No, TUN is not allowing a foreign power, much less a past enemy to tamper with US soil. Stop spreading your influences here, we don't need it. Leave the NPAT members out of it, the vision of the United States of America should not be under a previous communist regime (When I say previous I mean during WW2 before the soviet union fell and HMKX took over) Even though your influence isn't very strong, we still don't want you creeping around behind our backs with AMERICAN people.
Somewhere over the rainbow, the American Restoration League is debating while a HMXK observer watches and occasionally chips in. They hold a vote. The HMKX observer does not get a vote. Really, each of the states have far more power than HMKX does. HMKX is spreading nothing other than a legitimate alliance, and HMKX's infamous Soviet repuation does not match up with the reality of Indian and Chinese supremacy over voting. HMKX is not the Soviet Union.
The UNRAF's new aircraft, the SR-71 Blackbird is a big success, being named the fastest air-breathing manned aircraft of all time. Test flights on UN soil have been a success. Due to the SR's insane stealth abilities, it was tested on the SfA army. From further analyses, we have definitely underestimated them. All throughout the country, they have been stocking up on ammunition, weaponry, equipment and vehicles. They are not stupid either, as they have developed their own tanks which strike similarities to the M60 Patton and Pattons. (How on earth did they get these blueprints!). Not only that, but they have developed their own aircraft as well, definitely not into date with TUN or HMKX technology, but due to their formidable fleet size they do indeed pose a threat. Their army stands at over 500,000 strong. A huge army, over half of TUN's, which stands at a mere 900,000. They are very well trained it seems, but most are all conscripts from what UN spies have witnessed. In the event of war, it wouldn't be the most difficult to bulldoze them, but in the course of that, leaves your country poor and shattered. As for nuclear weaponry, it isn't certain, but the SfA definitely has some in their arsenal, probably at small amounts though, as SfA countries were too poor to mass produce them. As such, the US is seeing rising tensions every day, although no one has since yet fired (except the damned terrorists who broke off from the AfA party) it is certain that something very bad will happen soon.
I know, I just put it there because I don't want to spend more time having to put it in later. It's inevitable that it's gonna be apart of ARL though.
The media has gone to more shenanigans and has done a report on what TUN thinks of their neighbours. Javor Public view: Very friendly and open country, citizens who live in Vermont and New York seem to feel an extra bond with their Javor neighbours and visitors from TUN find it very safe and a well-organized country. Very progressive and very modest. Government view: TUN government finds Javor as one of their friends and a big ally to them. They may seem like a small country, but they pack a lot of manpower and good military equipment. In terms of war, TUN would sacrifice even a lot for them. The HMKX Empire Public view: Sort of neutral, although media has shown them as crooks in the past and a big danger, citizens neither hate nor love the country but are glad to visit them and feel moderately safe and love the culture. Government view: A nation TUN has lots of respect for. They are very advanced military wise and are a huge economic superpower that would cause a tremendous backlash if fought against. Although bickering in the past has ruined their image, TUN sees them as a somewhat sophisticated nation, full of culture and riches, although TUN doesn't really fancy their brutal executions, alas it is only to corrupt individuals. UFOs Public view: UFOs is seen as a poor nation, with only a few parts even being considered in 2nd world conditions. Visits to the country are not the most common among UN travellers, but some feel somewhat safe, but only in major cities. Nonetheless, it isn't a love or hate relationship, but citizens are baffled at some of their decisions. Citizens feel as if UFOs isn't very good at standing their ground. Government view: TUN's aggressive nature towards UFOs has died down ever since they tried to take over the Marshall Islands over a decade ago. The feeling is neutral towards them. No hate, and no love. AfA Party: TUN doesn't see this party as very trustful. From them came white supremacist groups and immense violence in Louisiana. Although they are welcomed in by the newly established SfA Pact, it is only because those countries fear TUN and Javor, and want a better economy and stronger military which the AfA has promised. Although they are not the cause of racism in Louisiana, they are definitely an evil mastermind. SfA Pact: Basically, under the rule of the AfA party, these countries are banding together because of fear. Fear of being trampled and taken over by TUN, and fear of being under Javor rule. Thus, they looked for someone to unite them and America, and that was indeed the AfA Party. The SfA is seen as a formidable force. They have lots of money from AfA funding which has all gone into building a huge militarized force. Their troops are well trained, yet not superior, as most are conscripts. TUN fears they are going to take Louisiana back and establish their own America in the south. ARL: Here's the thing, TUN doesn't hate the idea of re-establishing America, but they hate the fact that the ARL unified to go 'against' TUN and their plans to unify the US. They are somewhat inspired by the HMKX Empire, although luckily not controlled by. The threat is their persuasiveness and their idea of constructing a new US which directly goes against TUN. Now with SfA countries joining them, they are seen as even more of threat. I suggest others do an opinion piece like this. (I didn't do UKNS because Alt never plays this game anymore and our connection on this game is almost non existent except we are 'allies')
TUN has had enough of rogue Mississippi militant forces and has pushed through the Louisiana border to take over the force. TUN has sent in multiple aircraft to bomb the militant forces military bases and convoys, as well as take out enemies from the air. Now, this is where it gets confusing, because these rogue groups are not apart of the SfA, but are a part of AfA, although they are not under AfA control. They are made up of the last remnants of the Lost Cause and have continued to bomb Louisiana borders and strongholds, as well as harass nearby towns. Mississipi has done a good job at pushing them back and have regained 58% of their original land. TUN pushes through and decimates the remaining Lost Cause forces, and agrees to leave the gained territory with Mississippi, which leaves Mississippi back in its original borders.
HMKX Opinions on most nations: UKNS: Neutral. Pretty Cool Guys, fairly cooperative and good. Knows what they are doing, not a bad country as a whole. A fair match for the west, keep an eye on. Britain and the Nordics on steroids. TUN: Wary Neutral. Too big of an ego holding them back from greatness. Their ego keeps them trying to match HMKX when they should be great in other ways. Nevertheless a respectable power. Canada on steroids. UFOS: Hostile. Crap living conditions, insane leader trying to make a country he's never going to get. Dealing with them feels more like trying to deal with a mentally ill person than diplomacy with a respectable nation. South America on steroids but the steroids are expired and makes them weaker. Seriously, this country is a loose cannon and should not have nuclear weapons. Javor: Government View: Simply Pathetic. This weak nation calls itself a mighty combine? Even UFOS has some claim to power, they're just pathetic. It doesn't deserve its OEO veto power, much less a seat as a Combine within the assembly. Even worse, they are a corporate puppet, and corporate puppets are never clean. Public View: Interesting. An odd country, but maybe useful. Corruption is a major flaw, but maybe it'll get better. ARL: Wary Respect. HMKX did back them, but they seem to be in outright confrontation with the TUN, which HMKX worries could be their doom, and there goes the idea of a neutral or even friendly USA. But their goal is admirable regardless.
If UKNS is not going to host a meeting, don't offer it. The Empire expects the revised UKNS plan to arrange a meeting, given the facts that have come to light.
The UFOS goverment has really cracked down on corruption the FBOCI has found 350 people out of 400 guilty of corruption.The people that were found guilty were able to choose their punishment they could either be killed by lethal gas or Firing squad.All 350 chose lethal gas.So the question becomes how do we revamp the Goverment?We will be holding Elections in one post the results of which will be out in 2 posts.The UFOS Goverment now that they don't have to worry about Australia are spending 25.6 billion dollars and a major living conditions revamp we are clearing out forests and making houses for people now those people will most likely be crowded but it's still better than sleeping in the gutter this project will be done in 1 year.
As of now, UFOS has no authority to complete these projects. In 1970, Australia remains under Japanese control. HMKX is backing Japan, and Australia gets to do whatever it wants in exchange for unlimited Japanese acess to oil and in the condition they export Copper to HMKX.
HMKX is creating new recon aircraft, little word on what it is yet. In addition, HMKX is also researching biofuels. The Empire reignited an old technology, a biofuel called Ethanol. The Empire wants to reduce its dependence on Oil as part of a 30-year plan's first steps. Mixing this stuff into vehicles, military and civilian could go a long way to reducing fuel inefficiency. It will take 2 years to flex this out into a viable technology and 4 more to fully integrate this into HMKX vehicles. HMKX Empire is currently training agents in sabotage and terrorism. For what purpose is unknown. At the personal request of President Kim Il-Sung, HMKX has outlawed pet capturing stray dogs for eating and has instead encouraged the production of specialized breeds for human consumption. In addition, overly brutal methods of farming animals have also been outlawed, including dog mistreatment.
we since you posted twice that means that our elections are finished and now we do have the authority to do them
It has been done. The SfA shot down one of our new planes... At approximately 9:00 AM the newly introduced F-15 Eagle aircraft was flying at medium altitudes in the Louisiana-Mississipi area where it was shot down by anti-aircraft missiles. It was not on a bombing mission, but it was flying to a destination. The SfA countries never declared a closed airspace, and in fact, never declared war either, they just shot a UN airplane out of the blue. So far the AfA Party has not spoken of the incident, nor the state officials which shot it down. No apology, no declaring of war. Maybe it was rogue? We'll see. The aircraft crashed into a field after it was shot down, a field which was 4 miles from the Louisiana border. We aren't getting that back. Thus, UN troops have prepared themselves for a possible war, and the Royal Airforce has sent in F-104 Starfighters and CF-5s to be on standby. TUN doesn't want war, but a treacherous move like this could mean the destruction of the US.
Vermont, interested in the ARL, begins to set forth new ideas to the UN government to let them go. Of course, TUN does not approve of this, and protests to leave TUN as an independent nation and join the ARL take place over the state. TUN government is making sure the Vermont Governor ignores this... Is it a bribe? Maybe. Is it right? Not in a broad sense, but Vermont leaving TUN would cause Vermont's destruction as they can not stand up as a country by themselves. As for the SfA crisis, many citizens are in a total anti-war stance, the approach the new UN government had always had in mind when it first came into office. The fact is, TUN doesn't want to start bombing Americans, but the fact that the SfA shot down a plane and killed 2 pilots really doesn't help. As we speak, the nation is dead still, as anytime war could break out. TUN is still investigating whether the incident was from the SfA themselves, or from rogue military troops. It isn't certain, but what is certain is that peace won't be a thing anytime longer...
You literally cannot, without sending UFOS forces in. Australia is literally no longer UFOS territory, Japan didn't cede them and trying to do anything to take the island would mean aggravating HMKX as well. At this point, in order to prevent a permanent occupation of Australia by Japan, you're going to have to take this up to the international conference table. It is of note Australia has better living standards than the rest of the UFOS and doesn't want to live under UFOS occupation, they're happy with self-governance more than some foreign people taking them over, and that is exactly what Japan played to when they took over, Australia can do whatever it wants in exchange for oil.
Oh Dont worry we plan to bring this up at the next International summit and BTW we didn't plan these plans for Australia and we think that Australia wont want you governing them once they find out what you do to criminals they wont want to deal with anybody affiliated with you
Japan is separate from HMKX, Japan is not HMKX, Japan does whatever the hell it wants. People in Australia don't see Japan as HMKX. The Japanese flag hangs over Australia, not the HMKX flag. And they're right. Australia loves Japan, mainly because they can do whatever the hell they want. Australia is well aware of the... negative implications of HMKX's brutality towards corruption. They think it is a minor price to pay for their freedom. Why should they worry about brutal punishments against corruption in a land across the ocean?