and Nuclear Power Plants to supplant existing Coal-Fired or Oil-Fired plants. 10 posts.
  13. Provinces like Quebec are pushing the idea of lowering transportation emissions by urging citizens to consider travelling by bike instead of by vehicle. Quebec city is expanding their bike rentals, as well as other major cities. This is a municipal action, not a federal one.
  14. I just don't really know what to post lol

    Javor would like to buy the Personal Computers that TUN is distributing. We'd like to buy about a million computers to distribute to the various Councils across Javor. What would you like in exchange for the computers?
    Otus_NigRum likes this.

    Due to multiple bouts of good luck, the Battleship UFOS Amistad was finished significantly ahead of schedule. Because of the inherent limitations in moving such a monstrosity without engines, the management simply fueled its Nuclear Reactor. Instructions have been provided to UFOS on how to repair and refuel the reactor. The Battleship sailed to Pearl Harbor, the dock at which UNS Wisconsin was sitting. She took down the HMKX flag and raised the UFOS flag, thereby making it a UFOS vessel. Remaining at the very edge of international waters and staying away from TUN waters, UFOSS Amistad proceeded to fire several broadsides of either non-active or dud sheels with all 12 406mm Guns, probably as a display of power, at nearly 51 Kilometers of range. [LEVEL 4: TOP SECRET CLEARANCE ACCETPED] She was technically UFOS property, but HMKXX sailors were still sailing her and was responsible for the Broadsides and other actions. [LEVEL 4: TOP SECRET INFORMATION ENDS HERE] While initially, the TUN Navy did not respond, TUN soon noticed on radar a suspicious ship. Because Amistad was in international waters, TUN had no right to actually remove her from her position. She then proceeded to sail at 36 knots around the harbor, her top speed at light load. She then raised a large banner, which read, in English, Quote "#1 Battleship". It is unknown why the Battleship would do such things.
    HMKX Government Sponsored Media "Breaking Down the Fact News Network" UFOS-TUN Analysts Joint report: UFOS'S NEWEST BATTLESHIP, WHAT DOES IT MEAN?

    [HMKX Anchor Un-Chae Heo]: Today, we've gotten a lot of reports from our viewers coming in about the UFOS'S newest ship, Amistad, built by HMKX's Busan Shipyards, telling us to cover it and what it might mean for international politics. From some of our TUN viewers, we've gotten requests to compare it to the Iowa-Class! So, we've invited a few Analysts over to take a look at the situation.
    [HMKX Analyst Dr. Acharya]: Hello.
    [TUN Analyst Dr. Corenthal]: Great to be here!
    [UFOS Analyst Sebastian Martinez]: It's an honor to be here.
    [HMKX Anchor Un-Chae Heo]: Good to have you here. So, what do you think about the ship?
    [HMKX Analyst Dr. Acharya]: Well, it's an interesting move. This ship was likely designed to kill modern Missile Cruisers, lighter Aircraft Carriers, like the UNS Enterprise or older-generation HMKXS Calamity-II Class Carriers. They are most certainly defunct in ship-to ship combat, but they do have their uses in shore bombardment, and it was clearly designed to work as such and to support friendly infantry as they moved up, not for ship-to-ship combat. It's really disturbingly like the Iowa-Class in some respects, but it's faster and a lot stronger. HMKX really knew what they were doing in this front, they realized that the Battleship was outdated in many aspects and emphasized where the Battleship was still effective.
    [TUN Analyst Dr. Corenthal]: Yes, in many respects the Iowa is clearly inferior. She's slower, has less firepower, is slightly less well armored and is older in general. Both ships were not designed to fight other Battleships. Iowa-Class Battleships are powerful combatants, but they are outclassed in most aspects by this thing and UFOS will have 4 of them.
    [UFOS Analyst Sebastian Martinez]: Well, it greatly increases UFOS power projection in the Americas. Combined with HMKX's willingness to allow UFOS military vessels through Panama, I can see this thing become a powerful asset in international politics, but if UFOS really wants force projection, a conventional Navy isn't going to do. A Supercarrier should be their next goal, but they aren't quite industrialized enough for that.
  16. We are creating a new division of the Departments co-run by the Department of Military, Defense and Law Enforcement and the Department of Transportation. This new division will be the Transportation Enforcement Division. It will oversee the new Transportation Enforcement Division buildings, which we will be building one of in each Class 2 council area. There will be one TED officer for 750 to 1000 people. Each TED officer will be given a specially modified Honda CB750. The TED officer's jobs will be to catch people who are not obeying traffic laws. With the establishment of TED, normal police will be able to focus more on other, more serious crimes.
  17. We could sell you a million computers for a large sum of money (I don't know the exact cost, but it's a cost. I can trade with money right?)

    We will be happy to sell them to you!
  18. Hawaii is apart of TUN... we would have definitely figured out about the trade deal mainly because some UN naval units reside in Hawaii...

    In a response to the Amistad battleships constructed by The Empire and sold to UFOs, TUN is on the edge working on a new Battleship to introduce to the military. This ship will be similar to the Iowa Class, although it will go under a separate name and will be better in all ways. TUN doesn't know if it will be as good as the 4 Amistad battleships, but if TUN really wants to make it better, they can, although it would be a project which would put a hole through the bank and would be an expensive project. That's a lot of money, even for ONE ship! That's why TUN is looking for ways to make a cheaper yet reliable alternative while still being able to juggle their own weight and be a formidable force. It is unsure what the future holds, but no words except for rumours of a new ship are being held on to.

  19. Africa MAP updated. If anything is wrong please let me know. I colour countries by all related influence, except for trade.
  20. A new article has been released by TUN's top news source, United North Daily.

    In this article, it speaks on what each major nation in our world is best and worst at. Albeit bias is a feature which plagues every nation...

    Biggest Militaries:
    1. The Empire
    2. TUN
    3. UFOs
    4. UKNS
    5. Javor

    Most well-trained military:
    1. TUN
    2. The Empire
    3. UFOs
    4. Javor
    5. UKNS

    Best Navy:
    1. The Empire
    2. TUN
    3. UFOs
    4. UKNS
    5. Javor

    Best Airforce:
    1. TUN/The Empire
    2. UKNS
    3. Javor
    4. UFOs

    Fastest growing nation:
    1. Javor
    2. The Empire
    3. TUN
    4. UFOs
    5. UKNS

    Best Nations to live in:
    1. TUN/Javor
    2. The Empire
    3. UKNS
    4. UFOs

    Most Feared Nations:
    1. The Empire
    2. UFOs
    3. TUN
    4. UKNS
    5. Javor

    Greatest economy:
    1. Javor
    2. TUN
    3. The Empire
    4. UFOs
    5. UKNS

    Most Corrupt:
    1. UFOs
    2. UKNS
    3. TUN/Javor
    4. The Empire

    Biggest world influence:
    1. The Empire
    2. TUN
    3. UKNS
    4. UFOs
    5. Javor

    Most Peaceful Nation:
    No one

    Nations TUN citizens like the most:
    1. Javor
    2. UKNS
    3. UFOs
    4. The Empire

    Most developed cities:
    1. Javor
    2. TUN
    3. The Empire
    4. UKNS
    5. UFOs

    Greatest Agriculture industries:
    1. TUN
    2. The Empire
    3. UFOs
    4. Javor
    5. UKNS

    The United North Daily recommends other Nations to make a list like this, with a few adjustments to their liking if they feel so.