[Forum Game] New Nations

Discussion in 'Forum Games' started by SoulPunisher, Aug 6, 2018.

  1. UFOS has now perfected their first Aircraft Carrier and worked out a deal with Australia so that when our new AirCraft Carrier comes out they are going to buy the ARA indepencia for 450 million dollars
  2. HMKX is selling surplus ships and weapons to many people. Actually, it's a massive weapons sale.
    4 Imposition-Class Aircraft Carriers. While unmodernized to 1970s standards, they are nevertheless carriers with 38,000 tons of displacement due to their modernization to 1960s standards. HMKX is willing to negotiate to the UFOS for buying.
    3 Bravery-Class Destroyers. These ships are fairly powerful and displace nearly 6,700 tons of water and have substantial missiles for enemy ship attack, but they are slightly outdated. Decent fighters that are kind of old, a must-have for rapidly expanding HMKX allies.
    10 Defender-Class Corvettes. One of HMKX's most successful ships, these are great for Antipiracy and coastal defense, and are armed with a 127mm gun for warding off pirates and many other coastal threats. Highly recommended for poorer nations.
    500,000 Surplus AK-47s. A powerful rifle for all weathers and climates, highly recommended for any (terrorist/freedom fighter/rebel) groups that need a cheap and effective rifle for all weathers and climates, unlike those pesky TUN rifles which break under strain! Also comes with ammunition.
    3,000 E-2 Fighters. A Gen3 fighter, all these fighters were slightly modernized and made effective for any relatively poor countries which cannot afford an Air Force that is as modern as the F-16 or E-3. Since the E-3 is being made in large amounts and the E-2 is now older and weaker, HMKX is willing to sell them all. HMKX is willing to sell to UFOS. In addition, the Dassualt Mirage F1 is also selling, as part of a joint French-HMKX Air Force sale. UFOS, stop relying on those old Gen2 fighters, please.
    TO-1/2 tanks, 1,000 TO-1 and 3,000 TO-2. HMKX surplus, they are both modernized for our newest customers. You'd be surprised at how well a tank from the 50s performs when given a lot of care and some Elbow Grease. Fairly effective for armed insurgent groups or small national militaries who cannot afford expensive TO-3/M60 Pattons, or the newest model of TO-4/A1 Abrams.
  3. Omni Laham is back, with a vengeance.
    Let me explain.
    HMKX sold them a crapton of AK-47s, right? But then, they somehow get their hands on a tank. Lots of them. TO-1. While old, many national governments there don't even have tanks or armored vehicles. HMKX didn't intend for this to happen, of course, but selling in large amounts to shady groups tended to end up in Omni Laham hands. Now, they have damn tanks and a lot of ammo, and they've taken over several villages. The new leader has advocated a strategy of life quality improvement, in an effort to sustain the group long-term instead of burning down every village they come across (that's kinda what one needs to make a country). They are manufacturing primitive Steel to repair their tanks, manufacturing crude gunpowder as well as stealing gunpowder for ammo (raids on local government chemical supplies goes a long way for gunpowder manufacturing) and creating weapons as well as lots of food to feed their fighters. While the Guinean military is curbing them with Air Support (because omni laham doesn't have Aircraft, not even HMKX is reckless enough to sell dangerous aircraft to shady groups) and HMKX is helping, HMKX has now undergone a national embarrassment. Chad is in complete chaos, and HMKX is considering launching a military intervention.

    GAD has condemned them for their recklessness and carelessness, and HMKX has essentially been forced to stop selling their tanks to any more insurgent groups, or national militaries for that matter. GAD is not pleased at this newest development, and they have voted unanimously (including HMKX in an attempt to save face) to send medical aid to Chad.
  4. This is exactly why TUN has been telling you to stop selling HMKX equipment to terrorist groups. They not only cause chaos and kill innocent people, but they also go against YOUR government. TUN is condemning the HMKX's reckless behaviour and the President quotes them as being "in support of men against innocent life."

    To nail the coffin, Nigeria's armed forces, armed 90,000 (after the corrupt conversion) is sending a plethora of tanks and military equipment, along with an army of 40,000 brave men. TUN is assisting them with a division of the new M1 Abrams and Sheridans. In the skies fly F-16 Fighting Falcons, F-4 Phantoms, AC-130s, F-15s and many more. As well as a force of 8,000 men. The invasion will mostly rely on Nigerian forces on the ground and UN forces in the air and in the back lines with heavy artillery.

    This is in a direct response to the careless nature of The Empire. If they are going to sell tons of weaponry to shady buyers and then expect they can stop it, they're wrong. TUN/Nigerian forces have taken over Lake Chad. The invasion starts now, Omni Laham must be stopped, and possibly even The Empire if they keep this reckless behaviour up.

    TUN is also selling an abundance of their old tanks to NPAT members and Javor. Javor gets a ton of M60 tanks while other NPAT members get tank tiers below, such as the Patton classes.
    Sydney4363 likes this.
  5. HMKX has decided to own up to their mistakes, attack Omni Laham and show TUN how warfare is done.
    They are preparing Katyusha rocket launchers and TO-4 to be battle-tested against Omni Laham. Due to their immensely destructive potential, TUN troops have been warned to RUN THE HELL AWAY when they hear eerie howling, and HMKX has established a clear line of communication so Katyusha locations can be sent so TUN stays away from the imminent destruction. In HMKX Katyushas, the howling is much louder and been deliberately made more terrifying. It will delay both TUN and Omni Laham ability to fight and bolster HMKX confidence at the fact these monsters are pointed at the enemy.
    Not doing so is nearly guaranteed destruction by thousands of rockets carpet-bombing their position. HMKX's famous artillery shall wreck Omni Laham before the ground troops even have to work.
    HMKX Heavy Armor shall be battle-tested and compared to the M1 Abrams. TO-4 is expected to be ever so slightly inferior, but HMKX has a ton of them. Lastly, overwhelming Air Supremacy shall be utilized to selectively bomb things.
    The HMKX military will invade from Libya in order to stay away from TUN forces. They plan to hand the country over to TUN, but first plant some anti-TUN resistance to make things a bit more difficult for them.
    The HMKX style of warfare is far more terrifying than the TUN style. Complete destruction of the enemy is the goal, and HMKX makes this absolutely clear with enough cannons to level a city or two, and bunker-buster shells. Howling psychological warfare is used in vast amounts to terrify the enemy into retreat or surrender. This usually causes battles against HMKX forces to become one of three things.
    1. Quick surrender and victory if they are smart.
    2. Absolute slaughter for the enemy if they are unprepared.
    3. Slow, protracted slaughter for both sides if they are prepared.
    Given this is Chad, most battles will either end in 1 or 2.
    HMKX is also creating an alliance with Algeria, because they like what the leaders are doing and want their help.
    There are 3 rules for drill sergeants in HMKX.
    1. Listen to the damn doctor and psychologist in situations, they know what they're doing better than you do.
    2. Don't, for god's sake push them too far and don't indoctrinate them.
    3. Push them hard, make them soldiers, allow them to fight, and well.
  6. The reason why TUN doesn't follow HMKX type warfare is that we actually consider the lives of the civilians living in the city. Oh believe us, we have enough power to destroy Chad 3 times over, but considering we put the innocent lives of the countries inhabitants above all, we don't like to destroy everything they own. Aint it also kind of evil to completely destroy cities, carelessly kill civilians and then take them over and make them pay taxes to your government? Exactly, we only fight dirty when we need to, and clearly, we don't need to do it now.
  7. South Chad has been completely taken over by TUN and Nigeria. The invasion was a success. TUN used their mighty AC-130 Gunships to completely tear up Omni Laham forces. F-16 and F-4 Phantoms continued on with bombing raids on key Omni Laham checkpoints while superior UN artillery rockets pelted Chad defences. Needless to say, with the backing of the M1 Abrams, the Nigerian army absolutely crushed remaining forces. The capital city has been taken over and the government resides temporarily in UN hands. The Empire and their "rockets" have allowed them to take the North of Chad.

    Either Chad lays in Nigeria/UN hands, or UN/HMKX contested hands.

    Also, back at home, TUN is extending training of the best special forces in the world. These are the Navy Seals, of course, everyone knows of their splendour and their greatness, but TUN is training them to the max and equipping them extensively. New military programs are also being introduced, and soldiers are being trained to react calmly during psychological warfare, a warfare which The Empire enjoys. The entire army is also being trained to be bone hard fighting men, in times of imprisonment and interrogation all soldiers are being taught to keep their mouths closed. You could say it is turning regular men into robots, and yes, in some cases that is true. These men are being trained to not be afraid to die.

    Also, the air force is funding more pilot training programs, and even though The Empire may have more planes, TUN definitely has better pilots. Canada has been working with skillful pilot training operations since WW2, making them the best for training soldiers.
  8. Production of the A-10 Thunderbolt II, also known as the A-10 Warthog is being started. The most noticeable and main feature of the single seated twin-turbo fanned aircraft is the 30 mm GAU-8 Avenger Rotary Cannon. With an effective firing range of 4,000 feet and over 3,900 Rounds per minute. The A-10 is an excellent ground support aircraft and the best in its class.

    Video of this beast:

    (I know its a real-life video and its recent, but its just to show you the sheer power)

    Yes indeed, and along with this infamous gun comes the loud demonic shriek of the BRRRRRT. If The Empire wants to battle it out with psychological warfare they sure as well can, as the A-10 is a superior contender. Some say you never hear the BRRRT before you die, but if you do it still means you're alive, and if you're alive you're next on the line to hell. This IS psychological warfare.

    The Empire may have more aircraft, but their variety is very lacking, as they only seem to be using one model, the E-4.

    The A-10 will be introduced to the military in 5 posts.
  9. HMKX in response has also begun pilot training programs. While they will be inferior to TUN training, it will be more than enough for HMKX numbers to defeat TUN soundly. In addition, HMKX officials are horrified at the new TUN training programs. The "not afraid to die" reminds them of a certain nation, the nation of the rising sun and its tyrannical reign over Asia. Government Media, presents mostly true facts about the TUN program and uses emotionally charged language. Government-sponsored factcheckers say this is quite true, but that the language used is slightly disappointing.
    The launch was a success. HMKX is now the preeminent space power, and is launching satellites like a madman.

    HMKX's Surface-to-Air Missile Development has yielded the following fruits:
    Hunter become Hunted Surface to Air Missile:
    Outfitted with an advanced radar and many missiles, this SAM is able to shoot down many TUN planes with ease, and most certainly TUN Gunships with little effort. 5 posts to introduction.
    One-Man Army Surface to Air MANPADS:
    A one-man portable Surface-to-Air Missile, even individual soldiers of the Empire will be able to shoot down enemy Aircraft. Currently, they are the only, as well the best in the world to any hypothetical TUN or UKNS models by a large margin. 3 posts to introduction.
    HMKX's Air-to-Surface development program has yielded the following fruit:
    Surgical Destruction Air-to Surface Missile:
    This thing is surgical in its preciseness, and is a decently powerful missile to be used against the enemy in lightly fortified locations.
    Penetration Destroyer ASM:
    Designed to penetrate and destroy all types of fortified positions, it is large but effective at destroying fortified targets.
    Destroyer of Fools ASM:
    Just... raw explosive power. Little penetration.
    Air-to-Air Missiles:
    You get the drill. look up the R-60 and R-33.
    E-4 Variants:
    E-4-MRF: Multirole "generic" variant of the E-4.
    E-4-ASF: Air Superiority variant of the E-4, a powerful enemy to F-16 models that may seek to dominate the Air.
    E-4-GAF: Ground Attack specialized variant, destroys enemy artillery batteries and positions with precise attacks.
    E-4-ACV: Made specifically to ride on and fight with Aircraft Carriers in the Navy.
    E-4-IN: Interceptor variant, very fast and heavily armed but a glass cannon for all its faults.
    I forgot to make a profile for this thing, but here goes!
    A-21, Flying Apocalypse:
    A upscaled version of the B-52 Stratofortress, this monstrosity is bigger than they are and carries substantially more bombs. One of those things flying over low in an area is very bad news, as evidenced by its name. It does not matter if it carries Cruise Missiles or Bombs, the end effect is something resembling the surface of the Moon, if it had been subjected to 1000 asteroid bombings. Like the B-52 IRL, this thing is not very vulnerable to SAM.
    HMKX has developed a newer method of psychological warfare against... anyone really. A bomb. A extremely loud bomb. Not very destructive, just deafening because it bursts one's eardrums if they stand too near. Intended to stop any kind of soldier from sleeping, ever. No amount of training can overcome biological limitations.
  10. Wrong. We take over nothing. We have been the only Combine to respect the independence of our conquered nations. We have been the only Combine to give all (with the exception of India) of defeated enemies a flag and self-governance to its fullest, and even India is an autonomous Region. No HMKX-defeated nation has ever had to pay taxes to some foreign government, our citizens actually pay taxes to rebuild some conquered nation!
    HMKX Media has blasted the TUN for blatant lies.
    OOC: HMKX warfare only applies to enemy, purely industrial/medical/military targets. Any other targets are left alone, but considering the HMKX style of warfare, civilians often become collateral damage. But they still try not to harm civilians.
    OOC 2: HMKX has taken over India and India only. The rest has retained their flags and independence. More than what TUN can say.
  11. While the Battleship UFOSS Amistad is complete ahead of schedule (yes, HMKX industry is just that good), HMKX has held off on delivering it since TUN and HMKX tensions are rising due to recent HMKX actions, and its very existence is an insult to the Iowa.
    HMKX has decided to continue keeping the fact secret that they
    1. Are selling UFOS a battleship.
    2. The Battleship is complete, even to the UFOS.
    3. They even are building a battleship.
    HMKX and UFOS are continuing to make deals on weapons, and HMKX is showing interest in more dealings.
  12. Yet you mention the complete annihilation of Omni Laham very quickly but mention that they use humans and hospitals and schools as meatshields.
  13. The defence of TUN nations in North America has been said to be the best from all around the globe. TUN military pumped in billions of dollars to make themselves a formidable attacking force, but also the best defensive force in their homeland.

    With the HMKX's new defences rages to be the "best" TUN has further expanded their homeland defensive program, making them a nearly impossible force to invade. So far, Surface-to-air missile production has skyrocketed, and although TUN had these in their arsenal for such a long time, they are being expanded and are being set all along the west coast in case of an unhopeful HMKX attack. TUN's anti-aircraft systems and anti-ship systems are very advanced, although slightly inferior to HMKX.

    The thing though is the men that fight to defend their country. TUN has been training their troops in excessive defensive plans ever since the 50s, along with their most recognizable pilot training programs in Canada, making them the best-trained military in the world.

    If an enemy were to invade TUN, they would not only have to completely destroy the SAMs, but they would also have to go through Canada's vast terrain and then meet TUN's best fighting forces. If The Empire would attack through the North, they would be completely drained without even seeing UN troops. Those lands are completely inhabitable for the most part, and are very cold, rocky and mountainy terrain. It would be like hitlers army when they invaded Russia during the winter.

    If The Empire were to invade through the west coast, they would be met with hundreds of naval ships and be clogged down with torpedos and anti-ship missiles. If they were to invade from the east, well, that would be an even dumber idea, considering they would be needing to get through not only heavily UN defences, but also Javor and the UKNS.

    The Empire cannot invade TUN, and TUN cannot invade The Empire. The only way to defeat eachother is by Nuclear warfare... Shooting ICBMs back and forth until both countries are in massive heaps of radioactive garbage. I doubt anyone wants that, and so WE aren't afraid. The Empire will never invade us, and thus we have nothing to be afraid of.
  14. Wow, I never knew bombs did that!
  15. Personal Computers in TUN are being mass produced everywhere and are being sent to millions of homes. This is increasing the economy and bringing many new jobs. The tech and computing industry in TUN is massive!

    TUN is starting construction of Military bases in Cameroon, Nigeria and the Ivory Coast. Chad is still in a predicament right now, but TUN congress is working hard at the government conversion to establish Chad as a democratic state, for the people, by the people.

    Omni Laham only exists as a big force in northern Chad. South Chad (The UN side) has completely ransacked Omni Laham forces and keeps the territory a safe environment. Unlike the North which is inhabited by The Empire, which rebels and Omni Laham mainly operates.

    UN media is still blasting The Empire as fools, responsible for the rebirth of the most dangerous and ruthless terrorist organization in Africa. Even if they did defeat a portion of them, the Empire still doesn't consider the other organizations they are feeding.

    It seems as if HMKX doesn't want Chad, and so it will reside under UN rule. HMKX troops are expected to leave northern Chad very shortly.
  16. HMKX attacked hospitals, defining them as military targets that would provide a clear tactical advantage to the attacker.
    Schools were put under siege or a tactical raid of sheer numbers took place, thereby storming the Compound.
    When lobbing bombs at it doesn't work, sheer numbers is the answer!
  17. It is specifically designed to be loud as hell and put most of its explosive power into sound, thereby ensuring enemy soldiers will be unable to sleep and would suffer. Detonate one of these babies anywhere near an enemy line and watch as the Soldiers scramble!
  18. HMKX has many kinds of Nuclear Warheads, some of which is designed to be used on lower-yield settings against larger defenses; take for example HMKX's low-yield Crippler Warheads. On its lowest setting, it is the equivalent of a very large bomb.

    BUT HMKX really, really does not want Nuclear War, because even though they are the ones most prepared for it (Massive Fallout-Style Shelters, augmented by Paratech from... unknown sources; the Paratech was provided at a cost of the death of the Empire in the event of Nuclear War, and the destruction of HMKX's memory from what remains of humanity. This Paratech was also provided on the condition HMKX never use it for their own purposes, and instead keep it the ground.) that is exactly why they fear it, they understand the consequences. They know all too well that even the survivors in Bunkers in the ground might not have a chance for survival. They are afraid, and rightly so.

    HMKX has no intention of war, only to make themselves be such a threat that invasion would result in massive conventional retaliation (Because Nuclear Retaliation carries an inherent risk of Nuclear War) and inevitable destruction for the invader no matter the fate of the defender. Any actual TUN+UKNS+Javor-HMKX war would result in ruin for both sides, because Nukes. Even in a conventional attack, both sides would grind each other down until both sides collapsed, and it would be meaningless who "won", although I can say the "winner" would likely not be HMKX, because they are geographically outmatched. They have an ocean to cross just to invade. Of course a HMKX-UFOS alliance, which is looking more and more likely would significantly change the equation. But alas, Nukes Exist and both sides would end no matter the war.

    HMKX's military is well trained, though not to TUN levels. This is more than offset by the fact HMKX outnumbers TUN 10 to 1 due to a policy of active conscription for 18 months.

    Omni Laham has completely been crushed on the North End, it was a lot of work but blowing up terrorist enclaves in controlled explosions did well. Short, effective and minimal collateral damage.
  20. As they always say "The First, the Finest". HMKX's Computing industry has already created a market hegemony and has monopolized the market, only TUN, UKNS and Javor remain as suitable markets for TUN industry. Of course, such a monopoly cannot last forever, so HMKX is preparing by fostering the growth of competition and keeping existing companies on their toes. Personal computers and microchips are the newest thing, and HMKX is using all the work they put in to finally become dominant over the market.
    One of HMKX's computer corporations have developed a high-performance 8-Bit Computer. Outcompeting other HMKX models, and by extension TUN models, it sells well.