The UFOS would like to report that they has found one of three of the nukes that The Righteous Army stole from us they planned on bombing to capital but we found out and put a stop to it only 2 to go
Mississippi has a positive view of the AfA, and the boys up north trying to convince them that they are bad is instigating suspicions. The DST may be the only one able to properly negotiate.
Japan, which has declared independence from HMKX has attacked the righteous army and seized their nuclear warheads. Japan now has a nuclear arsenal.
Japan has set into motion a plan long coming. Japan has mobilized what remains of their fleet. The UFOS capital city was almost bombed, again by a Nuclear Weapon. The weapon detonated prematurely (hey, their fault for relying on old warheads from the 50s) and killed 170 people from radiation burns. It is excepted to kill more in the days to come. There are several possible parties responsible for this, which complicates investigations into what happened. The true culprit was Japan, but they do a good job hiding it. Another bombing, however is quite successful and kills thousands, crippling a major industrial base. This warhead was purposefully underpowered to not cause too much loss of life, and mostly loss of infrastructure. Once again, Japan is the culprit. The purpose of these bombings was to send the UFOS reeling and to confuse it long enough to gain a secure hold over Australia. Only time will tell if it succeeds in that purpose. They are gambling that HMKX will not allow a giant foreign fleet to invade one of their former component states, and they are right, as HMKX does not even recognize Japan as legitimate and invading Japan would be interpreted as invading HMKX. It is highly doubtful the 12th would allow it to happen. Japan invades the island of Australia. They promise the locals that as long as Australian oil resources can be Japanese, Australia will be liberated from UFOS. Most of them are pretty happy about the deal, but some dissenters (mostly survivors of Japanese bombing raids or former veterans) speak out against them. Those people vanish mysteriously. Within a week, Japan has overwhelmed UFOS defenses. Australia being extremely inhospitable and low UFOS morale combined with Australian support makes the UFOS defense unsustainable. Only pockets of resistance remain in the most heavily fortified places. Japan has now begun seizing and building oil rigs to drain Australia of its oil. The Empire cannot allow this to happen. If they get oil rigs, they will be able to hold out indefinitely against the Oil Embargo HMKX set up, whose purpose was to destroy Japan's capability to fight. Therefore, the Empire launches Operation: Old World Wall. The Empire is now actively sabotaging and destroying Japanese oil rigs, and pirates that are sporting lots of AK-74s, HMKX equipment are attacking Japanese Oil Tankers and seizing them, or otherwise complicating things. Neither side of HMKX or Japan want war, Japan is doomed if war occurs, but HMKX loses any chance of ever benevolently re-integrating them into the Empire. Both sides are committing hostile operations against each other, but no side is going all-out. Japan is hiring agents to make bomb threats and plant dud bombs on populous locations to instigate panic and create false news to spread misinformation. Planting an actual bomb would entail a massive response by HMKX. Japan is slowing down operations in the Government by way of obstructionist tactics. HMKX, meanwhile has issued an unofficial Embargo on Oil, and restrictions on other goods. It's a tense game these two are playing, and Japan just rolled the dice. And that "Righteous Army" Group? They have a strange alliance with... sheep grilling companies and weird cults.
The HMKX Empire wishes to set up a telephone line to the UKNS, Javorian and TUN capitals. Letters take far too long to send. The Empire also does have a direct telegram line to UKNS, mostly for old time's sake. Due to the HMKX capital being a remote mountainside fortress, communication is... difficult, to say the least. Let the Empire remedy the issue.
Sure! Introducing the largest act done to date by Javor: the Healthcare & Hunger Act. This act is made to almost eliminate, if not entirely get rid of hunger. It also is to establish a reliable free & universal healthcare. PHASE ONE: Effective immediately. All hospitals and medical centers will be paid for any and all expenses caused for medical treatment of patients. Also, hospitals are not allowed to charge for service. Lastly, all hospitals will be converted into nonprofit organizations, only receiving money from the government. PHASE TWO: Effective post 925. All persons who had a medical bill in the past 10 years, or a bill over 10% of someone's yearly salary in the past 25 years, can get financial compensation from the government. PHASE THREE: Effective post 927. All malnourished people will be able to receive meals daily from a federal Food Bank, where food can be donated. (if there is a lack of donations, the gov. will give money to the food bank for food)
i like how we dont get a telephone line to us but to the Japanese the UFOS sends this message Dear Japanese, We do not want war with you.All we want is peace and prosperity for all but if you don't give us back Australia NOW we are prepared to use deadly force we have mobilized 8 of our new warheads and are preparing to launch them if we don't receive an answer soon it will be like Hiroshima come again we are prepared to make you a deal for some of the oil we get we are also instituting the Draft Act and mobilizing 1.1 million Military members to retake Australia back we are also getting any survivors of the bomb attack treatment the mass population is demanding retribution and are revolting it's all we can do to stop them To the HMKX We are prepared to use deadly force to retake Australia if need be we sincerly hope it doesn't come to that but it might and to you we ask this.If Chile Broke off from UFOS and proceeded to bomb one of your cities do you think we would stop you from invading them?No as long as you didn't harm the UFOS at all we would allow it We have also gathered the South American Counsel for a Emergency meeting about this new devolpment as of right now all but one country stands with us to take back Australia and as strong as HMKX is we don't think they can stand the full might of South America(This isn't trying to be spiteful it's just logic)we hope it doesn't come to war but if it does WE WILL WIN!
UFOS doesn't get a telephone line because they are a loose cannon. OOC: 1. UFOS should not even know Japan bombed them, they hid their tracks well. 2. HMKX has every right to stop the invasion. Phew. Action post. Reasons why it would be stupid to attack Japan. 1. If UFOS is going to attack Japan, they will be attacking what is claimed by HMKX, which effectively amounts to an invasion to the Empire. 2. The HMKX Empire does not appreciate giant foreign fleets bombing one of their former component states, nor will they appreciate a second Hiroshima or Nagasaki. 3. The Nuclear Warheads HMKX sold to UFOS was a scam. Out of the 45 warheads, only 27 is actually capable of doing what they are supposed to do. Due to 20 years of disrepair and neglect, many of the warheads are either extremely unstable or non-functional, and they cannot be mounted on missiles, due to the fact they were designed for bombers. 4. The HMKX Empire has ABM systems which have a 78% success rate against UFOS missiles, thanks to the mediocrity of UFOS ICBMs. They were designed against TUN missiles, which explains why they are so effective, because UFOS is lagging behind TUN and HMKX on ICBMS. 5. The Empire has the single largest Air Force on Earth, that was handily capable of destroying Australia's fighting chance in a week and would have done so if not for the international repercussions by GAD and the rest. 6. The Empire has significant influence over the OEO and GAD. In a situation where UFOS is overstepping its bounds as a Nation (i.e. threatening to attack the Empire for no clear reason), OEO is unlikely to support UFOS. Did I mention 130 nations are in the OEO? And many powerful, Nuclear-Capable states are in GAD? 7. HMKX has a massive network of allies. For example, Panama and Mexico, both Central American States. Mexico is a HMKX Missile Platform. 8. The HMKX Nuclear Arsenal has been estimated by many to be around 8,000 low-power military target warheads, 2,000 high-power regional devastation warheads, and an unknown amount of life-sterilization doom warheads. Still want to fight? 9. HMKX is the only nation on earth with the raw industrial capability to exceed that of the former United States of America. 10. The resulting battle would kill many HMKX citizens, yes. But HMKX has blood to spare. The HMKX population, (OOC: While smaller than in IRL due to major developments in China and India reducing the birth rate) Approaches 1.7 Billion. South America put together approaches 233.4 million. Point is, there is a major gap in numbers, not to mention the sheer quality of the HMKX military in all sectors.
The Empire deploys a massive screen of Interceptor-Fighters. Their mighty air force protects Japan and the Empire proper from attack. The Empire declares any UFOS bomber that may attack Japan or the Empire will be shot down by the HMKXAF (He-MaKiXi Air Force), and that attacking the Empire's mainland will lead to the wrath of the Empire to be displayed in its fullness, which includes: The launch of InterContinental Ballistic Missiles tipped with 0.1/1/5/10/15/40/80/150 (variable-yield technology) Kiloton Low-Power "Crippler" warheads targeting major Industrial and Military assets in UFOS and preventing an effective second strike by the UFOS against HMKX, thereby removing any threat UFOS poses to the Empire in the long-term. The activation of Missile Defense Systems, in order to shoot down any missile that the UFOS may have magically mounted on Missiles that somehow did not explode mid-flight/in launch or crashed due to the impossibility of mounting warheads from the 50s onto missiles without having them explode or causing a catastrophic Nuclear Disaster. The full deployment of the HMKX Air Force to destroy South America's capability to fight against HMKX while they are reeling from the mass Nuclear Strike and to defend against any possible second strike against the Empire via fighter jets. The invasion and sound defeat of the UFOS against HMKX while they are unable to properly defend against HMKX as most of their Military and Industrial assets are destroyed by either Nuclear warheads in the case of UFOS and by raw Air Power in the rest of South America. This step is optional, as steps 1-3 are enough humiliation. And to top off the humiliation, all in accordance with the "Rules of War", which prohibit actively targeting civilians. Point is, any war will be a lopsided victory for the Empire. You're... kinda right. Any declaration of war will be transmitted along this radiotelegraph/phone line in order to allow the TUN to know that they will be the ones to witness the death of the old world. Speaking of which... the Empire is building fallout shelters in a large scale, to be completed in 10 years, with Hope-Tech and SungCo partnering to create great safehouses for Humanity. The Mountainside fortress that is the capital of the Empire was a Hope-Tech business, but they have partnered with SungCo to build ever bigger and better safehouses. The Govt. fortress is also being retrofitted. While they are all capable of withstanding direct hit from a Nuclear Warhead (Due to a triple-layered wall and the fact the bunkers are deep as hell). Along with project [CLASSIFIED] it will allow for the Empire to preserve the last seeds of humanity and hope for a new world. In the event of a Nuclear Exchange being detected, a board of 108 scientists, named the "Judge" will vote on whether the Old World is doomed. In the event of a majority (defined as 54 or more of the scientists agreeing) agrees that the Old World is doomed, a board of 108 random citizens shall vote whether the president failed in his/her duty to keep the nation safe. They are not to be told of the security force "Executioner" nor of protocol "Funeral Rites, I". In the event of a majority (see above definition) vote that the President failed , a security force, labelled "Executioner", shall arrest and eject the President from the mountainside fortress, as they no longer deserve to live. This provides incentive for the President to avert Nuclear war at all costs. When portion "Judge" is completed and it is decided the Old World is doomed, "Funeral Rites, II shall immediately be started. "Funeral Rites, II" shall consist of a recording of the HMKX president to announce the dissolving of the HMKX Empire as a nation, and that all citizens of the Empire not in a bunker should immediately board a bunker, and apologize to all citizens unable to reach a bunker in time that he/she failed their duty to them. The text of the apology is as follows. [HMKX President]: Hello, all surviving HMKX citizens. If you have not done so already, it is commanded of you by your president to enter a bunker. In the event you are unable to reach a bunker, I would like to apologize on behalf of the Empire, that we are sorry we could not protect you or your family. I am sorry for failing. You may feel that I am safe and sound in a bunker, and that I feel no guilt. But that is wrong. I shall soon be ejected from this bunker, so be reassured that I am, in the end paying for my mistakes. In addition, the Empire is now dissolved as a Nation. Thank you for staying with us, until the very end. Goodbye, Old World. After this statement, [CLASSIFIED] shall be enacted, thereby preserving the human race.
TUN is not scared by a nuclear fallout, but worries of the over the edge ideas of The Empire... Maybe it's best to leave them alone...
400 ICBM missiles have been primed and is ready to fire at major UFOS Military-Industrial targets, as well as South American targets. The figther screen surrounding Japan and China has been redoubled, and aircraft is constantly in the Air. Outdated UFOS planes lag behind the recent E-3, any UFOS attack will be a repeat of the Great Marianas Turkey shoot, and HMKX outnumbers UFOS in raw numbers 3:1, and the Empire won't have crews having to make a long journey anywhere. In a battle, UFOS will be evenly matched, 1-to-1 with HMKX forces, assuming they drain every single jet they have. In addition, UFOS has no veterans. HMKX is full of them, and if a pilot is not a veteran they are trained by a veteran or given extremely rigorous training. They still outnumber UFOS 3:1 because of HMKX's raw industrial capacity and sheer size. the 12th fleet is on high alert and ready to destroy submarines. The Empire is preparing for the worst, and ABM Systems are activated everywhere. The Empire is more than ready for war.
The UFOS knows that if they attack HMKX they will lose that is why they have secretly over time built up a oil storage that will last them roughly 1.5 years but they are in a tough position as if they back down they will be seen as weak but if they fight they will be utterly obliterated so we offer a proposition the The Empire we want to meet in a completly Neutral place perhaps in TUN or Javor if they agree but we would like to discuss a trade agreement for the oil from Australia
The UKNS, stepping back into global politics after attempting to remain in isolation for the past few years, has demanded that the Empire, the UFOS, and the United North sit down at the negotiating table at a One Earth (One World? I forgot lol) conference hosted in London, mediated by the UKNS itself. The Prime Minister has made it known in a public statement that he does not believe any of the petty squabbles these world powers have are worth destroying the world for, with the vast majority of the global population not even being involved in such conflicts. In an attempt to mildly invoke a sense of gunboat diplomacy, the updated military and navy (STILL THE LARGEST IN THE WORLD I MIGHT ADD RULE BRITANNIA/DEUTSCHLAND IST GROSSSSSSS) the UKNS has built up over its period of isolation has been unveiled in a series of fancy displays. The country's space program has also began working on a system called GPS. It will utilise the islands the UKNS still owns from the days of the British Empire to make an accurate positioning system for military and civilian use. Its use will also be allowed by other countries through treat systems, with European Commonwealth member nations automatically allowed to use it. It will be ready sometime between 1976 - 1978.
The UKNS navy may be the largest on Earth... That does not mean it is the best. After all, the Empire is outnumbered by both TUN and UKNS in naval forces, but they have a strong focus on projecting their powerful Army and Air Force across the world. This is part of their strategy to avoid war, and build up as much capacity as possible. Their addition of overseas allies is a part of this strategy, to make as many targets as possible, and if war comes to simply grind the enemy to nothing with their superior resources. Yes, HMKX has the largest Army (no contest, raw population, they could effortlessly match UKNS's 19 million army and make a 30 million army like they once did.) on Earth and the Largest Air force (Raw industrial capability, they are the only ones to exceed the USA pre-breakup). And it is of note HMKX has nailed down most of the OEO rules by now, and has such a large population (HMKX deliberately made the OEO proportional representation) that they have a significant influence over it.